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The concept of the IFD (interactive forecast displays) was introduced in 2010. A central role in the configuration of the IFD is the topology.xml. This part of the wiki explains the configuration details of the topology.xml. 

First the background of the topology.xml wil be explained in the overview section. In the following sections Configuration of nodes and Configuration of states, forecast lengths and time zero the most important configuration features of the topology.xml will be explained. In the last section all the configuration options will be explained in the order in which they can be found  in the topology.xsd schema.


The topology.xml is an a mandatory configuration file when you are setting up an IFD-environment. This configuration file is used to configure the topology of a regionFEWS-system

The topology is defined by individual nodes and their connectivity. The topology can be viewed in the topology panel, which shows a block diagram of the topology. An example is shown below.


The topology.xml was designed to configure the topology of a FEWS system. There are however also a lot of FEWS-system in which the topology.xml is used to configure the work process of a forecaster.

An example is given below.


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Configuration of the nodes in the topology tree

The topology tree can be configured in the following way. The example belows show a simple topology tree with two leaf nodes A and B.

In this case the forecast


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Both of them belong the group node C.

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It is possible to run a workflow in IFD mode or in server mode from the topology panel. In the example below some of the node(s) have a workflow configured.

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Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<topology xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<nodes id="C" name="C">
		<node id="A" name="A">
		<node id="B" name="B"/>


By default all the workflows started from a leaf node are started in IFD mode.

This means that the results of the run are only temporary available in FEWS and that thet results are only available at the stand alone or operator client which started the run. As soon as the FEWS system is restarted all the IFD runs will be deleted.

A workflow which is started from a group node will by default be started as a server run. A server run will run at a FSS when it is started from an operator client. When it is started from a stand alone it will run locally but the results of the run will be available after a restart of the system.

It is possible to change these default settings by using the element localRun.

In the example below 


Configuration of states, time zero and the forecast length


Overview of all the configuration options

Nodes definition

The topology of a region is configured by defining the indvidual nodes off a region and grouping them. Below an example from the topology of the abrfc region
