Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The toolbar provides the controls for displaying the spatial information via through the following buttons. The functionality of zoom options and layers is explained in the FEWS Explorer section (see chapter 2).



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Contours. To turn on/off contour lines (regular grids configured with contour lines only). Numbers appear when the animation has stopped or paused. The colors, which indicate the value remain visible.
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Grid lines. Toggles grid or polygon lines on or off

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Product Info. Toggles product info on or off. (only shown if there are products present in the configuration, see the page on the Forecast Product Information Panel)

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Labels. Toggles labels on or off (drop down options include turning on/off locations, values and/or units in the labels and increasing /decreasing the number of decimals shown in the labels and tooltips)
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Value to local reference level.

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Flags. Switches to flags for selected time series / gridplot (quality, modifiers or thresholds)

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Search and select forecasts. Switches to (previous) forecasts.

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Show spatial thumbnails. Toggles thumbnails of each time step below the main spatial display on or off.

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Show spatial ensemble thumbnails. Displays the ensemble thumbnails panel.

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Sketch mode buttons and other sketch drawing options. Switches the sketch mode between drawing points, adding points, drawing longitudinal profiles and drawing areas when the map is clicked. Contains additional options to save/load sketches and delete the current sketch.

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Options to show a graph based on current sketch. Drop-down menu with options to extract scalar time series, vertical profiles, longitudinal profiles, 2D longitudinal profiles, calculate budget and calculating the mean max min time series (for sketched areas).

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Activate spatial modifier mode. Toggles spatial modifier mode on or off (only shown if at least one spatial modifier is configured in ModifierTypes.xml). The additional modifier mode buttons shown when modifier mode is toggled on are explained in the spatial modifier section.

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Display time. Choose display time (period)
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Time Slider Toolbar

Since 2019.02 the time slider and its buttons have been moved to a separate toolbar located at the bottom of the spatial display.

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Preload. Since the 2019.02 the grids are downloaded on the fly. With the preload button the grids for all time steps are downloaded in the background to have a smooth animation without pauzes. A green line in the time slider shows the progress of the download

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Play. Starts continuous play mode. The slider will indicate the time slice being shown. This button is merged with the pause button. So after this button is pressed, the pause button appears.

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Pause. Stops continuous play mode. The time slider remains at the time displayed at the moment. This button appears if the play button is previously pressed and the continuous play mode is running.

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Stop. Stops continuous play mode. The time reverts back to the start time.

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One frame back. Moves the time slider back one timestep.

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One frame forward. Moves the time slider forwards one timestep.

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Record. Creates an AVI or animated gif movie file. The avi format is used by default unless the filename ends with '.gif'. After opening the file, the display will start playing from the current time position, until the stop button is clicked.

Time slider

The time slider can be dragged to specific time slice.

Data availability

The data availability indicator provides a visual clue as to where you can find data. For those times where data is available, the colour of the data availability indicator will be set to the maximum value found in the data for that time slice.


Note: For grids that contain horizontal flow data in the form of u,v vectors the data availability indicator might over-estimate the maximum values. In other words, for u,v vector data the availability indicator colours might indicate values greater than the actual maximum values found in the data. This is a known issue and was implemented to improve performance.

Selection filters

The selection filters show which displays have been configured. Select a filter to display the data. Note that each grid display may be configured differently, i.e. with a different period of data to be displayed, with a different background map, etc. The configuration allows filters to be highlighted in bold.


A bar legend displays fluent scale bar as shown in the picture below:


Moving Average or Accumulation Slider


When spatial modifier mode is activated, the spatial modifier button section will appear in the toolbar. This contains the following buttons.



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Start time. Select the current time as new modifier start time.

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End time. Select the current time as new modifier end time.

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Clear period. Clear the selected new modifier period.

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Copy modifier. Used when creating spatial copy modifiers.

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Paste modifier. Used when creating spatial copy modifiers.

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Spatial profile. Used to create a spatial profile modifier.

When spatial modifier mode is activated the colors on the time slider will indicate the time periods on which modifiers are applied and the selected period for new modifiers (if any). The new modifier period will be shown in green. The color for the time steps on which a spatial modifier is active can be configured. In this example the configured color is black. It is also possible to configure ticks for the start and end time of the period of applied modifiers and start and end time of the selected new modifier period. 
