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For certain types of data it is possible to extract time series data for a specific part of a grid and show this in a separate graph. This is only possible for scalar data with dimension "discharge" (L3/T), "volume" (L3), "velocity" (L/T), "length" (L or 'amount of substance' ) or "amountOfSubstance" and for horizontal flow data with dimension "discharge" (L3/T) or "velocity" (L/T). The dimension of a parameter group can be configured through the parameters.xml and a list of available dimensions can be found at Configuration Guide > Regional Configuration > Parameters.

The specific part of the grid is defined by drawing an area sketch (a closed polygon surrounding the desired area). Start drawing an area sketch either by selecting 'Start Drawing Area' from the drop-down menu of the sketch mode button and then left clicking the map, or by Shift+left clicking on the desired start point for the area. A colored dot will be drawn to indicate the selected point. Add additional line segments along the edge of the desired area by left clicking in the display. Finish drawing by double-clicking. The last point in the sketch will be connected to the first point automatically to create a closed polygon that surrounds the desired area.

Once an area sketch has been drawn, extract the desired data by right clicking and selecting the 'Calculate Budget' option from the popdrop-up menudown menu of the "use sketch button". The corresponding graph will show automatically. The 'Calculate Budget' option will perform one of the following calculations, depending on the type and the dimension of the selected data (The dimension can be defined in a parameterGroup in the region configuration).

Grids that contain scalar data (e.g. water levels or rainfall data):

  • For dimensions For dimensions "discharge" (L3/T (, e.g. flow in m3/s), "volume" (L3 ( e.g. volume in m3) and 'amount of substance"amountOfSubstance"' the calculation will be 'volume summation'. This calculates the sum of the values inside the area. This uses all grid cells that are (partially) inside the area. The value of each grid cell is weighted using the fraction of the grid cell that is inside the area.
  • For dimensions "velocity" (L/T (, e.g. velocity in m/s) and "length" (L (, e.g. water level in m) the calculation will be 'area times average level'. This calculates the average level inside the area multiplied by the size of the area. This uses all grid cells that are (partially) inside the area. The value of each grid cell is weighted using the fraction of the grid cell that is inside the area.
  • If another dimension, or no dimension, is configured for the selected data, then the options 'Start Drawing Area' and 'option 'Calculate Budget' are is not availableenabled.

Grids that contain horizontal flow data in the form of u,v vectors:

  • For dimension "discharge" (L3/T (, e.g. flow in m3/s) the calculation will be 'mass balance horizontal flux'. This calculates the net horizontal flow into/out of the area. This uses all grid cells that are for at least 50% inside the area.
  • For dimension "velocity" (L/T (, e.g. velocity in m/s) the calculation will be 'mass balance horizontal velocity'. First for each grid cell the value of u, respectively v, is multiplied by the height of the gridcell, respectively the width of the grid cell, to get flow values (The height of the flowing water mass is taken to be 1). Then the net horizontal flow into/out of the area is calculated. This uses all grid cells that are for at least 50% inside the area.
  • If another dimension, or no dimension, is configured for the selected data, then the options 'Start Drawing Area' and 'Calculate Budget' are not availableoption 'Calculate Budget' is not enabled.

If there is no parameter configured with one of the dimensions supported by the 'Calculate Budget' option, the option will be hidden.

To extract data for a different area just start drawing another area. This will erase the previous sketch. The area sketch can also be erased by right clicking and selecting 'Delete Sketch' from the popsketch drop-up menudown menu (or pressing the keyboard shortcut "delete").

When animating the grid display, a marker will move over the time series graph as well. Note that the same area sketch can be reused when switching to another plot (right clicking and selecting one of the relevant options will open a new window).


Extraction of data for an area is not available for quadrilateral grids, irregular grids, and points and polygons. The area sketch will be erased when switching to a plot that contains data of one of these types. Extraction of data for an area is also not available for rotated pole geodatum types. In some cases extraction of data for an area can exhibit unexpected behaviour for areas crossing the dateline or located near the North Pole or South Pole.Note:
The green dots only mark grid cells of which the cell centre is inside the area. The actual calculations also use grid cells that are partially inside the area.

Extracting min max and mean time series for an area
