Here you can find extra information about the poster at the AGU2010: Reducing the invasiveness of modelling frameworks by Fedor Baart and Gennadii Donchyts.
Where and when
Conference AGU Fall meeting 2010
Session IN21B-1333
Location Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Time Dec 14 2010 8:00 AM - 12:20 PM
Title Reducing the invasiveness of modelling frameworks.
Authors F. Baart (1,2) & G. Donchyts (1)
1. Deltares, Delft, Netherlands.
2. Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.
The model that was used to as an example was xbeach. The code with the openmi and esmf implementations can be found in the agu2010 branch. To access the code you can register a user account at OpenEarth. The two modelling frameworks that were used are ESMF and OpenMI.