Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Code Block
DATE,LOC,VALUE,UNIT,PARAM,FS_A,FS_B,FS_C,FS_D,FS_E01-01-81 00:00,H-2001,2.3,m,P.m,OK,OK,OK,OK,OK3110040601;Spiegelplas 4;133054;475032;MEA;WP_CAS_ZUY;OW;Van Veenhapper;SPV7030;WP_CAS_ZUY;SBP130;06-04-10 00:00;Tubificidae;2;n;MACEV2010;AANTL_MEA;gemeten

Note that during import, the mapping goes from 'name' to 'id'. When importing the data, the flagSourceColumnId's should be configured in the flagSourceColumns configuration file.

Importing dates and times with separate year, month, day, hour, minute and second columns (since 2017.01)

There are several options for reading the date and time at which a value should be stored:

  • A single dateTimeColumn (with a pattern) can be used for csv files containing a single column with both date and time. 
  • A separate dateColumn and timeColumn (both with patterns) can be used for csv files containing two columns, one containing the date and the other containing the time.
  • A yearColumn, monthColumn and dayColumn can be used (instead of a dateColumn) when a csv file contains separate columns with the year, month and day respectively. Note that when used, all three columns must be specified and present in the csv file, together the columns must result in a valid date. 
  • An hourColumn, minuteColumn and/or secondColumn can be used (instead of a timeColumn) when a csv file contains separate columns with the hour, minutes and seconds respectively. Note that the hour value must be between 0 and 24 (where 24 is interpreted as 0 the next day), and the minute and second values must be between 0 and 59. The minute and second columns are optional, when an hour column is used without a minute and second column, the minutes and seconds are always set to 0. When an hour column and minute column are used without a second column, the seconds are always set to 0. It is not possible to use an hour and second column withour also specifying a minute column. 

Note that the option to specify a time through separate hour, minute and/or second columns, can be combined with a dateColumn, and the option to specify the date through separate year, month and day columns can be combined with a timeColumn. Ultimately, each of the values needed to obtain the full date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) must only be present in one of the configured columns, i.e., you can not use both a dateTimeColumn and a dateColumn (there would be two values for year, month and day), you can not use both an hourColumn and a timeColumn, etc. 

A config example using the separate year, month, day, hour, minute and second columns (new in 2017.01):

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<timeSeriesImportRun xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
            <dayColumn name="Day"/>
            <monthColumn name="Month"/>
            <yearColumn name="Year"/>
            <hourColumn name="Hour"/>
            <minuteColumn name="Minute"/>
            <secondColumn name="Second"/>
            <locationColumn name="Location"/>
            <parameterColumn name="Parameter"/>
            <valueColumn name="Value"/>
         <columnSeparator> </columnSeparator>

The CSV file for this example would look like this:

Code Block
Year Month Day Second Hour Minute Parameter Value Location
1980 01 1 02 4 59 H.m 1.23 H-2001
1980 02 04 33 2 32 H.m 4.56 H-2001
1981 12 31 22 18 0 H.m 7.89 H-2001


Defining column separator and decimal separator

Since 2016.01 it is possible to choose from multiple column separators: comma ","  or semi-colon ";" or pipe "|" or tab "&#009;" or space "&#x20;"

When specifying a column separator it is compulsory to also specify the decimal separator as comma ","  or point "."


Code Block
titleExample configuration for usage of colum separator and decimal separator
      <dateTimeColumn name="DATE" pattern="dd-MM-yy HH:mm"/>
      <locationColumn name="LOC"/>
      <unitColumn name="UNIT"/>
      <parameterColumn name="PARAM"/>
      <valueColumn name="VALUE"/>

This enables importing for example the format below:

Code Block
01-01-81 00:00|H-2001|2.3|m|P.m


Samples Import

For the import of ecological data based on samples, the general csv import is used extensively because there is a lot of information per timeseries.


Code Block
titleExample configuration for usage of userColumn
      <dateTimeColumn name="DATE" pattern="dd-MM-yy HH:mm"/>
      <locationColumn name="LOC"/>
      <unitColumn name="UNIT"/>
      <parameterColumn name="PARAM"/>
      <valueColumn name="VALUE"/>
      <userColumn name="USER"/>


Since 2014.02 there is a column that allows for specifying a limit symbol with each data point. 

Code Block
titleExample configuration for usage of userColumn
      <dateTimeColumn name="DATE" pattern="dd-MM-yy HH:mm"/>
      <locationColumn name="LOC"/>
      <unitColumn name="UNIT"/>
      <parameterColumn name="PARAM"/>
      <valueColumn name="VALUE"/>
      <limitSymbolColumn name="SYMBOL"/>

This column can recognise < as below detection range, or > as above detection range.

Column(s) not available for this import type
