Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
  "topologyNodes" : [ {
    "id" : "groupNodeA",
    "name" : "groupNodeA",
    "topologyNodes" : [ {
      "id" : "nodeA",
      "name" : "nodeA",
      "workflowId" : "Import",
      "localRun" : true,
      "displayId": "exampleDisplayId"
    }, {
      "id" : "nodeB",
      "name" : "nodeB",
      "workflowId" : "Import",
      "localRun" : true,
      "displayGroupId", "exampleDisplayGroupId"
    } ]
  }, {
    "id" : "groupNodeB",
    "name" : "groupNodeB",
    "topologyNodes" : [ {
      "id" : "nodeC",
      "name" : "nameNodeC",
      "workflowId" : "Import",
      "localRun" : true,
       "url" : "exampleUrl"
    }, {
      "id" : "nodeD",
      "name" : "nodeD",
      "workflowId" : "ImportSample",
      "localRun" : false
    } ]
  } ]

GET timeseries/history

returns the edit history for the requested time series and times

Request parameters

  •  times (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ) the times for which the edits are requested

  • locationId (string): Id of the location for which the edits are requested
  • ensembleId (string): Ensemble identifier of for time series
  • ensembleMemberId (string): Ensemble Member identifier of for time series. Only allowed in combination with ensembleId. Since 2022.02.
  • timeSeriesSetIndex (integer): index of the requested time series set.



For example:

Code Block
[ {
  "time" : "2013-12-30T01:00:00Z",
  "edits" : [ {
    "workflowOrUserId" : "?",
    "value" : 22.0,
    "flag" : 0,
    "flagSource" : 0,
    "valueSource" : 0,
    "comments" : "test2"
  } ]
}, {
  "time" : "2013-12-30T00:00:00Z",
  "edits" : [ {
    "workflowOrUserId" : "?",
    "value" : 20.0,
    "flag" : 0,
    "flagSource" : 1,
    "valueSource" : 1,
    "comments" : "test"
  } ]
} ]

GET timeseries

Returns a pi timeseries xml file containing the time series data filtered by the query parameters.


Request parameters

  • convertDatum (boolean): Convert values from relative location height to absolute height values. 
  • documentVersion (string, 1.9 or up): File format version (optional). For example: 1.23
  • documentFormat (string): PI_XML (default), PI_JSON, DD_JSON, NOOS_TEXT, BINARY (only when running embedded tomcat)
  • endCreationTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): End time of search period that looks for creation time of time series. Note: creation time of time series is actually the creation time of the task that produced/imported these time series.
  • endForecastTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): End time of search period that looks for time series produced by forecasts that have their forecast time within this period.
  • endTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): End time of search period that looks for timeseries values that are within this period. If the endTime doesn't match a timestamp of the time series, the closest timestamp after the endTime, will also be returned. Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. Take note that if no endTime is specified, the end time of the requested period will be set to the current time plus one day and one hour. 
  • ensembleId (string): Ensemble identifier of for time series
  • ensembleMemberId (string): Ensemble Member identifier of for time series. Only allowed in combination with ensembleId. Since 2022.02.
  • exportIdMap (string): Name of the id map that should be used as exportIdMap. Overrules a configured exportIdmapId from the WebServices.xml general section configuration.

