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Scalar time series at the same geo point Z but with different X,Y are considered to be a Z-layer. All available Z’s are used to create a Z-axis (layer axis) in the NetCdf file, and the time series values are written to the associated Z element. To export scalar time series as Z_layers in GA with NETCDF-CF_ZLAYERS, use option <exportZLayers>true</exportZLayers> in the exportNetcdfActivity (see config example below).

An example for float salinity(time=5, node=26, z=40);

Values of Z-axis are stored in meters. Per parameter only one Z-axis is allowed. Different parameters may have different Z-axis. Z-axis values are sorted in ascending order. The number of stations in the nc file equals to the number of unique X,Y that are available in the scalar time series. The location id’s/names associated with the first (lowest) Z are written to the nc file as station id’s/names. If there are parentLocations configured, then the IdMap can be used to write the parentLocations id’s to the nc file. By default the long_name attribute of the parameters is equal to the parameter id. This default behavior is overwritten with the configuration of a parameter description in Parameters.xml, which will be used as long_name in the nc file instead. In GA the default missing value for time series is -999. You can overwrite it in GA using <missVal>, for example <missVal>NaN</missVal>
