Versions Compared


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At present, for different wind input files, different headers are used, which are read in different ways in the sourcecode. Some effeort has been put to in making the files more self-descriptive, readible and to make the input of the different files more consistent. For three wind-input options, a suggestion to standardise the headers is shown below. The suggestion is conform the a possible transition to NetCDF format in the future. See NetCDF standard names for more information on the used standard NetCDF names. An integrated file format is proposed which can be used for all wind input optionsFor Pseudo ArcInfo wind, wind on a separate curvi-linear grid and Spiderweb wind three examples of input files are shown below. Comments are indicated by a # (this is open for discussion).

  • Pseudo ArcInfo wind:
Code Block
### This file is created by Deltares
### Additional commments
###meteotype General part:
meteotype     =  =  arcinfo  spiderweb                                          # Type of meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
time_definition =    minutes since 2007-10-08 15:24:00 -0602:00           # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
NODATA_value    =    -999.000                                           # Value used for undefined or missing data
### For Pseudo ArcInfo or Spiderweb wind:
n_cols          =    400                                                # Number of columns used for wind datafield
n_rows          =    16                                                 # Number of rows used for wind datafield
### Only for Pseudo ArcInfo wind:
#gridgrid_unit       =    degree                                             # Unit of distances on the grid in both x- and y-direction
##grid#grid_unit       =    m
#xx_llcorner      =    -12.000                                            # Xcoordinate of lower left corner of grid (in units specified in grid_unit)
#yy_llcorner      =     48.000                                            # Ycoordinate of lower left corner of grid (in units specified in grid_unit)
#valuevalue_pos       =    centre                                             # Location where the data is specified in a cell (centre or corner)
##value#value_pos       =    corner                         
#dxdx              =    0.12500                                            # Grid dimensions: dx and dy (in units specified in grid_unit)
#dydy              =    0.083333333                                        
#nn_quantity      =    3                                                  # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
#quantity1quantity1       =    x_wind                                             # Name of quantity1
#quantity1       =    y_wind                                             # Name of quantity1
#quantity1       =    air_pressure                                       # Name of quantity1
#unit1unit1           =    m s-1                                              # Unit of quantity1
#unit1           =    Pa                                                 # Unit of quantity1
### Only for Spiderweb wind: 
spw_radiusEND OF HEADER
TIME            =    6000000.0000000E+00                                      # Time where first #dataset Radiusis of spiderweb (in units specified in rad_unit)
spw_rad_unit    =supplied
 1.388999       1.388999      m 1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999 # Unit of radius 
n_quantity 155.0000     =  346.2500  3     357.5000       8.750000       20.00000      31.25000       42.50000       53.75000       65.00000    # Number of quantities76.25000 prescribed in the file
quantity1 5300.000      = 5300.000   wind_speed    5300.000       5300.000       5300.000      5300.000       5300.000       5300.000   # Name of quantity1
quantity2 5300.000      = 5300.000   wind_from_direction 
TIME            =    1440               # Name of quantity2
quantity3       =    air_pressure_drop                  # Time where next dataset is supplied
 2.435253       2.435253  #  Name of quantity3
unit1 2.435253       2.435253   =    m s-12.435253      2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253    
 65.01978       75.11859    # Unit  85.25320       95.45370       105.7529      116.1833       126.7762       137.5612       148.5649       159.8090    
 5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544      5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544    
  • Wind on a separate curvi-linear grid:
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### Additional commments
meteotype       =    curvi                                              # Type of meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
time_definition =    hours since 2006-01-01 00:00:00 -06:00             # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
NODATA_value    =    -999.000                                           # Value used for undefined or missing data
curvi_grid_file =    hirlam.grd                                         # Separate (curvi-linear) grid on which the wind can be specified
data_order      =    m_first                                            # m_first or n_first data order 
row_order       =    reversed                                           # normal or reversed row order
column_order    =    normal                                             # normal or reversed column order
n_quantity      =    1                                                  # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity1       =    x_wind                                             # Name of quantity1
#quantity1       =    y_wind                                             # Name of quantity1
#quantity1       =    air_pressure                                       # Name of quantity1
unit1           =    m s-1                                              # Unit of quantity1
#unit1           =    Pa                                                 # Unit of quantity1
TIME            =    0.0000000E+00                                      # Time where first dataset is supplied
 1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999    
 155.0000       346.2500       357.5000       8.750000       20.00000      31.25000       42.50000       53.75000       65.00000       76.25000    
 5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000      5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000    
TIME            =    1440                                               # Time where next dataset is supplied
 2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253      2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253    
 65.01978       75.11859       85.25320       95.45370       105.7529      116.1833       126.7762       137.5612       148.5649       159.8090    
 5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544      5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544    
  • Spiderweb wind:
Code Block

### This file is created by Deltares
### Additional commments
meteotype       =    spiderweb                                          # Type of meteo input file: curvi, arcinfo or spiderweb 
time_definition =    minutes since 2004-01-03 11:02:00 +01:00           # Fixed format: time unit since date time time difference (time zone) 
NODATA_value    =    -999.000of quantity1
unit2           =    degree                                             # Unit of quantity2
unit3     # Value used for undefined  =or missing data
n_cols    Pa      =    400                                       # Unit of quantity3
### Only for wind on a separate# curvi-linear grid:
#grid_file       =Number of columns used for wind datafield
n_rows      hirlam.grd    =    16                                 # Separate (curvi-linear) grid on which the wind can be specified
#data_order      =# Number of rows m_firstused for wind datafield
spw_radius      =    600000.00                               # m_first or n_first data order 
#row_order     # Radius =of spiderweb (in units reversedspecified in rad_unit)
spw_rad_unit    =    m                                 # normal or reversed row order
#column_order    =    normal    # Unit of radius 
n_quantity      =    3                           # normal or reversed column order
#n_quantity      =    1        # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity1       =    wind_speed                        # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
#quantity1       =   # x_windName of quantity1
quantity2       =    wind_from_direction                                # Name of quantity1quantity2
#quantity1quantity3       =    yair_pressure_winddrop                                  # Name of quantity3
unit1        #  Name of= quantity1
#quantity1   m s-1   =    air_pressure                                       # NameUnit of quantity1
#unit1unit2           =    mdegree s-1                                              # Unit of quantity1quantity2
#unit1unit3           =    Pa                                                 # Unit of quantity1quantity3
TIME            =    0.0000000E+00                                      # Time where first dataset is supplied
x_spw_eye       =    115.4                                              # Xcoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
y_spw_eye       =    18.9                                               # Ycoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
p_drop_spw_eye  =    5300                                               # Pressure drop at cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
 1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999    
 155.0000       346.2500       357.5000       8.750000       20.00000      31.25000       42.50000       53.75000       65.00000       76.25000    
 5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000      5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000    
TIME            =    1440                                               # Time where next dataset is supplied
x_spw_eye       =    114.4000                                           # Xcoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
y_spw_eye       =    18.90000                                           # Ycoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME          
p_drop_spw_eye  =    5300.000                                           # Pressure drop at cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
 2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253      2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253    
 65.01978       75.11859       85.25320       95.45370       105.7529      116.1833       126.7762       137.5612       148.5649       159.8090    
 5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544      5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544