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The date time format of the %START_DATE_TIME% variable. yyyy = Year, MM = Month in year, dd = Day in month, HH = Hour in day (0-23), mm = Minute in hour, ss = Second in minute. The %START_DATE_TIME% variable only works in an importStateActivity (since 2014.02) and inside a template file for an exportCustomFormatRunFileActivity (since 2013.02).


The date time format of the %END_DATE_TIME% variable. yyyy = Year, MM = Month in year, dd = Day in month, HH = Hour in day (0-23), mm = Minute in hour, ss = Second in minute. The %END_DATE_TIME% variable only works in an importStateActivity (since 2014.02) and inside a template file for an exportCustomFormatRunFileActivity (since 2013.02).


Defines if ensembles are read from or written to a number of sub directories.


  • TIME0
  • START_DATE_TIME (the START_DATE_TIME variable only works in an importStateActivity (since 2014.02) and inside a template file for an exportCustomFormatRunFileActivity (since 2013.02)).
  • END_DATE_TIME (the END_DATE_TIME variable only works in an importStateActivity (since 2014.02) and inside a template file for an exportCustomFormatRunFileActivity (since 2013.02)).


  • description - Optional description for the activity.
  • stateConfigFile - Deprecated, do not use this if a pi state description xml file is not needed. Name (and location) of the PI-XML file describing the states to be imported. This file contains all necessary information to define state type and location. The moduleInstanceId of the state imported is per definition the current module instance. This should be either an absolute path or a path relative to the importDir defined in the general section. This option reads the output state file paths from a pi state description xml file.
  • stateImportDir - Optional state import directory. This should be either an absolute path or a path relative to the importDir defined in the general section. If this stateImportDir is specified, then the importFile paths in this activity can be paths relative to this stateImportDir instead of absolute paths. This stateImportDir is only needed when you want to use relative importFile paths. If all importFile paths in this activity are absolute, then this stateImportDir is not needed and will not be used. This option does not use a pi state description xml file.
  • stateFile - One or more output state files from the model. The specified files will be imported. This option does not use a pi state description xml file.
  • importFile - Path and name of an output state file from the model. This file will be imported. This should be either an absolute path or a path relative to the stateImportDir defined in this activity. The %END_DATE_TIME% tag can be used here (since 2014.02), in case the state file name contains a timestamp of the end time of the run.
  • relativeExportFile - This relative path and name are used to store the imported file in FEWS. This path should be relative to the stateExportDir in the exportStateActivity that will be used to export this state file again for a future model run. If the imported output state file needs to be renamed before it can be used as input state file for a future model run, then the name of the relativeExportFile can be different from the name of the importFile. The %END_DATE_TIME% tag can be used here (since 2014.02), in case the state file name contains a timestamp of the end time of the run.
  • compressedStateLocation - Optional. By default the warm state is zipped and stored as a blob in the database. For large states (>50MB) it is recommended to store the data outside the database in a directory. This directory is configured in the clientConfig.xml (optional element warmStatesDirectory). When using a stand alone system or using oracle and a single MC system it is possible to store larger grids inside the database. Expired states are removed automatically from this directory by the CompactCacheFiles workflow. The state description is still written to the database, the blob field will be empty.
  • expiryTime - Optional. When the state is an intermediate result in a forecast run you can make the state expire. By default the expiry time is the same as for the module instance run.
  • synchLevel - Optional synch level for state. Defaults to 0 is not specified (i.e. same as data generated by the forecast run)
