Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • format (string, optional): Format of the response. Options are: application/xml or application/json. The default format is application/xml.


XML or JSON response with all available gridPlots nested by gridPlotGroupds.

Example request

Code Block


  • layers (string, optional, since 2019.02): the layerId of the plot for which the capabilities should be determined. Only one layerId is supported.
  • onlyHeaders (boolean, optional, since 2019.02): Get the capabilities without the times. The default is false.
  • forecastPeriod: By default only the current forecast will be returned by the GetCapabilities. To get other forecasts, a forecast period needs to be specified. When any forecasts are found, they will be returned as a layer with the plotId and external forecast time combined. For example: france_gfs_T_forecasts-2019-06-24T00:00:00Z
    • startForecastTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, since 2019.02): Start time of search period that looks for timeseries produced by forecasts that have their forecast time within this period.
    • endForecastTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, since 2019.02): End time of search period that looks for timeseries produced by forecasts that have their forecast time within this period.
    • forecastCount (integer, since 2019.02): Number of forecast runs to return when using start- and end- forecast time. Default is 1.


XML or JSON response with all available gridPlots nested by gridPlotGroupds.

Example request

Code Block

Example xml response

Code Block
<WMS_Capabilities xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.3.0">
Delft-FEWS Web Mapping Service with time support (WMS-T)
			<Title>Delft-FEWS Web Mapping Service layers</Title>
			<BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:3857" maxx="20037508.342789" maxy="20037508.342789" minx="-20037508.342789" miny="-20037508.342789"/>
				<Name>Satellite precipitation</Name>
				<Title>Satellite precipitation</Title>
				<Layer queryable="1">
					<Name>Precipitation GPM [mm]</Name>
					<Dimension units="ISO8601" name="time">

Example JSON response

Code Block
  "title" : "Loire Spatial Data Display",
  "layers" : [ {
    "name" : "Precipitation GPM [mm]",
    "title" : "",
    "groupName" : "Satellite precipitation",
    "groupTitle" : "Satellite precipitation",
    "times" : [ "2018-10-05T12:30:00Z", "2018-10-05T13:00:00Z", "2018-10-05T13:30:00Z", "2018-10-05T14:00:00Z", "2018-10-05T14:30:00Z", "2018-10-05T15:00:00Z", "2018-10-05T15:30:00Z" ]


Example request for getting capabilities of multiple forecasts (since 2019.02).

