Versions Compared


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  • This section provides an overview of the sediment characteristics (, Porosity and ) used for the sediment transport calculation. Their values can be changed in the Sediment input in Generic Data.
 Default ValueUnitMin.Max.Brief Description
D50D50200μm12.0002000Median grain size.
Porosity0.4-01Fraction of voids.
Density2.6502650kg/m31.000100050005.000Bulk sediment density.


Transport formula

  • Select the transport formula that is used for the sediment transport calculation. You can choose between Kamphuis or CERC.

Physical parameters

 Default ValueUnitMin.Max.Brief Description
Breaker index0.73-0.00011Defines the wave height at which waves start to break. The maximum wave height is defined by the breaker index times the local waterdepth.


Depth of closure5m0.0001


30Maximum waterdepth at which waves still induce sediment transport. Beach volume changes are calculated up to this waterdepth.


Active height5m0.0001


40Maximum height of the dry beach which can still be considered active by sediment transport gradients. Beach volume changes are calculated up to this active height.


Water density


1025kg/m310001025Density of the water, which should be in between 1000 kg/m(e.g. fresh water) and 1025 kg/m3 (e.g. salty water).

Computation parameters

 Default ValueUnitMin.Max.Brief Description
N points10-1999The number of points on the staggered grid. A staggered grid with an equal grid spacing according to the number of points is defined along the coastline


Total time


5years11000The total number of years for the simulation.


Time interval1years120The number of years after which a calculated shoreline position will be plotted on the map



Boundary parameters

Left and right boundary - Define the boundary condition applied on the left (closest to the coastline origin/blue arrow) and right boundaries of the staggered grid. You can choose between: 

 Brief Description
dS = 0


The sediment transport on the boundary cell equals the sediment transport on the left/right most grid cell.
S = 0


No sediment transport on the boundary cell.

Tool limitations

The following processes are not included in the tool: wave shadow zoning, alongshore varying wave climates, by-passing of breakwaters, non-linear beach profiles etc.
Results in terms of alongshore transports and coastline dynamics should therefore be interpreted with a considerable range of uncertainty.
