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A story (including the inbox) may consist of an arbitrary number of frames by specifying the frame key according to the following schema:

The title of a frame in the inbox will be used in the list of actions that the user can invoke from the inbox drop-down menu. The title of a frame in a regular story will be used as the name of the button that the user can activate. As explained above, the title can be different for various languages.

The start and stop keys indicate the time window in which the frame of a story is active. For a frame in the inbox this means that the associated event is available in the inbox within the time window defined by the start and stop time. For a frame in a regular story, the associated event will be executed if the user pushes the story button between the start and stop time. The start and stop keys have attributes date and time following the format YYYY-MM-DD and hh:mm:ss, respectively. Both the start and stop keys are optional. If these are not specified, then these default to the start and end time of the game, respectively.

The popup key is a flag indicating whether or not to show a pop-up window at the start of the frame. For a frame belonging to the inbox this means that the associated event is executed. For a frame of a regular story, a message dialog appears informing the user that new content is available for that story, which can trigger the user to activate the relevant story button. If FEWS is running, these messages will appear within FEWS, otherwise a new window containing the message will be shown. Note: the pop-up window only appears when the vjdbc is started (i.e. in Participant mode), see for more details Application configuration#Delft-FEWSconfiguration.

The requiredExperienceLevel key specifies that an event is only executed for the indicated experience level. Experience levels are defined in the application configuration as a list, e.g. "Beginner;Intermediate;Expert". This key can be specified multiple times if the event should be executed for multiple levels (e.g. both Beginner and Intermediate). In a frame, one refers to these levels by a number (starting with 0), e.g. if an event is only to be executed for experts, then this is configured as 

Code Block

If this key is not specified, then the event will be executed for all experience levels.

The once key is a flag indicating that an event must be executed only once during a time frame.

Any number of conditions can be added to a story (or inbox) frame; the associated event will only be executed if all of these conditions are fulfilled (see below).

An event can be associated with a story frame by specifying the file key. Depending on the file type, a suitable application is started for displaying the file (e.g. a pdf-file is displayed in Adobe Reader and the contents of a txt-file is displayed in a message dialog window). The file key has an optional language attribute lang that behaves the same as for the title keys.

Apart from a file, an event for the story frame may also be a message. For such a message, no file has to be added to the scenario/script database. Instead, the contents of the message (a text string) can be specified directly in the script configuration. The message key takes an optional lang attribute as explained before. If the message contains an URL (starting with 'http://', 'https://', 'file://', 'ftp://' or 'mailto:// ) then this URL is made clickable automatically. For links to files, absolute path names should be used, but two shortcuts may be used: the strings '%fewsRegionDir%' and '%scenarioScriptDatabasePath%' will be replaced by the paths as specified in the application configuration. If FEWS is running, messages appear within FEWS, otherwise a new window containing the message appears.

