Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • This program needs Java version 1.7 or higher.
  • This program needs the following same Java libraries :
  • castor-0.9.5.jar
  • commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
  • Delft_FEWS.jar
  • Delft_FEWS_DataStore.jar
  • Delft_PI.jar
  • Delft_PI_castor.jar
  • Delft_Util.jar
  • fews-wavewatch-adapter.jar
  • grib-8.0
  • log4j-1.2.14.jar
  • netcdf-4.2.jar
  • slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar
  • slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6.jar
  • TimeSeriesImport.jar
  • xercesImpl.jaras the pre adapter.

Running a WaveWatch 3 model

WW3 makes use of auxiliary programs which are described in the WW3 manual:

  • ww3_grid.exe (grid pre-processor, page 75 of the manual)
  • ww3_prep.exe (wind field pre-processor for the generic shell, page 86)
  • ww3_shel.exe (model executable or generic shell, page 89)
  • ww3_outp.exe (point output post-processor, page 100)
    • Input
      • ww3_outp.inp
      • mod_def.ww3 (binary file, created by ww3)
      • out_pnt.ww3 (raw point output data)
    • Output
      • tabnn.ww3, table of mean parameters where nn is a two-digit integer)
      • ww3.YYMMDDHH.spc file, with the 2D spectra in an ASCII format. The post adapter will convert this to a file, which FEWS can import in the importActivities.
  • gx_outf.exe (gridded output post-processor for GrADS, page 107. Output ww3.grads)
    • Input
      • gx_outf.inp
      • mod_def.ww3
      • out_grd.ww3 (raw gridded output data)
    • Output
      • ww3.grads

To run these programs, you need some model definition files as input. This is described at the same locations in the manual. With the Risc-Kit config we make use of the following files (see also Risc-kit\ModuleDataSetFilesUnzip\WaveWatchIII_global_nomads\model\)

  • ww3_grid.inp
  • ww3_prep.inp
  • ww3_shel.inp (among other things, it has the list of locations for which model output can be generated)
  • gx_outf.inp
  • ww3_outp.inp (selection of locations specified in ww3_shel.inp, for which point output will be created)
  • <model_name>.bot
  • <mode_name>.obs

(Some of these are template files in FEWS, because FEWS will edit the $TAGS$ before it passes the file to WW3)

generalAdapterRun Example Configuration


WW3 makes use of auxiliary programs which are described in the WW3 manual:
This section calls the WW3 pre and post-adapters as well as the WW3 executables. Note that the run file must be passed as an argument to the WW3 pre and post-adapters. Also note that several executable must be called in the following order ::

  • ww3_grid.exe (grid pre-processor, page 75 of the manual)
  • ww3_prep.exe (wind field pre-processor for the generic shell, page 86)
  • ww3_shel.exe (model executable or generic shell, page 89)
  • ww3_outp.exe (point output post-processor, page 100)
    • Input
      • ww3_outp.inp
      • mod_def.ww3 (binary file, created by ww3)
      • out_pnt.ww3 (raw point output data)
    • Output
      • tabnn.ww3, table of mean parameters where nn is a two-digit integer)
  • gx_outf.exe (gridded output post-processor for GrADS, page 107. Output ww3.grads)
    • Input
      • gx_outf.inp
      • mod_def.ww3
      • out_grd.ww3 (raw gridded output data)
    • Output
      • ww3.grads

Thus, the ww3_outp.exe produces the ww3.YYMMDDHH.spc file, with the 2D spectra in an ASCII format. The post adapter in FEWS for WW3 will convert the ww3.YYMMDDHH.spc file to a file, which FEWS can import in the importActivities.

To run these programs, you need some model definition files as input. This is described at the same locations in the manual. With the Risc-Kit config we make use of the following files (see also Risc-kit\ModuleDataSetFilesUnzip\WaveWatchIII_global_nomads\model\)

  • ww3_grid.inp
  • ww3_prep.inp
  • ww3_shel.inp (among other things, it has the list of locations for which model output can be generated)
  • gx_outf.inp
  • ww3_outp.inp (selection of locations specified in ww3_shel.inp, for which point output will be created)
  • <model_name>.bot
  • <mode_name>.obs

(Some of these are template files in FEWS, because FEWS will edit the $TAGS$ before it passes the file to WW3)in the example.


Code Block
		<description>WavewatchIII Pre Adapter</description>
		<description>Run WavewatchIII</description>
		<description>Collect output WavewatchIII</description>
		<description>WavewatchIII Post Adapter</description>
