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These types of measures are typically of structural nature. Examples are dikes, flood walls or beach nourishment. They aim to reduce hazard intensities by blocking or constraining the hazard pathway. To obtain data as input for the BN they need to be modelled with the physical hazard transformation models.  They are parents of all nodes in Hnodes.json.

All measures of this category have to be grouped as several bins into one node with "None" being the first bin, e.g.


"M1": {

"ID": "StructuralMeasures",
"title": "Structural Measures",
"nobins": 3,
"bins": ["None","Portwall","BeachNourishment"],
"parents": "None",



All storms have to be simulated without measure and with each measure in place. The corresponding boundary condition netCDF file will have the special name hazardbc_<measureID>_<bin>.nc. For the above example or indicates that the corresponding file contains data from a simulation without measure in place. Similarly, and refer to simulations with a Portwall and the Nourishment, respectively.


Note that "effectiveness" does not apply to this type of measure, i.e. it is always 1. 

(2) Measures affecting the receptors' exposure

This type refers to measures that remove individual receptors, e.g. demolition or evacuation and is a parent of a node in Rnodes.json. It can be implemented in the BN by adding a "SafeZone" as additional area to which receptors can be moved. The "SafeZone" has to be the last bin in the definition of a node. Per receptor type all measures of this type have to be grouped into one node and additional textfiles with names <receptorID>_<measureID>_<bin>.txt have to be provided in workDir/. This text file should indicate which receptors have been moved to the "SafeZone". Note that the "SafeZone" does not need to be a real area. Therefore it does not need to be modelled in GIS or be associated with a grid point. The BNAdaptor will by default attribute a hazard value of 0 for all hazard variables to all receptors in the "SafeZone" (string is case sensitive). It will not read a hazard value from the netCDF file.

Consider for example the measure "EvacuateCampsite" affecting "VehiclesOnCampsite. 

"R2": {

"ID": "VehiclesOnCampsites",
"title": "Distribution of Vehicles on camp sites",
"nobins": 3,
"bins": ["S51","S52","SafeZone"],
"parents": ["EvacuateCampsite"]


Assuming that the corresponding measure node "EvacuateCampsite" has two bins "Yes" and "No", an additional text file VehiclesOnCampsites_EvacuateCampsite_2.txt has to be made containing the areaID 3 for the to be evacuated receptors. 

It may be useful to specify specify "effectiveness", e.g. to indicate that a fraction of the population may not be willing to evacuate. In this case, a measure with exactly two bins "Yes" and "No" is mandatory. Currently it is not possible to have an evacuation measure with more than two bins as well as an "effectiveness" lower than 1. E.g. it is not possible to specify an evacuation measure with three bins "No", "Vertical evacuation" (instructing people to stay at higher floors) and "Evacuation from Area" and to specify the effectiveness. An alternative way to include the uptake factor is implicitly through the additional textfile by randomly assigning the uptaking proportion of the population to the "SafeZone" and to leave the areaIDs fo the remaining receptors unchanged. 

(3) Measures affecting the vulnerability of receptors

This type of measure is modelled through the a vulnerability relationship from the CVI. They are parents to variables defined in Cnodes.json. In contrast to the other two types, arbitrary many measure nodes can be created. For more details see the page Instructions: Creating a vulnerability mapping.
