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  • Alberta River Forecasting System (ARFS), used by Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP), Edmonton, Canada (Deltares contacts: Dave Casson & Micha Werner). Note that AEP owns the IPR of the HYDSTRA Model engine code.


Download of the model adapter is not available here: please e-mail to Delft-FEWS Product Management for more information.

Interface between FEWS and Hydstra

The adapter described here provides the following tasks in running Hydstra model engine from FEWS. The Hydstra adapter is developed in Java and is configured to run from the Delft FEWS configuration through a suitably configured General Adapter run. The tasks supported by the adapter include:

  • Reading of the input time series required for the Hydstra model run (e.g. precipitation, temperatur, discharge) as provided through from the general adapter through the FEWS Published Interface XML format (PI-XML), and transforming these to the input format required by the Hydsra model engine (Hysdstra Time Series Format, TSF).
  • Amending the Hydstra model definition file (TSO file) with the appropriate run-time parameters (e.g. model start time, run length etc). These data are provided from the FEWS General Adapter through the PI-XML formatted run file.
  • Amending the value of model parameters and states within the TSO file to allow influencing the behaviour of the Hydstra model. These parameters can be set either using the PI-XML parameters file exported from the FEWS General adapter (typically used for setting the value of model parameters, or through an PI-XML time series (typically used for setting the value of a model state at the start of the run).
  • Reading the output time series provided by the Hydstra model engine. These outputs are provided by the model engine using two formats; TSF formatted files and free format text files (format specified in the TSO file).