Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


At present, for different wind input files, different headers are used, which are read in different ways in the sourcecode. Some effort has been put in making the files more self-descriptive, readible and to make the input of the different files more consistent. For three four wind-input options, a suggestion to standardise the headers is shown below. The suggestion is conform a possible transition to NetCDF format in the future. See NetCDF standard names for more information on the used standard NetCDF names. For Space Varying Wind and Pressure, Pseudo ArcInfo wind, wind on a separate curvi-linear grid and Spiderweb wind, three examples of input files are shown below.



  • Pseudo ArcInfo windSpace Varying Wind and Pressure:
Code Block
### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion      =    1.0                                                 # Version of meteo input file, to check if the new file format is used (1.0)
meteotype        =    arcinfosvwp_on_flow_grid                                            # Type of meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
NODATA_value     =    -9999.000    9.9900000E+02                                      # Value used for undefined or missing data
n_colsquantity      =    3 =    400                                                # Number of columnsquantities usedprescribed forin windthe datafieldfile
n_rowsquantity1       =    =x_wind    16                                          # Name of quantity1
quantity2    # Number of rows= used for wind datafield
gridy_unitwind        =    degree                                  # Name of quantity2
quantity3       = # Unit of distancesair_pressure on the grid in both x- and y-direction
#grid_unit        =    m
x_llcorner       =    -12.000         # Name of quantity3
unit1           =    m s-1                # Xcoordinate of lower left corner of grid (in units specified in grid_unit)
y_llcorner       =     48.000       # Unit of quantity1
unit2           =    m s-1                  # Ycoordinate of lower left corner of grid (in units specified in grid_unit)
value_pos        =    centre     # Unit of quantity2
unit3           =    mbar                      # Location where the data is specified in a cell (centre or corner)
#value_pos        =    corner  # Unit of quantity3
TIME  =   0 minutes since 2008-01-08   00:00:00 +00:00      
dx               =# Fixed format: time 0.12500unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  
  -8.6049000E+00  -1.0240000E+01  -5.4150000E+00  -1.8900000E+00  -2.9040000E+00  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  
  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01
  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01
   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03
   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03   1.0000000E+03
TIME  =   660 minutes since 2008-01-08 00:00:00 +00:00                   # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00   0.0000000E+00  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  
  -2.3290000E+00  -9.0440000E+00  -1.3230000E+01  -8.3310000E+00  -6.9210000E+00  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  -9.9900000E+02  
  -1.0000000E+01  -1.1000000E+01  -1.2000000E+01  -1.5000000E+01  -1.8000000E+01  -1.4000000E+01  -1.2000000E+01  -0.8000000E+01
  -1.2000000E+01  -1.6000000E+01  -1.2000000E+01  -1.0000000E+01  -0.7000000E+01  -0.4000000E+01   0.0000000E+00  -0.3000000E+01
   1.0130000E+03   1.0140000E+03   1.0140000E+03   1.0160000E+03   1.0120000E+03   1.0120000E+03   1.0180000E+03   1.0200000E+03
   1.0160000E+03   1.0140000E+03   1.0110000E+03   1.0130000E+03   1.0110000E+03   1.0180000E+03   1.0150000E+03   1.0130000E+03
  • Pseudo ArcInfo wind:
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion      =    1.0                                                # Version of meteo input file, to check if the new file format is used (1.0)
meteotype        =    arcinfo                                            # Type of meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
NODATA_value     =    -9999.000                                          # Value used for undefined or missing data
n_cols           =    400                                                # Number of columns used for wind datafield
n_rows           =    16                                                 # Number of rows used for wind datafield
grid_unit        =    degree                                             # Unit of distances on the grid in both x- and y-direction
#grid_unit        =    m
x_llcorner       =    -12.000                                            # Xcoordinate of lower left corner of grid (in units specified in grid_unit)
