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Wiki Markup
A new Mapcontrol has been implemented in DelftShell based on te opensource project SharpMap. The functionality of this map is currently based on requirements for Sobek Flow. This means it supports reading of Shapefiles and it has support for network editing. 

Applications belonging to DelftShell such as Habitat and Verkenner have additional requirements for map functionality. Based on a talk between Marjolijn Haasnoot, Arno Nolte and Onno van Logchem a list of requirements (for fileformats and display functionality) was made and it is represented in the tables below. Please add missing items if you can think of any.

h3.Supported fileformats
||Format               ||Supported directly ||Supported 
                                              through conversion||Implemented||Priority||Comments|
|Shapefile              |(/)                 |(-)                          |(/)         |high     |-|
|Georeferenced images   |(/) ?               |(-) ?                        |(/) ?       |high     |-|
|Raster(Bil/Asc)        |(-)                 |(/)                          |(-)         |unknown  |-|
|Flow grid              |(-)                 |(/)                          |(-)         |high     |-|
|Flow output (trim*.dat)|(-)                 |(/)                          |(-)         |medium   |work-around via ArcGIS|
|Delwaq grid            |(-)                 |(/)                          |(-)         |medium   |work-around via ArcGIS|
|Delwaq output (*.map)  |(-)                 |(/)                          |(-)         |medium   |work-around via ArcGIS|
|Map file (pcraster)    |(-)                 |(-)                          |(-)         |high     |-|
|ASCII (x,y) points (e.g. *.csv)|(-)         |(-)                          |(-)         |high     |-|
|NetCDF                 |(/)                 |(-)                          |(-)         |high     |-|

Conversion tools have been produced by Lou Verhage to convert D3D output to maps that can be used by pcraster.

Matlab / McTools hosts many post-processing, conversion and plotting routines. Perhaps some of this can be used as well. 

h3.Map display functionality
|North arrow|(-)|high|Implemented in current demis plugin|
|Scalebar|(-)|high|Implemented in current demis plugin|
|Cross section of raster values|(-)|high|Implemented in current demis plugin|
|Info tool|(-)|high|Implemented in current demis plugin|
|Extend legend functionality|(-)|highest|-|
|Option to apply same zoom level to all open maps|(-)|medium|-|
|Save zoom extend|(-)|high|-|

Legend funtionality extension
||Item||Fill color||Linestyle||Symbology||Implemented||Priority||Comments||
|point|(/)|-|(/)|(-)|high|enable points to be vector symbols with variable size and fill color|

h3.Map reprojection functionality
currently no specific items