Versions Compared


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Convert sub-menu options

*.FI and *BIN to xml Used for converting binary files created by Delft-FEWS into text based files
netcdf file curvilinear grid cell center coordinates to csv file 
netcdf file unstructured grid node coordinates to csv file 
netcdf file unstructured grid flowlink coordinates to csv file 
netcdf file unstructured grid cell contours to shape file 
netcdf file quadtree grid flowlink coordinates to csv file 
netcdf file quadtree grid cell contours to shape file 
netcdf file 3Di stations to csv file 
pack dbf files (remove white space) 
convert ascii grid file(s) (*.asc) to coverage tile archive (*.cta) This creates an efficient 'pyramid of maps' for improved performance displaying large static grids in the explorer and grid displays
convert sll to shp Converts Delft-FEWS specific .sll files into shp files
convert dbf/dbz to csv 

Clipboard sub-menu options

copy current map scale 
copy current map extent Useful feature for generating extents which can be used in the explorer.xml
copy selected time series sets Used in conjunction with a selection in the data viewer
copy selected time series sets as display group Used in conjunction with a selection in the data viewer
paste selected time series sets as filter Used in conjunction with a selection in the data viewer
copy grib geometry from file 
encrypt password Used to encrypt password for DDA root config file

Export sub-menu options

default config Exports current config to disk
default config as zip 
default dbf/dbz as csv files 
location sets as csv files 
parameters as csv files 
qualifiers as csv file 
export all modifiers 
current warm states 
all warm states 
irregular grids to esri shape files 
rating curves 
save current visible map as png file 


Misc sub-menu options

last value visble on map Appends the last value from the selected timeseries to the name on the map