y_llcorner       =     48.000                                            # Ycoordinate of Gridlower dimensions:left dxcorner andof dygrid (in units specified in grid_unit)
dyvalue_pos        =    centre           =      0.083333333                            # Location where the data is specified in a cell (centre or corner)
n#value_quantitypos        =    3corner                         
dx               =    0.12500      # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity1        =    x_wind                   # Grid dimensions:    dx and dy (in units specified in grid_unit)
dy             # Name of= quantity1
#quantity1   0.083333333     =    y_wind                               
n_quantity       =    3   # Name of quantity1
#quantity1        =    air_pressure                                # Number of quantities prescribed in the #file
quantity1 Name of quantity1
unit1     =    x_wind   =    m s-1                                     # Name of quantity1
#quantity1      # Unit of= quantity1
#unit1   y_wind         =    Pa                                # Name of quantity1
#quantity1        =    air_pressure  # Unit of quantity1
TIME             =   0 minutes since 2007-10-08 15:24:00 -02:00          # FixedName format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
 1.388999  of quantity1
unit1            =    m s-1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999 # Unit of quantity1
#unit1   1.388999    
 155.0000    =   346.2500 Pa      357.5000       8.750000       20.00000      31.25000       42.50000       53.75000       65.00000  # Unit of quantity1
### END 76.25000 OF HEADER
 5300.000       5300.000  =   0 minutes 5300.000   since 2007-10-08 15:24:00 -02:00    5300.000      # 5300.000Fixed format: time unit since date 5300.000time time difference (time zone) 
  53001.000388999       53001.000388999       53001.000388999       53001.000388999     
time  1.388999      1.388999     =  1.388999 1440 minutes since 2007-10-08 15:24:00 -02:00  1.388999      # Fixed1.388999 format: time unit since date time time1.388999 difference (time zone) 
 2.435253388999       2.435253388999       2.435253388999       2.435253388999       2.435253388999      2.435253388999       2.435253388999       2.435253388999       2.435253388999       2.435253388999    
 653.01978388999       753.11859388999       853.25320388999       953.45370388999       1053.7529388999      1163.1833388999       1263.7762388999       1373.5612388999       1483.5649388999       1593.8090388999    
 5298.544       5298.544  
TIME      5298.544      = 5298.544  1440 minutes since 2007-10-08  5298.54415:24:00 -02:00      5298.544 # Fixed format: time unit since 5298.544date time time difference (time zone) 
 52982.544435253       52982.544435253       52985.544435253    
  • Wind on a separate curvi-linear grid:
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion 1.435253       3.435253      4.435253       2.435253       =2.557653    1.0   2.412253       2.435255    
 1.435253       2.435253       1.435253       2.435253       1.435253     # Version2.435253 of meteo input file, to check if1.435253 the new file format is used (1.0)
meteotype435253       2.435253 =    curvi  1.435251    
 4.435253       4.435253       1.435253       3.355253       3.456253      5.425253     # Type of meteo1.223453 input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
NODATA_value 5.523341     =    -999.9995.521246       3.255258    
  • Wind on a separate curvi-linear grid:
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion      =  # Value used1.0 for undefined or missing data
curvi_grid_file  =    hirlam.grd                                      # Version of #meteo Separate (curvi-linear) grid on whichinput file, to check if the windnew canfile be specified
first_data_value = format is used (1.0)
meteotype   grid_llcorner     =    curvi                             # Options: grid_llcorner, grid_ul_corner, grid_lrcorner or grid_urcorner
data_row         =  # Type grid_rowof meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
NODATA_value     =    -999.999                          # Options: grid_row or grid_col. For switching rows and columns.
n_quantity       = # Value used 1for undefined or missing data
curvi_grid_file  =    hirlam.grd                                         # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity1Separate (curvi-linear) grid on which the wind can be specified
first_data_value =    grid_llcorner    =    x_wind                              # Options: grid_llcorner, grid_ul_corner, grid_lrcorner or grid_urcorner
data_row         =    #grid_row Name of quantity1
#quantity1        =    y_wind                            # Options: grid_row or grid_col. For switching rows and columns.
