Versions Compared


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The following global options are available

  • forecasterHelperDirectories
  • enableOriginalButtons
  • enableAutorun
  • enableAutoSelectParameters
  • enableRunUpstreamServerNodes
  • enableRunAllPreviousNodes
  • enableSelectNodesFromMap
  • enableAutoSaveOnRun
  • nodes

These global options are configured at the top of the topology.xml before the definition of the nodes.


When present, this element specifies the directories where the forecaster helper should look for the files instead of the INFORMATION_PANEL_FOLDER property in


Since 2014.01. By default the toolbar with 2 buttons is use: buttons 'Run' and 'Run approved forecast'. If a group node is selected, both buttons start the workflow of that node. When this element is set to true, the original toolbar with 4 or 5 buttons will be used. The original buttons are: 1) 'Switch to edit/forecast mode' (optional), 2) 'Go to next segment', 3) Re-run segment', 4) 'Re-run forecast group', and 5) 'Run approved forecast'. 


This option is set to true by default. If a topology node is selected in the forecast panel and a workflow is configured for this node and the option is enabled than the associated workflow will automatically run locally. By setting this option to false this behaviour can be switched off. Note: This option only works if enableOriginalButtons is set to true.


This option is set to false by default. In a node is selected and a filter is configured for that node than the filter will be selected automatically. If this option is also enabled than the parameters of thatfilter that filter will also be selected automatically. Because the parameters are also selected after selecting the node the plot display will automatically show the time series of the filters in the plot display.


When this option is set to true upstream server nodes with a workflow are run at the server prior tot running the selected server node.


If this option is enabled and a node is run, all previous nodes in the topology tree are run before running the selected node, even if the nodes are not connected by the defined topology. Default this option is not enabled, then only the upstream nodes will be run.


If this option is enabled it will not be possible to select nodes by clicking on the location in the map.


Default is false. When this option is set to true all edits will be automatically saved to the database without having to press apply or confirm when a node is run.

Configuration options which apply to individual nodes

The second group of configuration options are applied to indvidual nodes or a group of nodes. These options are defined in the nodes to which these options should be applied.

Groupnodes (<nodes>)

The following options are available for groupNodes:

  • showModifiers
  • properties
  • workflowId
  • stateSelectionStateSelection
  • localRun
  • showRunApprovedForecastButton
  • node
  • nodes
  • groupIdviewPermission

All options are optional.




Since 2014.01. This element will enable that modifiers are shown and editable at groupNodes




These properties can be referenced in workflow files and moduleconfig files with $keys$, similar to global properties. These properties overrule the global properties and module properties.


The workflowid is optional for a node. If a workflow is configured this workflow is automatically started after selection of the node if the option enableAutorun is set to true. The workflow can also be started from the forecast panel or the modifier panel.




When no moduleInstanceId is specified, all moduleInstances in the workflow are executed. When you specify a modulInstance, only that specific modulInstance will run. Note: this will only work for local runs.


The forecast panel also allows the forecaster to select a state. The default state selection can be configured with this option.

Possible options are:

  • coldState
  • coldStateFromCurrentRun
  • warmState
  • warmStateSelectionPeriod
  • noInitialState
  • relativePeriod

This option can be used to configure if the workflow of this node should be run locally or at the server. By default workflow of leaf nodes are run locally and workflows of group nodes are run at the server. Local runs are considered to be temporary runs. The results of these runs are deleted when FEWS is stopped.


With this option an (optional) viewpermission can be configured. If a user is not allowed to view this node it will not be visible in the forecast panel.

Leaf nodes (<node>)

The following options are available for leaf nodes:

  • showRunApprovedForecastButton
  • localRun
  • coldStateFromCurrentRun
  • warmStateSelectionPeriod
  • nodes
  • coldState
  • node
  • moduleInstanceId
  • groupId
  • relativePeriod
  • warmState
  • noInitialState
  • nextNodeId
  • previousNodeId
  • locationId
  • filterId
  • mapExtendId
  • workflowId
  • initialState
  • localRun
  • viewPermission