  • externalForecastTimes (dateTime format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): Time value of external forecast time. This parameter has to be duplicated to specify multiple multiple externalForecastTimes.
  • filterId (string): An existing subfilter of the default filter id. N.B. Can be used in combination with taskRunIds since 2020.01.
  • forecastCount (integer): Number of forecast runs to return when using start- and end- forecast time. Default is 1.
  • locationIds (string): Subset of locations for which to retrieve time series. This parameter can be duplicated to use multiple locationIds.
  • moduleInstanceIds (string): Subset of moduleInstances for which to retrieve time series. This parameter can be duplicated to specify multiple moduleInstanceIds.
  • omitMissing (boolean): Toggle omitting or returning of missing values in response
  • omitEmptyTimeSeries (boolean): Toggle omitting or returning headers of empty timeSeries. Default is false. Since 2020.02.
  • onlyHeaders (boolean): Toggle to return only header information or also data
  • onlyForecasts (boolean): Toggle to return only forecast time series (Since 2017.02)
  • onlyManualEdits (boolean): Toggle to return only manual edits.
  • parameterIds (string): Subset of parameters for which to retrieve time series. This parameter has to be duplicated to specify multiple parameters.
  • qualifierIds (string): Subset of qualifiers for which to retrieve time series. This parameter has to be duplicated to specify multiple qualifierIds. To indicate that no qualifier is available, use qualifierIds: "none"
  • showProducts (boolean): Toggle to display product information that is assigned to a forecast. (Since 2019.02). See below for an example.
  • showStatistics (boolean): Toggle to return statistics information about time series. Typically used in combination with onlyHeaders. Returns additional information about data availability of time series (Since 2015.01). These statistics are only provided if there is any data, otherwise they are left out. 
    • firstValueTime: First time with a value in the time series
    • lastValueTime: Last time with a value in the time series
    • maxValue: Maximum value in the time series
    • minValue: Minimum value in the time series
    • valueCount: Number of values in the time series
  • showThresholds (boolean): Option to toggle the returning of threshold information in the headers
  • showEnsembleMemberIds (boolean): Show ensemble member ids instead of ensemble member indices.
  • timeSeriesType (string): Explicitly filter on a specific time series type. (Since 2020.01). Possible values are: EXTERNAL_HISTORICAL, EXTERNAL_FORECASTING, SIMULATED_HISTORICAL, SIMULATED_FORECASTING.
  • thinning (long): unit ms/pixel. Thinning is used to retrieve the visually interesting time steps of time series. It tries to keep the peaks and gaps and minimizes the number of time steps that have to be retrieved. It is typically used for visualizations. The value to be specified should be equal to the view period in milliseconds of the time series that is visualized divided by the number of pixels that are available for display. For example: visualizing a view period of 5 years (157784760000 milliseconds) on a display of 1024 pixels, the thinning parameter should be set to 157784760000/1024 = 15408668. (Since 2019.02)
  • useMilliseconds (boolean) Optional argument. Default is false. If it is set to true, the response will contain milliseconds. See example below. Available in 2017.02 and from 2019.02
  • startCreationTime (dateTime format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): Start time of search period that looks for creation time of time series. Note: creation time of time series is actually the creation time of the task that produced/imported these time series.
  • startForecastTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): Start time of search period that looks for time series produced by forecasts that have their forecast time within this period.  Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. If left empty all forecasts up to the endForecastTime will be used as search period.
  • startTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): Start time of search period that looks for timeseries values that are within this period. If the startTime doesn't match a timestamp of the time series, the closest timestamp before the startTime, will also be returned. Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. Take note that if no startTime is specified, the start time of the requested period will be set to the current time minus one day.
  • taskRunIds (string): Subset of task run ids for which to retrieve time series. This parameter has to be duplicated to specify multiple taskRuns.  N.B. cannot be used in combination with a filterId or with startTime and/or endTime.
  • useDisplayUnits (boolean): Export values using display units.
  • importFromExternalDataSource (boolean, default true): import data from external data source (Archive). (since 2017.02)
  • timeStepId (string): filter time series by the timestep that has been configured in the TimeSteps.xml. (since 2018.02). N.B.: It is not required to use the timeStepId's in the filter configurations to be able to use them as long as they have been configured in the TimeSteps.xml.
  • timeStepMillis (integer): filter time series by an equidistant timestep with a duration of the given number of milliseconds. This can be used in cases where no timestep Id has been configured in TimeSteps.xml.  Cannot be used in combination with timeStepId
  • matchAsQualifierSet (boolean): Optional argument. Indicates if the selected time series sets must contain all of the the given qualifiers and are not allowed to have additional qualifier ids.
  • defaultRequestParametersId(string): Since 2022.02. If this parameter is set, a defaultRequestParameters element is expected to be configured with the specified id in the piRestService element of the WebServices.xml. All request parameters configured will be used as the default request parameters for the timeseries endpoint. If a parameter is explicitly added to the timeseries endpoint, it will overrule the entry that was set in the defaultRequestParameters configuration. 


  • PI-XML
  • BINARY: only supported when running in embedded tomcat in the Operator Client or Stand Alone.