n_quantity       = # Name of quantity1
#quantity11        =    air_pressure                                       # NameNumber of quantity1
unit1quantities prescribed in the file
#quantity1        =    m s-1 x_wind                                              # UnitName of quantity1
#unit1 #quantity1        =    y_wind       =    Pa                                  # Name of quantity1
quantity1        =    #air_pressure Unit of quantity1
TIME             =    0 hours since 2006-01-01 00:00:00 -06:00           # FixedName format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone)  1.388999  of quantity1
unit1            =    m s-1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      # Unit 1.388999 of quantity1
#unit1      1.388999    
 155.0000 =    Pa  346.2500       357.5000       8.750000       20.00000      31.25000       42.50000       53.75000      # 65.00000Unit of quantity1
TIME  76.25000    
 5300.000      = 5300.000   0 hours since  5300.000 2006-01-01 00:00:00 -06:00      5300.000     # Fixed 5300.000format: time unit since date time 5300.000time difference (time zone)    5300101530.000       5300101300.000       5300101600.000       5300101550.000    
TIME   101500.000      101300.000    =   1013300.000 1440 hours since 2006-01-01 00:00:00 -06:00        # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone)  2.435253 101400.000       101430.000       2101500.435253000       2101130.435253000       2101320.435253000       2101260.435253000      2101620.435253000       21013400.435253000       2.435253101520.000       TIME    2.435253       2.435253  =  
 65.01978 1440 hours since 2006-01-01 00:00:00  75.11859-06:00        85.25320# Fixed format: time unit since date 95.45370time time difference (time zone)   105101298.7529544       116102108.1833102       126101998.7762521       137101928.5612544       148101721.5649314       159.8090101811.152      
 52981013410.544400       5298.544101323.214
101430.000       5298101500.544000       5298101130.544000       5298101320.544000       5298101260.544000       5298101620.544000       52981013400.544000       5298101520.544 000      5298.544    
  • Spiderweb wind:
Code Block
### This file is created by Deltares
### All text on a line behind the first # is parsed as commentary
### Additional commments
FileVersion      =    1.0                                                # Version of meteo input file, to check if the new file format is used (1.0)
meteotype        =    spiderweb                                          # Type of meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
NODATA_value     =    -999.000                                           # Value used for undefined or missing data
n_cols           =    400                                                # Number of columns used for wind datafield
n_rows           =    16                                                 # Number of rows used for wind datafield
spw_radius       =    600000.00                                          # Radius of spiderweb (in units specified in rad_unit)
spw_rad_unit     =    m                                                  # Unit of radius 
n_quantity       =    3                                                  # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity1        =    wind_speed                                         # Name of quantity1
quantity2        =    wind_from_direction                                # Name of quantity2
quantity3        =    air_pressure_drop                                  # Name of quantity3
unit1            =    m s-1                                              # Unit of quantity1
unit2            =    degree                                             # Unit of quantity2
unit3            =    Pa                                                 # Unit of quantity3
TIME             =    0 minutes since 2004-01-03 11:02:00 +01:00         # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
x_spw_eye        =    115.4                                              # Xcoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
y_spw_eye        =    18.9                                               # Ycoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
p_drop_spw_eye   =    5300                                               # Pressure drop at cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
 1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999    
 155.0000       346.2500       357.5000       8.750000       20.00000      31.25000       42.50000       53.75000       65.00000       76.25000    
 5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000      5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000    
TIME             =    1440 minutes since 2004-01-03 11:02:00 +01:00      # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
x_spw_eye        =    114.4000                                           # Xcoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
y_spw_eye        =    18.90000                                           # Ycoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME          
p_drop_spw_eye   =    5300.000                                           # Pressure drop at cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
 2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253      2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253    
 65.01978       75.11859       85.25320       95.45370       105.7529      116.1833       126.7762       137.5612       148.5649       159.8090    
 5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544      5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544