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More information on the data sources can be obtained form the links provided in the table. All times are in UTC. The parameter code - between [brackets] - is the parameterID which must be used in the FEWS mapping configuration as 'parameter external'. An overview of the grid definitions of the complete grid extent are defined in the attached WIWB grid definitions file. An extended table, offering more information about the WIWB parameters can be found here. 


Datasource nameDatasource code (ID)TypeOriginal IntervalAvailable Parameter(s) [parameter code]Remarks
HarmonieKnmi.HarmonieModel Grid, forecast1 hour

Air Pressure [AirPressure]
Global Radiation Flux [GlobalRadFlux]
High Cloud Cover [HighCloudCover]
Large Scale Precipitation [LargeScaleP]
Latent Heat Flux [LatHeatFlux]
Low Cloud Cover [LowCloudCover]
Medium Cloud Cover [MediumCloudCover]
Net Longwave Radiation Flux [NetLwRadFlux]
Net Shortwave Radiation Flux [NetSwRadFlux]
Relative Humidity [RH]
Sensible Heat Flux [SensHeatFlux]
Snow Depth [SnowDepth]
Soil temperature level 2 [Temperature.Soil.Level2]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
Total Precipitation [APCP]
U-Component of Wind [UGRD:10m]
V-Component of Wind [VGRD:10m]

HiRLAMKnmi.HirlamModel Grid, forecast1 hour

Air Pressure [AirPressure]
Dewpoint Temperature [DPT]
Global Radiation Flux [GlobalRadFlux]
High Cloud Cover [HighCloudCover]
Large Scale Precipitation [LargeScaleP]
Latent Heat Flux [LatHeatFlux]
Low Cloud Cover [LowCloudCover]
Medium Cloud Cover [MediumCloudCover]
Net Longwave Radiation Flux [NetLwRadFlux]
Net Shortwave Radiation Flux [NetSwRadFlux]
Sensible Heat Flux [SensHeatFlux]
Snow Depth [SnowDepth]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
Total Precipitation [APCP]
U-Component of Wind [UGRD:10m]
V-Component of Wind [VGRD:10m]
Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth [WaterEqSnowDepth]

KNMI AWS 10 MinutesKnmi.AwsTenMinutesScalar, observed10 minute

Air Pressure [AirPressure]
Dewpoint Temperature [DPT]
Horizontal Visibility [HorizontalVisibility]
Maximum Wind Speed [MaximumWindSpeed]
Precipitation [P]
Precipitation Duration [Precipitation Duration]
Relative Humidity [RH]
Solar radiation [Radiation.Solar]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
Wind Direction [WindDirection]
Wind Speed [WindSpeed]

KNMI Evaporation (From Meteobase)Knmi.FromMeteobase.EvaporationScalar, observed1 dayEvaporation [Evaporation] 
KNMI Reference EvaporationKnmi.EvaporationScalar, observed1 dayEvaporation [Evaporation] 
KNMI Iris Stations


Scalar, observed1 day

Precipitation [P]
Snow Depth [SnowDepth]

KNMI Naval Reports


Report, observed1 dayNaval reports for warnings and forecasts [Naval.Reports] 
KNMI Radar Corrected B (Near-Real time)Knmi.Radar.CorrectedBGrid, radar5 minutePrecipitation [P]Grid definition required in grids.xml.
See below for the configuration example.
KNMI Radar Corrected C2 (After)Knmi.Radar.CorrectedC2Grid, radar5 minutePrecipitation [P]Grid definition required in grids.xml.
See below for the configuration example.
KNMI Radar Corrected D2 (Re-analysis)Knmi.Radar.CorrectedD2Grid, radar5 minutePrecipitation [P]Grid definition required in grids.xml.
See below for the configuration example.
KNMI Radar Uncorrected (Real time)Knmi.Radar.UncorrectedGrid, radar5 minutePrecipitation [P]Grid definition required in grids.xml.
See below for the configuration example.
KNMI Regional EPSKnmi.RegionalEpsEnsemble Scalar, forecast6 hour

Dewpoint Temperature [DPT]
Maximum Temperature [TMAX]
Minimum Temperature [TMIN]
Precipitation [P]
Snow Depth [SnowDepth]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
U-Component of Wind [UGRD:10m]
V-Component of Wind [VGRD:10m]
Wind Direction [WindDirection]
Wind Speed [WindSpeed]

Note that the ensemble members 1-50 are
the real ensemble,
while member 51 and 52
are the control and deterministic runs.
So it is advised to store the ensemble in a
temporary ensembleId and to
the members 1-50 to the real ensemble.
KNMI SynopsKnmi.SynopsScalar, observed1 hour

Air Pressure [AirPressure]
Dewpoint Temperature [DPT]
Horizontal Visibility [HorizontalVisibility]
Maximum Temperature [TMAX]
Maximum Wind Speed [MaximumWindSpeed]
Minimum Temperature [TMIN]
Precipitation [P]
Precipitation Duration [Precipitation Duration]
Relative Humidity [RH]
Solar radiation [Radiation.Solar]
Temperature [TMP]
Total Cloud Cover [TCDC]
Total Precipitation [APCP]
Wind Direction [WindDirection]
Wind Speed [WindSpeed]

KNMI Synops (From Meteobase)Knmi.FromMeteobase.SynopsScalar, observed1 hourPrecipitation [P] 
KNMI Waqua TSKnmi.WaquaTsModel Scalar, forecast10 minute

Astronomical Tide [AstronomicalTide]
Observations from WAQC_ODC [WaquaTs.Obs]
Total Water Level [TotalWaterLevel]
Water Surge [WaterSurge]

KNMI Weather WarningsKnmi.WarningsWarning, observed1 hour

Heat warning [Warning.Heat]
Rain warning [Warning.Rain]
Slipperiness and snow warning [Warning.Slipperiness.Snow]
Storm warning [Warning.Storm]
Vision warning [Warning.Vision]
Whirlwind and waterspout warning [Warning.Whirlwind.Waterspout]
Wind warning [Warning.Wind]

KNMI Water Setup EPSKnmi.WaterSetupEpsEnsemble Scalar, forecast6 hourWater Surge [WaterSurge] 
Meteobase Makkink EvaporationMeteobase.Evaporation.MakkinkGrid, observed1 dayEvaporation [Evaporation] 
Meteobase Pennman-Monteith EvaporationMeteobase.Evaporation.PennmanMonteithGrid, observed1 dayEvaporation [Evaporation] 
Meteobase PrecipitationMeteobase.PrecipitationGrid, observed1 dayPrecipitation [P] 
