Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.

Wind input files

For the different wind input files, the following header formats are suggested to make the files more self-descriptive, readible and to make the input of the different files more consistent.

  • The Pseudo ArcInfo wind input file: #filename#.amp, with keyword in MD-file Filwp
Code Block
* This file is created by Deltares
ncols          =    201
nrows          =    173
x0             =    -12.000
y0             =     48.000
valuePos       =   centre
*valuePos       =   corner
cellsize       =      0.12500       0.083333333
nquantity      =   3
quantity       =   windx windy patm
unit           =   m/s   m/s   Pa
tunit          =   hrs
xunit          =   degree
* xunit         =   m
NODATA_value   =   -999.000
TIME  =  0.0
 1000.776001 1000.687927 1000.599976 1000.512024 1000.423950 1000.334961 1000.245911 1000.156921 1000.067932
  • The Spiderweb wind input file: #filename#.spw, with keyword in MD-file Filweb
Code Block
  • The wind on a curvi-linear grid input file: #filename#.amp, with keyword in MD-file Fwndgp
Code Block