Code Block

The response will give a unique layer name per externalForecast. For example: france_gfs_T_forecasts-2019-07-01T00:00:00Z. The externalForecastTime will be set in the title of the layer.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<WMS_Capabilities xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.3.0">
        <Title>Delft-FEWS Web Mapping Service with time support (WMS-T)</Title>
            <Title>Delft-FEWS Web Mapping Service layers</Title>
            <BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:3857" maxx="20037508.342789" maxy="20037508.342789" minx="-20037508.342789" miny="-20037508.342789"></BoundingBox>            
                <Name>GFS Temperature Forecasts</Name>
                <Layer queryable="1">
                    <Title>GFS temperature forecasts France</Title>
                    <Layer queryable="1">
                        <Title>2019-07-01T00:00:00Z</Title><!--The WMS Map can be accessed using the layer id 'france_gfs_T_forecasts-2019-07-01T00:00:00Z' and vendor parameter 'externalForecastTime=2019-07-01T00:00:00Z'-->
                        <Dimension units="ISO8601" name="time">2019-07-01T00:00:00Z,2019-07-01T03:00:00Z,2019-07-01T06:00:00Z,2019-07-01T09:00:00Z,2019-07-01T12:00:00Z,2019-07-01T15:00:00Z,2019-07-01T18:00:00Z,2019-07-01T21:00:00Z,2019-07-02T00:00:00Z,2019-07-02T03:00:00Z,2019-07-02T06:00:00Z,2019-07-02T09:00:00Z,2019-07-02T12:00:00Z,2019-07-02T15:00:00Z,2019-07-02T18:00:00Z,2019-07-02T21:00:00Z,2019-07-03T00:00:00Z,2019-07-03T03:00:00Z,2019-07-03T06:00:00Z,2019-07-03T09:00:00Z,2019-07-03T12:00:00Z,2019-07-03T15:00:00Z,2019-07-03T18:00:00Z,2019-07-03T21:00:00Z,2019-07-04T00:00:00Z,2019-07-04T03:00:00Z,2019-07-04T06:00:00Z,2019-07-04T09:00:00Z,2019-07-04T12:00:00Z,2019-07-04T15:00:00Z,2019-07-04T18:00:00Z,2019-07-04T21:00:00Z,2019-07-05T00:00:00Z,2019-07-05T03:00:00Z,2019-07-05T06:00:00Z,2019-07-05T09:00:00Z,2019-07-05T12:00:00Z,2019-07-05T15:00:00Z,2019-07-05T18:00:00Z,2019-07-05T21:00:00Z,2019-07-06T00:00:00Z,2019-07-06T03:00:00Z,2019-07-06T06:00:00Z,2019-07-06T09:00:00Z,2019-07-06T12:00:00Z,2019-07-06T15:00:00Z,2019-07-06T18:00:00Z,2019-07-06T21:00:00Z,2019-07-07T00:00:00Z,2019-07-07T03:00:00Z,2019-07-07T06:00:00Z,2019-07-07T09:00:00Z,2019-07-07T12:00:00Z,2019-07-07T15:00:00Z,2019-07-07T18:00:00Z,2019-07-07T21:00:00Z,2019-07-08T00:00:00Z,2019-07-08T03:00:00Z,2019-07-08T06:00:00Z,2019-07-08T09:00:00Z,2019-07-08T12:00:00Z,2019-07-08T15:00:00Z,2019-07-08T18:00:00Z,2019-07-08T21:00:00Z,2019-07-09T00:00:00Z,2019-07-09T03:00:00Z,2019-07-09T06:00:00Z,2019-07-09T09:00:00Z,2019-07-09T12:00:00Z,2019-07-09T15:00:00Z,2019-07-09T18:00:00Z,2019-07-09T21:00:00Z,2019-07-10T00:00:00Z,2019-07-10T03:00:00Z,2019-07-10T06:00:00Z,2019-07-10T09:00:00Z,2019-07-10T12:00:00Z,2019-07-10T15:00:00Z,2019-07-10T18:00:00Z,2019-07-10T21:00:00Z,2019-07-11T00:00:00Z</Dimension>
                    <Layer queryable="1">
                        <Title>2019-06-24T00:00:00Z</Title><!--The WMS Map can be accessed using the layer id 'france_gfs_T_forecasts-2019-06-24T00:00:00Z' and vendor parameter 'externalForecastTime=2019-06-24T00:00:00Z'-->
                        <Dimension units="ISO8601" name="time">2019-06-24T00:00:00Z,2019-06-24T03:00:00Z,2019-06-24T06:00:00Z,2019-06-24T09:00:00Z,2019-06-24T12:00:00Z,2019-06-24T15:00:00Z,2019-06-24T18:00:00Z,2019-06-24T21:00:00Z,2019-06-25T00:00:00Z,2019-06-25T03:00:00Z,2019-06-25T06:00:00Z,2019-06-25T09:00:00Z,2019-06-25T12:00:00Z,2019-06-25T15:00:00Z,2019-06-25T18:00:00Z,2019-06-25T21:00:00Z,2019-06-26T00:00:00Z,2019-06-26T03:00:00Z,2019-06-26T06:00:00Z,2019-06-26T09:00:00Z,2019-06-26T12:00:00Z,2019-06-26T15:00:00Z,2019-06-26T18:00:00Z,2019-06-26T21:00:00Z,2019-06-27T00:00:00Z,2019-06-27T03:00:00Z,2019-06-27T06:00:00Z,2019-06-27T09:00:00Z,2019-06-27T12:00:00Z,2019-06-27T15:00:00Z,2019-06-27T18:00:00Z,2019-06-27T21:00:00Z,2019-06-28T00:00:00Z,2019-06-28T03:00:00Z,2019-06-28T06:00:00Z,2019-06-28T09:00:00Z,2019-06-28T12:00:00Z,2019-06-28T15:00:00Z,2019-06-28T18:00:00Z,2019-06-28T21:00:00Z,2019-06-29T00:00:00Z,2019-06-29T03:00:00Z,2019-06-29T06:00:00Z,2019-06-29T09:00:00Z,2019-06-29T12:00:00Z,2019-06-29T15:00:00Z,2019-06-29T18:00:00Z,2019-06-29T21:00:00Z,2019-06-30T00:00:00Z,2019-06-30T03:00:00Z,2019-06-30T06:00:00Z,2019-06-30T09:00:00Z,2019-06-30T12:00:00Z,2019-06-30T15:00:00Z,2019-06-30T18:00:00Z,2019-06-30T21:00:00Z,2019-07-01T00:00:00Z,2019-07-01T03:00:00Z,2019-07-01T06:00:00Z,2019-07-01T09:00:00Z,2019-07-01T12:00:00Z,2019-07-01T15:00:00Z,2019-07-01T18:00:00Z,2019-07-01T21:00:00Z,2019-07-02T00:00:00Z,2019-07-02T03:00:00Z,2019-07-02T06:00:00Z,2019-07-02T09:00:00Z,2019-07-02T12:00:00Z,2019-07-02T15:00:00Z,2019-07-02T18:00:00Z,2019-07-02T21:00:00Z,2019-07-03T00:00:00Z,2019-07-03T03:00:00Z,2019-07-03T06:00:00Z,2019-07-03T09:00:00Z,2019-07-03T12:00:00Z,2019-07-03T15:00:00Z,2019-07-03T18:00:00Z,2019-07-03T21:00:00Z,2019-07-04T00:00:00Z</Dimension>


