Versions Compared


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This import can download data from two different REST endpoints: PrecipitacaoObservada and Grandezas Hidrologicas. Both the URL params and responses are very similar, but there are some differences, detailed bellow.

URL params for both:

DataInicioMedicao DataInicialMedicao --> start date, filled in by FEWS based on the relative view period

DataFimMedicao) DataFinalMedicao --> end date, filled in by FEWS based on the relative view period


Grandeza --> timeseries parameter, filled in by FEWS automatically, using the external parameter ID from the configured time series.   The following parameters are supported: "VMD","AFL","DFL","TUR","VER","VTR","VOE","NIV","NJS","VNA","VNM","VNS","VIA".  In one request only one parameter can be used, but FEWS will loop through all parameters one by one automatically.


URL examples:,RPTOCO&Grandeza=DFL&DataInicialMedicao=0121/0104/2020&DataFinalMedicao=0224/0104/2020&QualidadeDado=COO,CON&AgregacaoTemporal=DI&Grandeza=DFL&IDPostoReservatorio=RPTOCO,01944078,01942025,A449,A880,A865&DataInicialMedicao=0122/0104/2020&DataFinalMedicao=0225/0104/2020&QualidadeDado=CD,CT&AgregacaoTemporal=DI&FuroTemporal=SIDEstacaoMeteo=01944032,01944078,01942025




Config example:

Username and password are needed to be able to access the auth token.
