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Configuration for import module

schema location

Entry in ModuleDescriptors

<moduleDescriptor id="TimeSeriesImportRun">
<description>Import module to import timeseries from the various grid-formats ie GRIB format</description>

Table of Contents

Time Series Import Module


JDBC example:

Code Block

      <relativeViewPeriod startOverrulable="true" endOverrulable="true" start="-1" end="1" unit="day"/>
      <table name="qpe_sums_obs">
        <dateTimeColumn name="rehdate"/>
        <valueColumn name="rad_gz" unit="mm/hr" locationId="Qesums" parameterId="P.radar.actual" parser="Mosaic"/>
      <table name="qpe_sums_fo">
        <forecastDateTimeColumn name="createdate"/>
        <dateTimeColumn name="raddate"/>
        <valueColumn name="rad_gz" unit="mm/hr" locationId="Qpesums" parameterId="P.radar.forecast" parser="Mosaic"/>

sftp example:

Code Block

      <relativeViewPeriod startOverrulable="true" endOverrulable="true" start="-1" end="3" unit="day"/>

http example:

Code Block

      <relativeViewPeriod startOverrulable="true" endOverrulable="true" start="-1" end="0" unit="day"/>

When using the serverUrl (http), then it is also possible to use tags in the serverUrl. Tags should be separated by "%" signs. The following tags can be used in this URL. %TIME_ZERO(dateFormat)% is replaced with the time zero of the import run. The time zero is formatted using the dateFormat that is specified between the brackets. For example %TIME_ZERO(yyyyMMdd)% would be replaced with the year, month and day of the time zero. %RELATIVE_TIME_IN_SECONDS(dateFormat,relativeTime)% is replaced with time = (time0 + relativeTime), where time0 is the time zero of the import run and relativeTime is a time relative to time0 in seconds (can be negative). The time is formatted using the dateFormat that is specified as the first argument between the brackets. For example %RELATIVE_TIME_IN_SECONDS(yyyyMMdd,-18000)% would be replaced with the year, month and day of time = time0 - 18000 seconds. Examples of serverUrls with tags in it:

No Format

No Format

<serverUrl>, -18000 )%/gfs_%RELATIVE_TIME_IN_SECONDS(HH,-18000)%z</serverUrl>



'IMAGE_'yyyyMMdd_HHmmss'.jpg' This will overrule the observation time stored in the file, some grid formats don't contain the time at all, so for these files the pattern is required. Put the literal parts of the pattern between single quotes.


Meteosat Images are generally imported as images in [filename].png format. The Meteosat images constitute a time series of png images, that are geo-referenced by means of a specific world file. Each image needs its own world file, which in case of PNG carries the extension [filename].pgw .
Import of images in another format, such as JPEG is also possible. The corresponding world file for a JPEG file has the extension [filename].jpg .
The images are imported via a common time series import, for which a specific image parameter needs to be specified in a parameterGroup via the parameter id image .

Code Block

<parameterGroup id="image">
       <parameter id="image">

The value resolution indicates the resolution of the values of the pixels (grey tones) in the Meteosat images. In this case 8 grey tones are resampled into a single grey tone for storage space reductions. In the module for the timemeseries import run for a Meteosat image the import is then configured as follows:

Code Block


        <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
        <timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="15"/>
        <readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
        <expiryTime unit="day" multiplier="750"/>