Get the plot image as png for a layer for a requested time, image size and extent. Only untiled images are supported, which means the complete image has to be requested for the complete extent.

Request parameters

  • layers (required): the layerId of the plot to display. Only one layerid is supported.
  • time (required): the time for which the grid has to be plotted. Only one time is supported. Time ranges are NOT supported. Time has to be in the xml dateformat:  yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. The times returned by the GetCapabilities are in this format as well.
  • width (optional): width of the image. Default is 800. 
  • height (optional): height of the image. Default is 600
  • version (optional): supported version is 1.3 and is the default if not set. Older versions might work, but are not supported
  • crs (required): the output projection of the plot. Only supported projection is: EPSG:3857
  • bbox (required): the bounding box (in the projection as defined by the SRS parameter) of the extent that should be plot
  • externalForecastTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, since 2019.02): get the map for a specific forecast time.

Vendor parameters:

  • showContours (optional, since 2018.02): Display contour lines if enabled in the gridplot. Default is false. Set to true to show contour lines.


  • The product of width and height is limited to the full HD resolution of 1920x1200 to avoid memory issues. In case a GetMap request is done where WIDTH*HEIGHT > 2304000 a bad request error will be returned.


Transparent PNG image of the requested gridPlot for the specified timeStep, size and extent.

Example request

Code Block

Example png response

Image Added

Example request for a specific forecast using externalForecastTime and layers

Code Block

Example request for a specific forecast using layers with external forecast time embedded in the layer name. 

Code Block
<WMS_Capabilities xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.3.0">
Delft-FEWS Web Mapping Service with time support (WMS-T)
			<Title>Delft-FEWS Web Mapping Service layers</Title>
			<BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:3857" maxx="20037508.342789" maxy="20037508.342789" minx="-20037508.342789" miny="-20037508.342789"/>
				<Name>Satellite precipitation</Name>
				<Title>Satellite precipitation</Title>
				<Layer queryable="1">
					<Name>Precipitation GPM [mm]</Name>
					<Dimension units="ISO8601" name="time">

Example JSON response

Code Block
  "title" : "Loire Spatial Data Display",
  "layers" : [ {
    "name" : "Precipitation GPM [mm]",
    "title" : "",
    "groupName" : "Satellite precipitation",
    "groupTitle" : "Satellite precipitation",
    "times" : [ "2018-10-05T12:30:00Z", "2018-10-05T13:00:00Z", "2018-10-05T13:30:00Z", "2018-10-05T14:00:00Z", "2018-10-05T14:30:00Z", "2018-10-05T15:00:00Z", "2018-10-05T15:30:00Z" ]



Get the plot image as png for a layer for a requested time, image size and extent. Only untiled images are supported, which means the complete image has to be requested for the complete extent.

Request parameters

  • layers (required): the layerId of the plot to display. Only one layerid is supported.
  • time (required): the time for which the grid has to be plotted. Only one time is supported. Time ranges are NOT supported. Time has to be in the xml dateformat:  yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. The times returned by the GetCapabilities are in this format as well.
  • width (optional): width of the image. Default is 800. 
  • height (optional): height of the image. Default is 600
  • version (optional): supported version is 1.3 and is the default if not set. Older versions might work, but are not supported
  • crs (required): the output projection of the plot. Only supported projection is: EPSG:3857
  • bbox (required): the bounding box (in the projection as defined by the SRS parameter) of the extent that should be plot

Vendor parameters:

  • showContours (optional, since 2018.02): Display contour lines if enabled in the gridplot. Default is false. Set to true to show contour lines.


  • The product of width and height is limited to the full HD resolution of 1920x1200 to avoid memory issues. In case a GetMap request is done where WIDTH*HEIGHT > 2304000 a bad request error will be returned.


Transparent PNG image of the requested gridPlot for the specified timeStep, size and extent.


Code Block

Example png response




Get the legend image as png for a specified gridPlotId.
