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GetCapabilities: get the available layers and times available for each layer at the current system time. GetCapabilties will return its content as XML by default. A json format is supported as well, which is more convenient for web development.

Request parameters

  • LAYERS (string): id of the gridPlot that should be rendered. Only one id is allowed. 

documentVersion (string): File format version.


Supported vendor parameters:

  • SHOWCONTOURS (optional): Display contour lines if enabled in the gridplot. Default is false. Set to true to show contour lines.


  • The product of width and height is limited to the full HD resolution of 1920x1200 to avoid memory issues. In case a GetMap request is done where WIDTH*HEIGHT > 2304000 a bad request error will be returnedFORMAT (string, optional): Format of the response. Options are: application/xml or application/json. The default format is application/xml.


XML or JSON response with all available gridPlots nested by gidPlotGroupdsgridPlotGroupds.

Example request

Code Block

Example xml response

Code Block
<WMS_Capabilities xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.3.0">
Delft-FEWS Web Mapping Service with time support (WMS-T)
			<Title>Delft-FEWS Web Mapping Service layers</Title>
			<BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:3857" maxx="20037508.342789" maxy="20037508.342789" minx="-20037508.342789" miny="-20037508.342789"/>
				<Name>Satellite precipitation</Name>
				<Title>Satellite precipitation</Title>
				<Layer queryable="1">
					<Name>Precipitation GPM [mm]</Name>
					<Dimension units="ISO8601" name="time">


Get the plot image as png for a layer for a requested time, image size and extent. Only untiled images are supported, which means the complete image has to be requested for the complete extent.

Request parameters

  • LAYERS (string): id of the gridPlot that should be rendered. Only one id is allowed. 


  • LAYERS (required): the layerId of the plot to display. Only one layerid is supported.
  • TIME (required): the time for which the grid has to be plotted. Only one time is supported. Time ranges are NOT supported. Time has to be be in the xml dateformat:  yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. The times returned by the GetCapabilities are in this format as well.
  • WIDTH (optional): width of the image. Default is 800. 
  • HEIGHT (optional): height of the image. Default is 600
  • VERSION (optional): supported version is 1.3 and is the default if not set. Older versions might work, but are not supported
  • CRS (required): the output projection of the plot. Only supported projection is: EPSG:3857
  • BBOX (required): the bounding box (in the projection as defined by the SRS parameter) of the extent that should be plot


Vendor parameters:

  • SHOWCONTOURS (optional): Display contour lines if enabled in the gridplot. Default is false. Set to true to show contour lines.


  • The product of width and height is limited to the full HD resolution of 1920x1200 to avoid memory issues. In case a GetMap request is done where WIDTH*HEIGHT > 2304000 a bad request error will be returned.