  • convertDatum (boolean): Convert values from relative location height to absolute height values. 
  • documentVersion (string, 1.9 or up): File format version (optional). For example: 1.23
  • documentFormat (string): PI_XML (default), PI_JSON, DD_JSON, NOOS_TEXT
  • endTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): End time of search period that looks for timeseries values that are within this period. If the endTime doesn't match a timestamp of the time series, the closest timestamp after the endTime, will also be returned. Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
  • locationIds (string): Subset of locations for which to retrieve timeseries. This parameter can be duplicated to use multiple locationIds. At least one location id is required.
  • omitMissing (boolean): Toggle omitting or returning of missing values in response
  • omitEmptyTimeSeries (boolean): Toggle omitting or returning headers of empty timeSeries. Default is false. Since 2020.02.
  • onlyHeaders (boolean): Toggle to return only header information or also data
  • onlyForecasts (boolean): Toggle to return only forecast timeSeries (Since 2017.02)
  • onlyManualEdits (boolean): Toggle to return only manual edits.
  • plotId (string, required): the plotId as configured in the DisplayGroups.xml for which the configured TimeSeriesSets will be determined from the line, area and bar elements. 

  • showProducts (boolean): Toggle to display product information that is assigned to a forecast. (Since 2019.02).
  • showStatistics (boolean): Toggle to return statistics information about timeseries. Typically used in combination with onlyHeaders. Returns additional information about data availability of timeseries (Since 2015.01). 
    • firstValueTime: First time with a value in the timeSeries
    • lastValueTime: Last time with a value in the timeSeries
    • maxValue: Maximum value in the timeSeries
    • minValue: Minimum value in the timeSeries
    • valueCount: Number of values in the timeSeries
  • showThresholds (boolean): Option to toggle the returning of threshold information in the headers
  • showEnsembleMemberIds (boolean): Show ensemble member ids.
  • thinning (long): Thinning is used to retrieve the visually interesting time steps of a timeSeries. It tries to keep the peaks and gaps and minimizes the number of time steps that have to be retrieved. It is typically used for visualizations. The value to be specified should be equal to the view period of the timeSeries that is visualized divided by the number of pixels that are available for display. For example: visualizing a view period of 5 years (157784760000 milliseconds) on a display of 1024, the thinning parameter should be set to 157784760000/1024 = 15408668. (Since 2019.02)
  • useMilliseconds (boolean) Optional argument. Default is false. If it is set to true, the response will contain milliseconds. See example below
  • startTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): Start time of search period that looks for timeseries values that are within this period. If the startTime doesn't match a timestamp of the time series, the closest timestamp before the startTime, will also be returned. Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
  • useDisplayUnits (boolean): Export values using display units.


  • Timeseries PI-XML or PI-JSON file content..


  • bbox (string, required): bounding box of map that is viewed in , separated EPSG:3857 format. The order of the coordinates is as follows: bottom left X, bottom left Y, top right X, top right Y. For example: 
  • convertDatum (boolean): Convert values from relative location height to absolute height values. 
  • documentVersion (string, 1.9 or up): File format version (optional). For example: 1.23
  • documentFormat (string): PI_XML (default), PI_JSON, DD_JSON, NOOS_TEXT
  • elevation (double): used for 3d data, like for example water depth, to get the timeseries of a grid point at a specific elevation. Since 2020.01.
  • endTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, required): End time of search period that looks for timeseries values that are within this period. If the endTime doesn't match a timestamp of the time series, the closest timestamp after the endTime, will also be returned. Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
  • externalForecastTime (dateTime format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): Time value of external forecast time. 
  • ensembleId (String): Used in combination with ensembleMemberId to identify a unique ensemble. Since 2020.01.
  • ensembleMemberId (String): Used in combination with ensembleId to identify a unique ensemble. Since 2020.01.
  • importFromExternalDataSource (boolean, default true): import data from external data source (Archive). since 2019.02.
  • layers (string, required): layerd id (only one layer is supported and required) that matches the gridPlot id as configured in the gridDisplay. Every gridPlot that has been configured in the grid display configuration represents a WMS layer. For more information, see the WMS Service documentation: FEWS Web Mapping Service with time support: WMS-T
  • omitMissing (boolean): Toggle omitting or returning of missing values in response
  • omitEmptyTimeSeries (boolean): Toggle omitting or returning headers of empty timeSeries. Default is false. Since 2020.02.
  • onlyHeaders (boolean): Toggle to return only header information or also data
  • onlyForecasts (boolean): Toggle to return only forecast timeSeries
  • onlyManualEdits (boolean): Toggle to return only manual edits.
  • showProducts (boolean): Toggle to display product information that is assigned to a forecast. (Since 2019.02). See below for an example.
  • showStatistics (boolean): Toggle to return statistics information about timeseries. Typically used in combination with onlyHeaders. Returns additional information about data availability of timeseries (Since 2015.01). 
    • firstValueTime: First time with a value in the timeSeries
    • lastValueTime: Last time with a value in the timeSeries
    • maxValue: Maximum value in the timeSeries
    • minValue: Minimum value in the timeSeries
    • valueCount: Number of values in the timeSeries
  • showThresholds (boolean): Option to toggle the returning of threshold information in the headers
  • showEnsembleMemberIds (boolean): Show ensemble member ids.
  • showVerticalProfile (boolean): Show vertical profile in case of 3D data. Since 2020.01.
  • startTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, required): Start time of search period that looks for timeseries values that are within this period. If the startTime doesn't match a timestamp of the time series, the closest timestamp before the startTime, will also be returned. Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
  • thinning (long): unit ms/pixel. Thinning is used to retrieve the visually interesting time steps of timeSeries. It tries to keep the peaks and gaps and minimizes the number of time steps that have to be retrieved. It is typically used for visualizations. The value to be specified should be equal to the view period in milliseconds of the timeSeries that is visualized divided by the number of pixels that are available for display. For example: visualizing a view period of 5 years (157784760000 milliseconds) on a display of 1024 pixels, the thinning parameter should be set to 157784760000/1024 = 15408668. (Since 2019.02)
  • useMilliseconds (boolean) Optional argument. Default is false. If it is set to true, the response will contain milliseconds. See example below. Since 2019.02
  • useDisplayUnits (boolean): Export values using display units.
  • x (double, required): x position on the map in EPSG:3857 format.
  • y (double, required): y position on the map in EPSG:3857 format.


