Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Select the area
  2. Set the search start and end times.
  3. Select the type of dataset
  4. Select the source of the data (if available, from 2015.01 onwards only)
  5. Press the search button
  6. Select one or multiple data sets from the list for download
  7. Press the download and import data button to download the data from the archive server and import into the local datastore. If do not want the data imported, you can also press the download (only) button.
  8. Whatif template name is only active if dataset type is simulated forecasting.  This is a dropdown window will all whatif templates configured. You can filter your search results by choosing an id.
  9. Whatif  senarion name is only active if dataset type is simulated forecasting. You can filter your search results by typing the name of the scenario you are searching for.
  10.  Data search property windows are only available if they are configured (see example below.) The dopdowns are only active if dataset type is simulated forecasting.  You can configure no more than two search properties. 

Image AddedImage Removed

Figure Delft-FEWS Archive display; search in archive and download data


  1. ArchiveDisplay “download and import” button can be used from version 2020.02.  It downloads and launches the selected config as a new SA application.
  2. Menu item "Load latest archive configuration" has two steps : it downloads automatically the latest archived config and then replaces the current config with that downloaded latest config.
  3. You can use a config downloaded through the ArchiveDisplay in your current SA config, by closing that SA and replacing the config manually. There is currently no way to do this automatically like with the latest config (see previous item)

Config example:

hideDownloadDataSetsTab, hideCreateEventTab, hideSearchEventTab, hideArchiveDatabaseTab, hideArchiveUploadTab :  Available since 2022.01. Optional fields, default value is false. If it’s set to true, the tab in question will never be visible in the Archive.

archiveUploadIdMapId:  Since 2022.02. Optional. Id of the id mapping to be used in the archive upload panel.

initialSearchTimePeriod:  Since 2022.01 Optional. if configured the search window in the archive catalogue will be set to this period upon starting up.

dataSearchProperty: Since 2022.01. Optional. If configured, a dropdown box with the possible values of the property will be added to the display as a possible filter for simulated time series. No more than two search properites can be added.
Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<archiveModuleDisplay xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
	<initialSearchTimePeriod start="-1000" end="1" unit="day"></initialSearchTimePeriod>