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  • This line was added.
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Pathname of template swan input file to use to create swan input file. This should be either an absolute path or a path relative to the workDir specified in the netcdf run file.



Pathname of swan input file to create. This should be either an absolute path or a path relative to the workDir specified in the netcdf run file.



Adapter can only import data on WGS84 coordinates. Pathname of netcdf file with input spectra data that should be converted from Cartesian to WGS84. This should be either an absolute path or a path relative to the workDir specified in the netcdf run file.



Pathname of a netcdf file that contains a parameter with times to use for the $STATIONARY_TIMES$ tag. This should be either an absolute path or a path relative to the workDir specified in the netcdf run file. This property must be present if the $STATIONARY_TIMES$ tag is used in the template swan input file.



Variable name of a parameter in stationary_times_file with data, e.g. wind_speed. The times that correspond to the data for this parameter are used for the $STATIONARY_TIMES$ tag. This property must be present if the $STATIONARY_TIMES$ tag is used in the template swan input file.



Deprecated, do not use. Format of the input state file (hotfile). Can be e.g. "NETCDF" (NetCDF format), "FREE" (Ascii format) or "UNFORMATTED" (binary format). If not specified, then NETCDF is used by default.


(optional)List of filenames separated by ; that Property to be used when the input data for SWAN is defined on a Cartesian grid. Property replaces coordinate attributes in netcdf file from "lat lon" to "x y". Configure as "value" a list of filenames to be converted, separated a ; symbol. List of filenames should be in the input dir (next to the work dir). For these set of files, new files will be created "<name>" with in all where the coordinate attributes "lat lon" are replaced by "x y". This is used when Swan needs to use the different coordinates variables for the grid.
Notes for users
  • For all files that are written by this adapter, if the file to be written already exists, then it will be overwritten.
  • This program assumes that the model always runs in time zone GMT.
  • This program writes log messages to a log file called swan_pre_adapter_log.txt in the workDir specified in the netcdf run file.
  • This program uses the information in the specified netcdf run file as input and uses this information to do the following actions:
    1. Convert input spectra time series (optional):
      The netcdf file specified in the property "input_spectra_file_to_convert" will be converted to a file in SWAN ascii format with the same path and name but different extension (.BND). For example the original file input/ is converted to input/spectra.BND. If the property "input_spectra_file_to_convert" is not specified, then this step does nothing.
    2. Create swan input file:
      The template SWAN input file specified in the property "template_swan_input_file" will be copied to the file specified in the property "swan_input_file". In the copy the following tags will be replaced with the corresponding values:


      Start time of the model run.


      End time of the model run.


      Either "INITIAL HOTSTART 'pathname of input state file' NETCDF" if the input state file is not empty (warm state start) or empty string if the input state file is an empty dummy file of 0 bytes length (cold state start) or empty string if there is no input state file at all (cold state start). If the property "input_state_file_format" is specified, the the value of the property "input_state_file_format" is used instead of "NETCDF" in the line above.


      Multiple lines with time stamps for a stationary model run:
      COMPUTE STATIONARY <first time stamp for stationary model run>
      COMPUTE STATIONARY <second time stamp for stationary model run>
      COMPUTE STATIONARY <last time stamp for stationary model run>