  • Timeseries PI-XML or PI-JSON file content.


POST timeseries (2017.02)

Write timeseries data to the FEWS system using the timeseries sets defined by the filters. The timeSeries are stored in the piTimeSeriesXmlContent.

The timeseries you post to the rest service should match one of the time series sets in the default filter or one of its sub filters. To make sure you only write time series for a specific filter, you can pass a filterId with the POST request. Only timeseries that have timeseries sets that are configured in that filter (or one of its sub filters) will be accepted. If no filterId is used, all time series will be accepted that are configured in the default filter. Writing the time series works similar to importing time series using the pi.xml format using the "PI" import type. See also: Delft-Fews Published Interface timeseries Format (PI) Import

The 'convertDatum' argument is to allow timeseries that support a datum to have their values converted to a value relative to the location height. If values are already relative to location then enter FALSE or omit.

In case a time series already exists in the database, the time series will be overwritten by the ones that are posted. For forecast time series with different forecastDates a new time series will be added. The latter can be achieved by providing a forecastDate element in the POST request, e.g. <forecastDate date="2013-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>.

N.B.: by default POST operations are disabled in the Delft-FEWS WebServices and have to be explicitly enabled by setting the READONLY_MODE to false in the See also: FEWS Web Services Configuration (deprecated since 2022.02).

Request parameters

  • filterId (string, optional): Filter id for when the input timeseries maps to multiple internal timeseries. Within the scope of the filter the input timeseries should only map to one internal timeseries. When no filterId is specified, the default filter applies.

  • convertDatum (boolean, optional): Convert values from relative location height to absolute height values

Body parameters

  • piTimeSeriesXmlContent (xml string, required): PiTimeseries xml file  encoded in the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type. Example of a piTimeSeriesXmlContent (unencoded):

    Code Block
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <TimeSeries xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    			xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.12">
    			<timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/>
    			<startDate date="2013-01-01" time="00:40:00"/>
    			<endDate date="2013-01-01" time="00:50:00"/>
    			<stationName>DE BILT</stationName>
    		<event date="2013-01-01" time="00:40:00" value="13.0" flag="0"/>
    		<event date="2013-01-01" time="00:50:00" value="13.0" flag="0"/>

    Since 2018.02 the service also supports milliseconds. The parser automatically recognises which format is used.

