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For URBS there are two adapters, one made by the developers of the URBS code Don Carroll and one made by Deltares. The URBS adapter developed by Don Carroll takes care of the conversion of the time series files from PI XML format to native URBS files and model logging. The URBS adapter developed by Deltares supports the conversion of model parameters from standard Delft-FEWS PI-format to URBS ini files.


  • 2018.02 and up: fews-urbs-parameter-adapter.jar (updated version due to upgraded jre version java 2013)
  • Pre 2018.02: fews-urbs-parameter-adapter.jar
  • Deprecated: UrbsIniAdapter.jar


exportTimeSeriesActivity exports

Code Block

URBS Catchment Layout

The modeling unit of URBS is the URBS sub-catchment. Within an URBS sub-catchment, the vector file defines the inputs and outputs to the model. Input is rain at the subareas as well as flows from any upstream sub-catchment. Outputs calculated in the sub-catchment are simulated river flows (Q.sim.fcst) and possibly simulated reservoir inflow ( and outflows (Q.res.out.fcst). In addition, URBS can rewrite an input from an upstream catchment as an (adjusted) output. This output is adjusted when the matching (i.e. error correction) is turned on for this station. Since it is very inconvenient for the FEWS configuration to have two similar flow parameters at a similar location, a different parameter is chosen for flows that are rewritten after (possible) adjustment:

Given that some sub-catchments have been modeled without a monitoring station that can provide an observed level/rated flow for matching, the following common situations have been identified with different combinations of model input and output time series (see Figure): 

  • Upstream sub-catchments without matching stations
  • Upstream sub-catchments (with matching stations)
  • Upstream sub-catchment stations with reservoirs (and matching stations)
  • Downstream sub-catchments (with matching stations)
  • Downstream sub-catchments with reservoirs.

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Delft-FEWS General Adapter

Just like any model deployed within a Delft-FEWS application, the URBS model is executed via the Delft-FEWS General Adapter. In the GA module instance four main activities can be identified:

  1. Start-up activities that delete old URBS rainfall input, output and log files from the URBS module folders.
  2. Export activities that export the URBS model parameters and rainfall time series into the correct URBS module folders
  3. Execute activities that start the URBS parameter adapter, URBS pre-adapter, URBS model executable and URBS post-adapter
  4. Import activities that import the flow time series.

This page will describe in more detail the data flow through the various adapters as well as the export, execute and import activities from the General Adapter perspective. Different flavours of this General Adapter file may exist, this depends on the different sub-catchment layouts as indicated above. The differences are however minimal.

The figuer below illustrates the data flow for URBS.

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On the input side, two adapters are executed. The URBS vector file, the rdf file and the sub-file are contained in the ModuleDataSet of this sub-catchment, which is unzipped by the general adapter. The URBS parameter adapter converts the parameterization as provided by the sub-catchment location attributes in Delft-FEWS (in the parameters.xml file) into the model.ini file which can be read by the URBS executable. If the Loss model is changed, this adapter will update the rdf file as well. The URBS pre-adapter converts the input time series as provided by Delft-FEWS (in the inputs.xml file) into the various time series files which can be read by the URBS executable. The URBS executable generates a number of output files, which are converted back into a PI-timeseries.xml file by the Post Adapter. The resulting time series file is ingested by the General Adapter. The URBS executable generates a log file. Each adapter generates a PI-diagnostics xml file for its own work, while the post adapter incorporates the log from the URBS executable in its diagnostics file.

The structure of a General Adapter file follows the activities as described above.


First a General section is required to indicate where the model will be run and other properties.

Code Block

Export Activities

The Export Activities element contains several sub-elements for exporting all data required by URBS.

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  • A dummy state file
  • The inputs.xml time series file, holding the input time series for the locations and parameters as defined above.
  • The vector, rdf and sub files extracted from the file for this sub-catchment
  • The parameters.xml, being populated with the model-parameters attributes for the sub-catchment, the matching flags for the relevant matching locations and (if any) the VBF parameters for any reservoir location in the sub-catchment.
  • A runinfo.xml file, informing the adapters about directories and files handed over, with specific information of needed.

The example shows an export parameter activity that not only exports the params.xml file, but also replaces location attributes in the params.xml; this is usefull when model parameters are modified in the Delft-FEWS GUI. If no modifiers are used the params.xml file can just be exported with the following codeexportParameterActivity exports parameter set for the configured module instance.

Code Block

The exportRunFileActivity cna also be configured in multiple flavours. This activity exports a pi run file in xml format, containing general information about the run. This file is used by the URBS parameter adapterthe URBS parameter adapter. Sometimes the URBS Bin folder key is also exported as shown below.

Code Block
                    <string key="urbsIniFile" value="%ROOT_DIR%\model\$SUBCATCHMENT$.ini"/>
                    <string key="rdfFile" value="%ROOT_DIR%\model\$SUBCATCHMENT$.rdf"/>
          <string key="URBS_BIN" value="$MODULES_BIN$\urbs"/>

Properties URBS parameter adapter


Code Block
titleExample parameterSeriesFile.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TimeSeries xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.10">
            <timeStep unit="second" multiplier="86400"/>
            <startDate date="2018-05-21" time="10:00:00"/>
            <endDate date="2018-05-24" time="10:00:00"/>
        <event date="2018-05-21" time="10:00:00" value="-99.0" flag="8"/>
        <event date="2018-05-22" time="10:00:00" value="48" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2018-05-23" time="10:00:00" value="40" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2018-05-24" time="10:00:00" value="-99.0" flag="8"/>


Code Block
titleExample URBS_VEC_TAGS parameters.xml
<group id="URBS_VEC_TAGS" name="URBS Vec tags" readonly="false">
   <parameter id="VEC_B0" name="VEC_B0">
   <parameter id="VEC_BR" name="VEC_BR">
   <parameter id="VEC_BC" name="VEC_BC">
   <parameter id="VEC_BM" name="VEC_BM">
   <parameter id="URBS_ASTERISKS" name="URBS_ASTERISKS">
Code Block
titleExample VEC with tags
{Developed by Terry Malone on 08/10/2009}
USES: L, E*1, U*1, I*0.1
{The default parameters are for information only}
DEFAULT PARAMETERS: alpha = 0.2 m = 0.8 beta = 2.5 n = 1 x = 0
CATCHMENT DATA FILE = knocklofty.dat
Factor = 1

INPUT. Newcastle_br
PRINT.Newcastle_br_G: B0=12.5 {12} Br=0.875 {0.825} BC= 0.25  BM = 1.0

INPUT. nire
PRINT.Nire_G:B0=5.0  Br=0.875 BC= 0.2 BM = 1.0


ROUTE THRU #14 L = 2.63 Sc = 0.0005
ADD RAIN #14 L = 2.63 Sc = 0.0005

{PRINT.Ballydonagh: Br=0.9 BC= 0.2 BM = 1.0}

RAIN #109 L = 5.84 Sc = 0.0273
ROUTE THRU #110 L = 1.22 Sc = 0.0019
ADD RAIN #110 L = 1.22 Sc = 0.0019
ROUTE THRU #15 L = 1.58 Sc = 0.0005
ADD RAIN #15 L = 1.58 Sc = 0.0005

PRINT.KNOCKLOFTY_G : B0=%VEC_B0% {12} Br=%VEC_BR% {0.85} BC=%VEC_BC% {0.25} BM =%VEC_BM%

end of catchment data file.


LOCATION. suir014
LOCATION. suir015
LOCATION. suir109
LOCATION. suir110


{3 rating station:}
{location. newcastle_br_G*1.1}
{location. nire_G*0.7}
{location. KNOCKLOFTY_G*1.1}
{end of rating stations.}

3 gauging station:
location.  newcastle_br_G%ASTERISK_1%
location.  nire_G%ASTERISK_2%
end of gauging station.
