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For a given SVG element ID, this request can provice provide information about specific actions that have been configured in the FEWS scada/ssd display configuration. Specifically the leftSingleClickAction and leftDoubleClickAction that have been configured can be retrieved using this request. This request is designed specifically to support web developers in the development of web applications where the user can click on elements in the SVG image to display more detailed information about a location in the SSD display.

Request parameters

  • SSD (required): the name of the SSD "DisplayPanel" to query. Only one SSD can be queried at a time.
  • OBJECTID: the id of the SVG object to retrieve the configured actions for.
  • ACTION: the type of user interaction, can be either LEFTSINGLECLICK or LEFTDOUBLECLICK (case insensitive)


The response to the GetAction request is XML or JSON formatted text giving information about the action that has been configured in FEWS. An action always consists of an action (or service) type (i.e. open another SSD panel, url of PDF document). For example a configured "switchToScadaPanel" action response in XML format:

Code Block
titleXML response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SSD_Actions version="1.0.0">

The same information in JSON format:

Code Block
titleJSON format response
  "results" : [ {
    "type" : "SSD",
    "request" : "Stevinsluizen"
  } ]

Please note that in the FEWS scada/sdd display configuration, only one action can be configured for either a leftSingleClickAction or leftDoubleClickAction, yet the result of a GetAction request is presented as a list that can contains more than one result. This is because for some specific actions (i.e. openDisplay/timeSeriesDisplay) it is expected that more than one implementation may become available in the future.


For general FewsWebServices requirements, see: Installation. There are no additional requirements for the FEWS SSD web service.