  • Code Block
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <TimeSeries xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    			xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.12">
    			<timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/>
    			<startDate date="2013-01-01" time="00:40:00.750"/>
    			<endDate date="2013-01-01" time="00:50:00.250"/>
    			<stationName>DE BILT</stationName>
    		<event date="2013-01-01" time="00:40:00.750" value="13.0" flag="0"/>
    		<event date="2013-01-01" time="00:50:00.250" value="13.0" flag="0"/>

  • N.B. The SOAP Web Service has support for posting timeSeries as binary data using the piTimeSeriesBinaryContent. This is NOT support in this REST service of the PI Service.

  • When sending in a set of timeseries that correspond to (e.g.) a completed forecast over multiple locations, it is not necessary to POST each location separately, the entire set be sent in one TimeSeries XML document with multiple series.
  • There is no option in the REST Web Service to do any aggregation or transformation.


  • Diag PI xml response with all diagnostic output.

Example request

The following example shows how timeSeries can created using the POST method. Take note that the TimeSeries have to be posted in PI XML Format in the body of the POST request using the piTimeSeriesXmlContent key. The value is the content of the PI XML Timeseries in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.

Code Block
curl "http://localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/rest/fewspiservice/v1/timeseries/" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d

Example response

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Diag xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://fews." version="1.2">
    <line level="2" description="Multiple time series sets found for parameter=T.obs.mean location=63306260000"/>
    <line level="3" description="Import.Info: External time series successfully mapped to FEWS time series 63306260000 T.obs.mean   (m) nonequidistant Tue Jan 0
1 01:40:00 CET 2013 z=0.0"/>
    <line level="3" description=" 1 time series imported, 0 time series rejected"/>
    <line level="3" description=" The following locations-parameter combination imported  63306260000:T.obs.mean"/

Example response with non-matching time series.

It is possible that the posted time series do not match any of the time series sets that have been configured in the default filter or in a passed filterId. In that case, the response will report that some time series couldn't be mapped. In the following eexample 8 time series were posted, but only one time series was actually writte, 7 time series were rejected:

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Diag xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.2">
    <line level="3" description="Import.Info: External time series successfully mapped to FEWS time series amerongen_beneden H.voorspeld   (m) 10 minutes Tue Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 2013 z=0.0"/>
    <line level="3" description="Import.Info: 1 time series imported, 7 time series rejected"/>
    <line level="3" description="Import.Info: The following locations-parameter combination imported  amerongen_beneden:H.voorspeld"/>

Example forecast time series.

By specifying a forecastDate it is possible to write external forecasts using the PI service.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TimeSeries xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.12">
            <timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="10"/>
            <startDate date="2013-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>
            <endDate date="2013-01-01" time="00:30:00"/>
            <forecastDate date="2013-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>
        <event date="2013-01-01" time="00:00:00" value="10.0" flag="0" />
        <event date="2013-01-01" time="00:10:00" value="12.0" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2013-01-01" time="00:20:00" value="11.8" flag="0"/>
        <event date="2013-01-01" time="00:30:00" value="9.0" flag="0"/>

Example code

To post timeSeries to the Delft-FEWS WebServices, the following is example JAVA code:

Code Block
String piTimeSeries = "PI XML Content";
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/rest/fewspiservice/v1/timeseries");
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
connection.setRequestProperty("charset", "utf-8");
String postData = "piTimeSeriesXmlContent=" + URLEncoder.encode(piTimeSeries, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(postData.length()));
try (DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream())) {


GET taskruns

Get the taskRuns that comply to the filters. By default only forecasts are returned. Note that the results of this response are by default not cached.

Request parameters

  • onlyForecasts (boolean): option to toggle if only forecasts should be returned. Default true.

  • onlyCurrent (boolean): option to toggle if only current forecasts should be returned. Default false.

  • startDispatchTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): Start time of search period that looks for taskruns that have their dispatch time within this period.

  • endDispatchTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): End time of search period that looks for taskruns that have their dispatch time within this period.

  • startForecastTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): Start time of search period that looks for taskruns that have their forecast time within this period.

  • endForecastTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): End time of search period that looks for taskruns that have their forecast time within this period.

  • workflowId (string): Filter by an existing workflow id.

  • scenarioId (string): Filter by an existing whatsif scenario id.

  • mcId (string): Filter by mcId. Since 2021.01.
  • taskRunStatusIds (string): Filter taskruns using the taskrunstatus code value. For valid status codes see the section 'Get taskrunstatus' below.
  • documentVersion (string, 1.9 or up): File format version (optional). For example: 1.23


  • TaskRuns PI XML file content.

