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This CanadaMeteoWCS data import accesses is used for targeted access to gridded Numerical Weather Prediction and re-analysis data from the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) GeoMet Services.


This documentation contains:

1) Data Provider Documentation,

2) Sample Configuration

3) and Instructions for Creating a Subset Grid Grid, and,

4) Known issues

This data import is available since Delft-FEWS 2018.02 and a patch more recent then January, 2020.

Please comment if anything further is needed or is incorrect.

1) Data Provider Documentation

This service is hosted by the Meteorological Service of Canada:


The license of the data provider (Environment and Climate Change Canada) can be found here

2) Example Configuration

The example configuration is for the Global Deterministic Prediction System (GDPS) numerical weather system for the TimeseriesImportRun followed by IdMapping and Grid definitions for a wide variety of imports.


Code Block
<timeSteps xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

	<timeStep id="GMT_6hourly" times="00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00" timeZone="GMT"/>
	<timeStep id="GMT_12hourly" times="00:00 12:00" timeZone="GMT"/>


3) Instructions for Creating a Subset Grid

To create a smaller grid, follow these steps:

1) Define the bounding box coordinates (, try Dublincore below Copy and Paste for clarity)
2) Fill in the url query below:$VARIABLE_ID$&SUBSETTINGCRS=EPSG:4326&SUBSET=x($westlimit$,$eastlimit$)&SUBSET=y($southlimit$,$northlimit$)&FORMAT=image/netcdf
             $VARIABLE_ID$ is from the WCS getCapabilities, or from the externalIDs in this document.
              $westlimit$, $eastlimit$, $southlimit$ $northlimit$ are an integer bounding box
3) Paste the query in a webbrowser to download a sample file.
4) In your FEWS application, use the functionaility from the F12 menu --> Clipboard --> Copy grib geometry from file.
5) Paste the grid definition in your grids.xml file

4) Known issues

Subsetting definitions are currently required (original grids cannot be pulled). 
