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  • ModuleConfigFiels\<secondaryValidation>.xml
    Contains the secondary validation rules that will generate logEventCodes that become visible in the logging when rules are exceeded. The log messages generated are defined in this file as well by means of <logEventCode>. It makes sense to choose sensible logEventCodes, for example all log messages used together with the Alarmmodule might start with "Alert.", see also the next section on this. File name is free to choose, secondaryValidation refers to the xsd that is used.
  • RegionConfigFiles\ all three threshold configuration files. See also the wiki page on this: 09 Thresholds
    • RegionConfigFiles\Thresholds.xml
      Defines the level for each threshold with <levelThreshold>. These thresholds can be used to change colors and the use of Flags in the Displays
    • RegionConfigFiles\TresholdValueSets.xml
      Links timeSeriesSets to <thresholdValueSets>
    • RegionConfigFiles\TresholdWarningLevels.xml
      Can be used to define the overlays and colors used when <thresholdWarningLevels> are exceeded, both up and down..
  • DisplayConfigFiles\<scadaDisplay>.xml
    Defines the scada display in which alerts can be used by means of <shapeComponentBehaviourDefinition>. File name is free to choose, scadaDisplay refers to the xsd that is used.

Logging examples

The configured secondaryValidation monitors the configured timeSeriesSets and logs an exceedance in the FEWS logging tabel. A log file at an FSS might look like this:


  • Status is suspended, or <taskStatus>S</taskStatus>
  • Tag is Alarmmodule.alarm, or <taskTag>Alarmmodule.alarm</taskTag>
    (Note: the screenshot of the Admin Interface doesn't match the example, but shows the tag ALARM_MODULE)
  • Interval is One-off task, or <taskSelection><singleTask><time0>2011-08-23T09:05:00.000Z</time0></singleTask></taskSelection>
  • Configure webserviceURL of the Alarmmodule, or <webserviceURL>http://localhost:8989/AlarmModuleManager/webservices/alarmService</webserviceURL>
    This is an example based on the IWP system. The webservice of the <alarmModuleAlert> is the URL of the webservice of the alarm module that has been set-up according to the specifications of Imtech.
  • Alert message is configured as part of the task properties of the scheduled MC_SystemAlerter task, this can be either a
    • Fixed alert message, or <alarmDiagLine code="IWP_0_TEST" description="Test Alert from FEWS" source="MC01" level="1"/>, or a
    • Template alert message, or <alarmDiagTemplateLine code="%EVENT_CODE%" description="%LOG%" source="%MC_ID%" level="1"/>, in which

      • %LOG% will be replaced by the message part of log entry that triggered the Event Action
      • %EVENT_CODE% will be replaced by the event code of the log entry that triggered the Event Action
      • %MC_ID% will be replaced by the MasterController ID creating the log entry that triggered the Event Action


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
						<alarmDiagLine code="IWP_0_TEST" description="Test Alert from FEWS" source="MC01" level="1"/>
						<!-- <alarmDiagTemplateLine code="%EVENT_CODE%" description="%LOG%" source="%MC_ID%" level="1"/> -->

Demonstration of the entire workflow

Om nu te zien wat de FEWS Server allemaal doet bij het detecteren van The logging of the Admin Interface shows us what the FEWS Server does, when detecting a logEventCode starting with IWP.*logmeldingen moet goed in de logging van de Admin Interface gekeken worden. Nadat de log meldingen op de FSS zijn gegenereerd en opgeslagen in de centrale FEWS database ziet de Admin Interface dat er nieuwe meldingen zijn.

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De code “MCAfter the log message is generated on a FSS and stored in the Central DataBase they become visible in the Admin Interface (see Figure 1). The log message with Code “MC_EVENT_PROCESSOR..geeft aan dat er 4 nieuwe log entries zijn gevonden, dat klopt met de eerdere log meldingen die we gezien hebben. Vervolgens is er een melding tells us 4 new log entries have been detected. Next, the log message iwth code MC_Alerter_..die aangeeft dat er contact is geweest met de indicates the alarm module . Wanneer de melding in de kolom Text wordt geselecteerd worden de volgende meldingen getoond:

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Deze log melding geeft aan dat er 3 meldingen correct naar de Alarm module zijn gestuurd en dat er 1 melding dubbel is gestuurd.

Om nu te controleren of de alarm meldingen goed doorkomen in de Alarm Module wordt de Alarm Module GUI geopend.

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Aanmelden met admin/admin geeft het volgende scherm.

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Aan de datum-tijd van de meldingen is te zien dat dit dezelfde meldingen zijn als eerder in de FEWS Admin Interface en FEWS OC System Monitor te zien was. De meldingen zijn dus goed doorgekomen in de Alarm Module.

Welke meldingen er te zien zijn in de Alarmmodule, hangt af van de configuratie van de Alarm Module. Als voorbeeld wordt de alarm code voor Schabbert genomen. In FEWS wordt de volgende log event code gegenereerd “IWP.Schabbert>AW”. In de Alarm Module GUI is een Alarm Definitie opgegeven:

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De alarm is aan de Watercoordinatoren groep toegekend, die zal deze melding dus ontvangen. Om de meldingen in de Alarm Module te kunnen zien is de admin gebruiker toegevoegd tot de groep Watercoordinatoren.

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Meer informatie over het opzetten van de koppeling met de Alarm Module kan gevonden worden op de FEWS WIKI:


has been contacted. When you click on the message in the Text column, it brings you to a separate page with more logging information (see Figure 2). Here we see that 3 messages have been sent to the Alarm module correctly, but 1 message has been sent twice. To check whether alert messages are send through correctly in the Alarm module, we open the Alarm Module GUI in a browser. After logging in, we see an overview display showing the date-time of all alert messages (see Figure 3). We see the same log messages we saw previously in the Admin Interface and FEWS OC System Monitor. This means the messages are sent through to the Alarm module correctly. It depends on the configuration of the Alarm module which messages are displayed. In this example we'll look at the alarm code for Schabbert. In FEWS this log message is generated “IWP.Schabbert>AW”. In the Alarm module GUI the following Alarm Definition is defined (see Figure 4).This alarm is linked to groups of people, who will receive the alarm message. The members of each group can be configured in the Alarm module as well.

Figure 1: Image Added

Figure 2: Image Added

Figure 3: Image Added

Figure 4: Image Added

More information

For more information the reader is referred to the manual of the Alarm module itself, or to the creators of the module at Meer informatie over de Alarm Module kan gevonden worden in de Alarm Module Handleiding, of opgevraagd bij Imtech.