Example request

Code Block
curl "http://localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/rest/fewspiservice/v1/taskruns?workflowId=ImportObserved&onlyForecasts=false"

Example response

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TaskRuns xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.23">
    <taskRun taskRunId="0_0">
        <status>completed fully successful</status>
        <dispatchTime date="2017-08-13" time="09:55:18"/>
        <completionTime date="2017-08-13" time="10:21:35"/>
        <time0 date="2017-08-13" time="09:45:00"/>
        <outputStartTime date="1743-11-01" time="00:00:00"/>
        <outputEndTime date="2017-08-01" time="00:00:00"/>

GET moduleruntimes (2021.02)

Get all expected runtimes for workflows per module instance id. The list can optionally be filtered by workflowId. Only workflows of scheduled tasks that contain module instance descriptors that have been configured with updateModuleRunTimesOnCompletion enabled, will be available in this end point.

The expected start time of a module is calculated based on the scheduled next due time and the expected pending duration time. The expected end time of a module is calculated based on the scheduled next due time, the expected pending duration time and the expected running time. For triggered tasks, the expected start time en end time won't be available until the task is actually started.

Request parameters

  • workflowId (string): optional, allow filtering for a specific worklowId.

  • documentFormat (string): PI_XML (default)


  • ModuleRunTime PI XML or PI JSON content.

Example request

Code Block
curl "http://localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/rest/fewspiservice/v1/moduleruntimes?workflowId=Meuse_DWD_COSMO_LEPS"

Example response PI_XML

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ModuleRunTimes xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <expectedStartTime date="2021-10-13" time="13:15:01"/>
        <expectedCompletionTime date="2021-10-13" time="13:16:54"/>

Example response PI_JSON

Code Block
  "moduleRunTimes" : [ {
    "workflowId" : "Meuse_DWD_COSMO_LEPS",
    "moduleInstanceId" : "Dummy",
    "mcId" : "nldefedmc00",
    "expectedStartTime" : 1414882800000,
    "expectedCompletionTime" : 1414886400000,
    "expectedPendingDuration" : 1465,
    "expectedRunningDuration" : 112634
  } ]

GET taskrunstatus (2017.02)

Track the status of a workflow using the taskRunId.

Request parameters

  • taskId (string, required): task Id of a workflow.
  • maxWaitMillis (integer) time in milliseconds to wait for response

  • documentVersion (string, 1.9 or up): Since 2022.02. File format version (optional). For example: 1.29
  • documentFormat (string): PI_JSON. Since 2022.02. If not specified, plain text is assumed.


Status of the workflow task. Possible response codes are:

  • I = Invalid,
  • P = Pending,
  • T = Terminated,
  • R = running,
  • F = Failed,
  • C = Completed fully successful,
  • D = Completed partly successful,
  • A = Approved,
  • B = Approved partly successful
  • null= No status available (produces when method call times-out)

Example request

Code Block
curl "localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/rest/fewspiservice/v1/taskrunstatus?taskId=1_0"

Example response

Code Block

Since 2022.02 the taskrun status response supports PI_JSON as well. For example:

Code Block
  "version" : "1.29",
  "code" : "C",
  "description" : "Completed fully successful"


POST runtask (2017.02)

Runs a workflow task for a given workflowId. Returns a handle to the task in the form of a taskid. This taskId can be used to track the status of the workflow using the taskrunstatus method. Since 2018.02 it is possible to use a workflow descriptor attribute: waitWhenAlreadyRunning. This will allow running a task that hasn't been scheduled to wait when another task of that workflow is already running. 

Request parameters

  • workflowId (string, required): Identifier of the task to run
  • startTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): Start of run period. Used for state selection period.
  • timeZero (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): Forecast time zero. If missing System time is used (optional)
  • endTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): End of run period. Used to define forecast length.
  • coldStateId (string): Id of a coldstate. Can be used to force state selection (optional).
  • scenarioId (string): Id of a predefined WhatIf scenario. Can be used to alter run parameters (optional).
  • userId (string) User id of the user that runs the task.
  • description (string): Descriptive text to identify run.
  • runOption (string, optional, since 2022.02): Run option can be any of: all, alloneatatime or allmostrecentonly. If not set, the default is used: all.
    1. all: Multiple instances of this workflow can run simultaneously.
    2. alloneatatime: Running (and queued) instances of this workflow prevail.
    3. allmostrecentonly: A running instance of this workflow prevails. Queued instances of this workflow will be replaced by a recent one. 
  • optional: Since 2022.02 properties can be included in the url. These will be used as taskRunProperties, and override global or workflow properties. Each property has to be aded to the url seperately.
    Where the name of the property is fileName, the value is exportFile. The name of the second property is outputValue, the value is 9.0.

