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Friday, 13 September 2019 in Liège (Belgium).

The objective of this symposium is to share and exchange knowledge on hydrological modelling and water-related processes (in the widest sense) in the Meuse catchment on a scientific basis. Target audience are all scientists, water managers and stakeholders that feel connected to the Meuse basin.

This year’s edition of the symposium series starts with a session on integrated river management. The second session is about hydrological modelling and includes the hydrological modelling exercise that has been initialized during the first edition of the symposium in 2013 and since then has been a recurring topic of the symposium. The afternoon sessions are dedicated to water quality and aquatic environment and operational water management, hydraulics and morphology.

Invitation and programme

Last update: September 11, 2019

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Welcome and opening

Welcome words from the International Meuse Commission by Jean-Noël Pansera (Secretary General of the International Commission of the Meuse)

Integrated River Management, chair: Jiri Nossent (Flanders Hydraulics Research)

Martín Orloff (Executive Secretary of the Binational Commission for the Development of the Bermejo and Grande de Tarija Rivers Upper Basin)

Bermejo and Grande de Tarija Rivers Basin: A Geopolitical and Strategical Project for Development

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Hermjan Barneveld (HKV), Nathalie Asselman, Frans Klijn (Deltares) and Alphons van Winden (Bureau Stroming)

The story of the Meuse

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nameBarneveld_2019_Story of the Meuse.pdf

Sebastién Erpicum (Université de Liège)

Potential of pumped-storage hydropower at La Gileppe reservoir 

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Hydrological modelling of the Meuse basin, chair: Lieke Melsen (Wageningen UR)

Guillaume Thirel (IRSTEA)

Hydrological modelling in the French part of the Meuse in the CHIMERE21 project

Joost Buitink (Wageningen UR)

A new fast distributed hydrological model and its application to the Rhine and the Meuse

Laurène Bouaziz (TU Delft), Lieke Melsen (Wageningen UR)

The joint modelling exercise of hydrological modelling

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Water quality and aquatic environment, chair: Bernhard Becker (Deltares)

Gertjan Zwolsman (Dunea)

Impact of climate change and demography on pharmaceuticals in the Meuse River: A drinking water perspective

Maarten van der Ploeg (RIWA-Maas), Gertjan Zwolsman (Dunea)

The role of the tributaries on the discharge of the Meuse during the drought of 2018

Gereon Hermens (Ingenieurbüro Floecksmühle, Fichtner Water & Transport)

Selected fish pass projects in the Meuse catchment

Operational water management, hydraulics and morphology, chair: Céline Savary (SPW Hydraulic research laboratory)

Lila Collet (IRSTEA)

Forecasting drought severity based on spatial hydro-meteorological indicators

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Arjan Sieben, Siebolt Folkertsma (Rijkswaterstaat), Willem Ottevanger, Aukje Spruyt, Kees Sloff (Deltares)

A research plan and model for the morphology of the Meuse

Jorn Baayen (Kisters BV)

Comparison of different approaches for optimization of control in hydraulic modelling

Benjamin Dewals (Université de Liège)

Operation rules of the Vesdre reservoir revisited 

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nameDewals_2019 - Vesdre_Reservoir.pdf


Bernhard Becker (Deltares)

The scope of future editions of the symposium series (discussion)

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