Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion      =    1.0                                                # Version of meteo input file, to check if the new file format is used (1.0)
meteotype        =    arcinfo                                            # Type of meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
NODATA_value     =    -9999.000                                          # Value used for undefined or missing data
n_cols           =    400                                                # Number of columns used for wind datafield
n_rows           =    16                                                 # Number of rows used for wind datafield
grid_unit        =    degree                                             # Unit of distances on the grid in both x- and y-direction
#grid_unit        =    m
x_llcorner       =    -12.000                                            # Xcoordinate of lower left corner of grid (in units specified in grid_unit)
y_llcorner       =     48.000                                            # Ycoordinate of lower left corner of grid (in units specified in grid_unit)
value_pos        =    centre                                             # Location where the data is specified in a cell (centre or corner)
#value_pos        =    corner                         
dx               =    0.12500                                            # Grid dimensions: dx and dy (in units specified in grid_unit)
dy               =    0.083333333                                        
n_quantity       =    31                                                  # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity1        =    x_wind                                             # Name of quantity1
#quantity1 (x_wind, y_wind or air_pressure)
unit1            =     y_windm s-1                                              # NameUnit of quantity1
#quantity1 (m s-1 for velocities or Pa/ mbar =for    air_pressure)
TIME             =   0 minutes since 2007-10-08 15:24:00 -02:00          # Fixed format: time unit #since Namedate oftime quantity1
unit1time difference (time zone) 
 1.388999       =1.388999    m s-1  1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999   # Unit of quantity1
#unit1 1.388999    
 2.388999      = 2.388999   Pa    2.388999       2.388999       2.388999      2.388999       2.388999       2.388999       2.388999    # Unit of quantity1
TIME  2.388999    
 3.388999       3.388999     =  3.388999 0 minutes since 2007-10-08 15:24:00 -02:00  3.388999       3.388999  # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
 13.388999       3.388999       13.388999       13.388999       13.388999       1.388999
TIME      1.388999      = 1.388999  1440 minutes since 2007-10-08  1.38899915:24:00 -02:00        # 1.388999Fixed format: time unit since date time 1.388999time difference (time zone) 
 2.388999435253       2.388999435253       25.388999435253       21.388999435253       23.388999435253      24.388999435253       2.388999435253       2.388999557653       2.388999412253       2.388999435255    
 31.388999435253       32.388999435253       31.388999435253       32.388999435253       31.388999435253      32.388999435253       31.388999435253       31.388999435253       32.388999435253       31.388999435251    
TIME 4.435253       4.435253     =  1.435253 1440  minutes since 2007-10-08 15:24:00 -02:00 3.355253       #3.456253 Fixed format: time unit since date5.425253 time time difference (time zone) 
 21.435253223453       25.435253523341       5.435253521246       13.435253255258       3.435253      4.435253       2.435253       2.557653       2.412253       2.435255    
 1.435253       2.435253       1.435253       2.435253       1.435253      2.435253       1.435253       1.435253       2.435253       1.435251    
 4.435253       4.435253       1.435253       3.355253       3.456253      5.425253       1.223453       5.523341       5.521246       3.255258    
  • Wind on a separate curvi-linear grid:

  • Wind on a separate curvi-linear grid:
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion      =    1.0
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion      =    1.0                                                # Version of meteo input file, to check if the new file format is used (1.0)
meteotype        =    curvi                                              # Type of meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
NODATA_value     =    -999.999                                           # Value used for undefined or missing data
curvi_grid_file  =    hirlam.grd                # Version of meteo input file, to check if the new file format is used (1.0)
meteotype        =  # Separate (curvi-linear) grid on which the wind can be specified
first_data_value =    grid_llcorner                                  # Type of meteo #input Optionsfile: grid_llcornercurvi, grid_ul_corner, grid_lrcorner or grid_urcorner
data_row    arcinfo or spiderweb 
NODATA_value     =    grid_row-999.999                                           # Options: grid_row or grid_col. For switching rows and columns.
n_quantity       Value used for undefined or missing data
curvi_grid_file  =    1hirlam.grd                                         # Separate (curvi-linear) grid on which the wind can # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
#quantity1be specified
first_data_value =    grid_llcorner         =    x_wind                         # Options: grid_llcorner, grid_ul_corner, grid_lrcorner or grid_urcorner
data_row         =    grid_row # Name of quantity1
#quantity1        =    y_wind                           # Options: grid_row or grid_col. For switching rows and columns.
n_quantity       =  # Name of1 quantity1
quantity1        =    air_pressure                                       # NameNumber of quantity1
unit1quantities prescribed in the file
quantity1        =    m s-1x_wind                                              # UnitName of quantity1
#unit1 (x_wind, y_wind or air_pressure)
unit1            =    Pam s-1                                                # Unit of quantity1 (m s-1 for velocities or Pa/ mbar for air_pressure)
TIME             =    0 hours since 2006-01-01 00:00:00 -06:00           # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone)
101530.000       101300.000       101600.000       101550.000       101500.000      101300.000       1013300.000       101400.000       
101430.000       101500.000       101130.000       101320.000       101260.000      101620.000       1013400.000       101520.000       
TIME             =    1440 hours since 2006-01-01 00:00:00 -06:00        # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone)   
101298.544       102108.102       101998.521       101928.544       101721.314      101811.152       1013410.400       101323.214
101430.000       101500.000       101130.000       101320.000       101260.000      101620.000       1013400.000       101520.000