Body parameters

  • piModelParametersXmlContent (pi XML url encoded): Contents of a Pi ModelParameters XML file. PI ModelParameters can be exported by the General Adapter to provide information to external models being run by FEWS. The xml file content has to be encoded in the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type.


  • taskId String with the identifier of the task that is run.

Example request

Code Block
curl "http://localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/rest/fewspiservice/v1/runtask/?workflowId=ImportObserved&startTime=2014-01-01T00:00:00Z+0000&timeZero=2014-01-01T00:00:00Z+0000&endTime=2014-01-01T00:30:00Z+0000&property(fileName)=exportFile&property(outputValue)=9.0" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"  -d ""

Example response

Code Block

GET timeseriesmodifiers (2017.02)

Get a list of all timeSeries modifiers

Request parameters

  • locationIds (string):

  • moduleInstanceIds (string):

  • startTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): start time of modifiers search period

  • endTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): end time of modifiers search period.

  • userId (string):

  • modifierTypeId (string):

  • active (boolean, default true):

  • userDefinedModifierDescriptionKeyValuePair (string):

If no startTime and endTime are given, the search period is any time.


  • timeSeriesModifiers PI XML

Example request

Code Block
curl "http://localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/rest/fewspiservice/v1/timeseriesmodifiers"

Example response

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Modifiers xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <name>T.obs.mean_DE BILT</name>
        <userId>Andre Grijze</userId>
        <startTime date="1900-10-17" time="00:00:00"/>
        <endTime date="2017-11-23" time="00:00:00"/>
        <validTime date="3000-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>
        <creationTime date="2017-10-24" time="11:43:11"/>
                <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
                <timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/>
            <startTime date="1900-10-17" time="00:00:00"/>
            <endTime date="2017-11-23" time="00:00:00"/>

GET modifiers

Get a list of all modifiers.

Request parameters

  • startTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): start time of modifiers search period

  • endTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): end time of modifiers search period.

  • modifierTypeId (string): filter on modifiers by modifierTypeId as specified in the ModifierTypes.xml configuration. If modifier type cannot be found, not filtering on type is done.

If no startTime and endTime are given, the search period is any time.


  • Modifiers PI XML

Example request

Code Block
curl "http://localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/rest/fewspiservice/v1/modifiers?modifierTypeId=MISSING_VALUE_MODIFIER"

Example response

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Modifiers xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <name>T.obs.mean_DE BILT</name>
        <userId>Rudie Ekkelenkamp</userId>
        <startTime date="1900-10-17" time="00:00:00"/>
        <endTime date="2017-11-23" time="00:00:00"/>
        <validTime date="3000-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>
        <creationTime date="2017-10-24" time="11:43:11"/>
                <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
                <timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/>
            <startTime date="1900-10-17" time="00:00:00"/>
            <endTime date="2017-11-23" time="00:00:00"/>

POST modifiers (2017.02)

Create new modifiers.

Request parameters

  • commitModiifers (boolean): Indicates if the modifiers should be committed after the uploaded. This option defaults to true.

  • deleteAllModifiers (boolean): Indicates if all the existing modifiers should be deleted prior to inserting the new modifiers. This option defaults to false.

Body parameters

  • piModifiersXmlContent (pi Modifiers XML url encoded): Contents of a  modifiers file. The xml file content has to be encoded in the 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type.


  • Diag PI xml response with all diagnostic output.

Example request

Code Block
curl "http://localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/rest/fewspiservice/v1/modifiers" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"  -d "piModifiersXmlContent=""

Example response

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Diag xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://fews." version="1.2">
    <line level="3" description="Successfully imported modifier:none MODIFY_TIMESERIES -1 T.obs.mean_DE BILT none"/>

GET workflows (2017.02)

Request parameters

  • documentVersion (string, 1.9 or up): File format version (optional). For example: 1.23


  • xml workflows.

