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The Thumbnails Dialog or "plot overview" is a panel which shows a thumbnail of each plot which is configured for the selected node. This panel gives an overview of the
selected node. This overview is enabled by configuring the following task in the explorer tasks;
When a plot is selected the primary plot is automatically updated, also other plots display which are not locked (see previous chapter) are
updated. Primary plot is defined by including the following task in the explorer tasks: nl.wldelft.fews.gui.plugin.timeseries.PlotsTimeSeriesDialog.
Is such task is not defined the Plot Overview works only if a time series dialog window is open.

At the top of the panel there are five buttons. The first button selects the first plot, the second button selects the previous plot, the third button
selects the next plot and the fourth button selects the last plot. The fifth button lets the user choose between auto resize to make the thumbnails as wide as the panel and manual resizing by the bottom right corner of the first thumbnail.