Versions Compared


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Attendees: Onno van Logchem, Alex Koster

To find out wat users expect from a new UI for Sobek two colleagues working at Deltares were interviewed this thursday. The experiences derived from interviews like this will be used to implement functionality that will satisfy most users (80/20 rule).

Missing functionality in the current Sobek version

Overview of conveyance for the whole network is missing
Cross section editor like in Hec Ras or Mike 11 (is planned in delftshell development)

Discussion of DelftShell UI

Possibility to work with several windows open is appreciated. Where possible user should be able to operate Sobek using the keyboard. Treenavigation, opening of views and running models should be possible from the keyboard. Editing input should also be done using the keyboard.
Viewing input and output at the same time (having more than one window open at a time) is very much appreciated.


Output should still be accessible even if input has been modified.
Viewing input and output at the same time should be possible

Usage of Sobek

Calculations are usually in the order of 10 minutes. Calculation time varies between 10 seconds and 10 days.
Calculations may be performed for different combinations of Strategies and Scenarios. In current Sobek this means that the user needs to generate several cases using almost the same input

The terminology in DelftShell does not conform to the terminology people are used to.

Scenario : water related issues caused by climatic conditions (external source)
Strategy : man made measure to deal with water related issues
Model : schematization with x sections, hydraulic structures, properties and boundary conditions
Case : combination of scenario and strategy

Hoi Onno,

Hier bij wat punten die mij opvielen tijdens het interviewen:
