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The hechms files (.basin, .contol, .gage, .hms, .pdata, .run, .script, .met, .dss etc.)are saved in the /Config/ModuleDataSet directory. These are copied to the /Model/hechms/<model> directory during the exportDataSet activity in the General Adapter file.

Example of template ModuleParFile configuration, to allow for Parameter updating by the pre adapter. In the GA, under <exportParameterActivity> the modulePar template file is referenced, providing the 'model' and a 'locationSet'. For each of the locations in the locationSet, the '@attributes'@ need to be defined. 


HEC-HMS parameter updating

A development (October 2019) for the HEC-HMS adapter has made it possible to update parameters. The following parameter updates are supported:

  • All parameters for the Subbasin elements in the *.basin HEC-HMS file
  • All parameters for the Reach elements in the *.basin HEC-HMS file
  • All parameters for the Snow Method Parameter element in the *.met HEC-HMS file

To use this capability the various FEWS configuration is required.

  1. The correct HEC-HMS binAdapter needs to be placed in \Config\ModuleDataSetFiles\ (binAdapter directory) and the binaries need to be exported to the Modules.
  2. The subbasins/reaches (from the model *.basin file) and the snowmelt method (in the model *.met file) from the (multiple) HEC-HMS models need to be defined as locations with their own unique (FEWS) locationId. The locationId's under which they are known in the HEC-HMS model need to extracted from the *.basin file and stored as an attribute, so they can be exported correctly. 
  3. For each of the locations where parameter updating is required, the parameter values need to configured as attributes (define a .csv file and create a suitable locationSet)
  4. To be able to see the parameters for the various HEC-HMS models in the Delft-FEWS interface, the ModifierTypes.xml can be extended with a locationAttributeModifier section as can be seen below. The modifier can be linked with the relevant HEC-HMS model run Topology Nodes

    ModifierType configuration for HEC-HMS parametersImage Added 

  5. A (template) ModuleParFile configuration is required, to allow for Parameter updating by the pre adapter. In the GA, under <exportParameterActivity> the modulePar template file is referenced, providing the 'model' and a 'locationSet'. For each of the locations in the locationSet, the '@attributes'@ need to be defined. An example f the configuration can be seen below

    Code Block
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <parameters xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.5">
    	<group id="HECHMS_Basin_Subbasin_Parameters" name="HEC-HMS Basin Subbasin Parameters">
    		<parameter id="Time of Concentration">
    		<parameter id="Storage Coefficient">
    	<group id="HECHMS_Basin_Reach_Parameters" name="HEC-HMS Basin Reach Parameters">
    		<parameter id="Muskingum K">
    	<group id="HECHMS_Met_Parameters" name="HEC-HMS Met Parameters">
    		<parameter id="Base Temperature">
    		<parameter id="Snow vs Rain Temperature">
    		<parameter id="Dry Melt Rain Rate Limit">
    		<parameter id="Rain Melt Rate">

  6. To instruct the preAdapter to update parameters, some specific keys need to be provided to the runInfo file. In the exportRunFileActivity in the GA we require the following keys for parameter updating:

    1. hmsProjectFile
      reference the model *.hms file. This file contains the references to the filenames of the ‘Precipitation’ file (*.met) and the Basin file (*.basin)

    2. hmsScriptFile
      not required for the parameter updating, but it is required for the adapter in general

    3. Basin_Subbasin_Params_File
      When we want to update subbasin parameters in the *.basin file, we need to define this Key and provide the reference to the params file that contains the location/parameter combinations to be updated

    4. Basin_Reach_Params_File
      When we want to update reach parameters in the *.basin file, we need to define this Key and provide the reference to the params file that contains the location/parameter combinations to be updated

    5. Precipitation_SnowMelt_Params_File
      When we want to update Snowmelt Method parameters in the *.met file, we need to define this Key and provide the reference to the params file that contains the location/parameter combinations to be updated