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h1. H1310 - Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand
h1. General
|| General characteristics || ||
| Common name | Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand |
| Region | The Netherlands |
| Water system | Transitional waters |
| Nature parameter | Habitat types |
|HR nr| H1310|
| Fact sheet by | M. Haasnoot |{column}{column:width=20%}

h1. Description habitat
This habitat type includes annuals colonising the coast, on the boundary of sea and land. In tidal areas, it colonises periodically inundated muds and sands of marine or interior salt marshes and it can be found in areas susceptible to temporary inundation. Characteristic species for this habitat type are: Glasswort (_Salicornia procumbens_), Annual Glasswort (_Salicornia europaea_), and Seepweeds (_Suaeda maritima_). In addition, species of the Saginion maritimae association occur: Pearlworts  (_Sagina maritima_) and Minutina (_Plantago coronopus_), Cochlearia danica (_Cochlearia danica_) [#1].

h3. General occurrence
Well-developed Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand can be found in all sheltered coastal zones of the Dutch Wadden Sea and the Delta regions of Southern Holland and Zeeland. A large Saginion_covered area can be found in Grevelingen on dry sandflats [#1]. 

h3. Environmental boundary conditions

Various descriptions mention the occurrence of this habitat type near the mean high water level, a zone regularly flooded with salt water. According to measuring data of the Haringvliet  [#3], this type occurs, together with [H13020|H1320 - Spartina swards], between the mean low water line (MLW) and the mean high water line (MHW), especially between mean tide and MHW. Between MLW and half tide, mostly silt can be found and occasionally H1310 and H1320. If dynamics are high, vegetation cannot survive resulting in a bare beach. Habitat type H1301 is more vulnerable to high dynamics (maximum moderate dynamics) than Spartina swards (H1320).

The chloride concentrations as referred to in literature, vary between 0.3gCl/L and 70gCl/L [#3], [#4], [#5].

h3. Control and growth opportunities
This habitat type is sensitive to water level changes and water level fluctuations. As this type can also be found in brackish and salt areas, it is sensitive to water management measures, such as limitation of salt water influence in, for instance, the Zeeland Waters. 

h1. Dose-effect relations
h4. Flowchart
"node0" [
label = "Water depth|Salinity|Dynamics"
shape = "record"

"node3" [
label = "HAI general"
shape = "record"

"node0":f1-> "node3" [style=italic,label="minimum"]
id = 2


h4. Dose-effect relations

{chart:type=bar|title=Water depth|xlabel=velocity (m/s)|yLabel=Habitat Availability Index |dataDisplay=true|dataOrientation=vertical|legend=false}
|| || HAI ||
| < MLW | 0 |
| MLW - half tide | 0.4 |
| half tide - MHW | 1 |
| > MGHW | 0 |
MLW = mean low water
MHW = mean high water
{chart:type=xyline|title=Salinity|xlabel=salinity (g Cl/l)|yLabel=Habitat Availability Index |dataDisplay=true|dataOrientation=vertical|legend=false}
|| || HAI ||
| 0 | 0 |
| 0.3 | 0 |
| 4 | 0.5|
| 5 | 1|
| 10 | 1 |

  {chart:type=bar|title=Dynamics|xlabel= dynamics|yLabel=Habitat Availability Index |dataDisplay=true|dataOrientation=vertical|legend=false} 
  || || HAI || 
  | low | 1 | 
  | moderate | 0.4 | 
  | high | 0 | 
  'Dynamics has not been qualified, for instance in terms of velocity or wave height. This topic should be studied further in a project. 

h1. Uncertainty and validation
These dose-effect relations have been validated on a limited scale. This habitat type was used for the environmental impact assessment of the Volkerak Zoommeer. A qualitative comparison was made between the results of the current situation and ecotopes. The results have been applied to this area. 

h1. Applicability
Please refer to uncertainty.

h1. Example project (in Dutch)
Haasnoot, M. en K.E. van de Wolfshaar (ed). (2006). Habitat analyse in het kader van de Planstudie/MER voor Krammer, Volkerak en Zoommeer. WL report Q4015

h1. References
1 {anchor:1} []
2 {anchor:2} Haasnoot, M. en K.E. van de Wolfshaar (ed). (2006). Habitat analyse in het kader van de Planstudie/MER voor Krammer, Volkerak en Zoommeer. WL report Q4015
3 {anchor:3} Hansson Ecodata. Calibratie van het model EMOE voor de vegetatie van de voordelta van het Haringvliet. Freiburg, 2005.
4 {anchor:4} Schaminée, J.H.J., Weeda, E.J. en Westhoff, V. (1998). De vegetatie van Nederland. Deel 4. Plantengemeenschappen van de kust en van binnenlandse pioniermilieus. Opulus Press, Uppsala-Leiden. 
5 {anchor:5} Van der Meulen, Y.A.M.. Meren Ecotopen Stelsel. RIZA nota 97.076. 1997