Example request

Code Block
curl "http://localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/rest/fewspiservice/v1/workflows"

Example response

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<workflows xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://" version="1.23">
    <workflow id="ImportObserved">
        <name>Import Observed Data</name>
        <description>Import observed scalar data from external sources and process the imported data</description>


  • If no startCreationTime and endCreationTime have been set, the startTime and endTime are used to determine the search period.
  • If no startTime and endTime have been specified, the search period will be set to the current system time minus one day and one hour until the current system time plus one day and one hour.


  • Samples PI XML file content


  • startTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): start time of the requested period

  • endTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): end time of the requested period

  • workflowId (string): workflow which should be run. This workflow should generate the requested data file

  • xMin (string): left x coordinate of the bounding box for which data should be generated

  • xMax (string): right x coordinate of the bounding box for which data should be generated

  • yMin (string): lower y coordinate of the bounding box for which data should be generated

  • yMax (string): upper y coordinate of the bounding box for which data should be generated

  • xCellSize (string): width of the cell size

  • yCellSize (string): height of the cell size


  • The workflow indicated by the workflowId should generate a data-file (usually a netcdf-file). if the workfow has succesfully generated a netcdf-file, the response will be binary stream containing the generated file. If no file is generated an 500 error will be thrown.


  • documentFormat (string): only PI_XML is supported.
  • showAttributes (boolean): toggle to show qualifier attributes. Default is false.


  • Qualifiers in PI-XML.

Example request


  • moduleInstanceId (string): an existing module instance id.
  • taskRunId (string): an existing taskRunId.


  • Content of the csv file of the module run table. Dates are in GMT-0 in the format: yyyyMMddHHmmss
  • The csv file name is returned in the Content-Disposition header: attachment;filename=filename.csv


  • documentFormat (string): PI_XML (default) or PI_JSON


    • PI-XML or PI-JSON file content.


GET open api specification of the REST API.


    • JSON response with the open api specification.


  • documentVersion (string): PI_XML or PI_JSON is supported.
  • locationIds (string, optional): one or more locationIds for which to retrieve the rating curves.
  • onlyHeaders (boolean): Toggle to return only header information or also data


    • PI_XML response with rating curves.



    • PI_JSON response with rating curves.



    • PI_JSON response with rating curves.


  • moduleInstanceIds(string): one or more module instance ids.


    • PI_JSON response with state times per module instance ids


  • moduleInstanceId (string, required): .
  • stateTime (string, required): state time. For example: 2020-03-18T15:00:00Z


    • binary zip file.

Example request


  • path (string, optional): One or more subfolders. Note that this path will not be used to resolve the resource. Only the resourceId will be used.
  • resourceId (string, required): name of a resource in the PiClientConfigFiles config folder. Typically a css file or json file name


    • binary with the content of the IconFile


  • path (string, optional): One or more subfolders. Note that this path will not be used to resolve the resource. Only the resourceId will be used.
  • resourceId (string): name of a image file that is in the IconFiles config folder.


    • binary with the content of the IconFiles


  • documentFormat (string): TEXT (default) or PI_JSON


    • text response with the actual system time.  Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ


  • documentFormat (string): TEXT (default) or PI_JSON


    • text response with the last update time.  Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ


  • documentFormat (string): PI_JSON


    • PI_JSON response

Example request


  • documentFormat (string): PI_JSON


    • PI_JSON response

Example request


  • documentFormat (string):  PI_JSON


    • PI_JSON response

Example request


  • documentFormat (string):  PI_JSON


    • PI_JSON

Example request

Code Block
curl "http://localhost:8080/FewsWebServices/rest/fewspiservice/v1/locations/selected"


  • documentFormat (string): PI_XML (default) or PI_JSON
  • topologyNodeId (string): Id of the topology node for which the time series will be returned.
  • timeZero (date): time zero in format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
  • startTime (date): Optional startTime for the requested period in format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. If not set, the start time of the zoom period in the first time series dialog will be used.
  • endTime (date): Optional endTime for the requested period in format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. If not set, the end time of the zoom period in the first time series dialog will be used.
  • thresholdsVisible (boolean): Set to true to make thresholds visible.
  • omitMissing (boolean): Toggle omitting or returning of missing values in response. Default is true
  • useDisplayUnits (boolean): Set to true to use display units
  • convertDatum (boolean): Set to true to convert datum
  • documentVersion (string): Document Version


    • Timeseries in PI_XML or PI_JSON format


GET the web OC Configuration


    • JSON response with the Web OC configuration.
