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h3. General 
HABITAT is spatial analysis tool to support the development of management plans. The tool is especially designed for ecological assessment to analyse the *availability and quality of habitats* for individual or groups of species, but it is also usefull for other spatial analysis where grid operations are needed like *flood risk* maps or *damages* to agriculture or urban areas in case of floods and droughts. HABITAT is developed by WL Delft Hydraulics and [Ministry of Transport, Public works and Water management|]. HABITATs current developer is [Deltares|]. HABITAT has been built around [PCRaster|], a software package responsible for making the map-calculations and incorporated in the user interface of [DelftShell|]
h3. Sections
The *Ecological* and *Damage toolbox* include factsheets on effect relations for ecological impact and damage assessment. Recent version of HABITAT can be obtained at *Downloads*, as well as articles and project descriptions. Tutorials, demos and user manual can be found at the Manual section. For sharing your knowledge rules look at the HABITAT *Community*. If you have questions or problems see the *Support* section.



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{card:label=Damage Toolbox}
(!) under construction

{include:User Manual}

h5. Software
To Download the software send an email to the [helpdesk|] to achieve ftp information.
For Deltares colleagues: look the p-drive of HABITAT under software

h5. Brochures

HABITAT [A3formaat|^habitatA3scherm.pdf] [A4formaat|^habitatA4schem.pdf]

h5. Articles
Haasnoot M., K. van de Wolfshaar. (2009) Combining a conceptual framework and a spatial analysis tool, HABITAT, to support the implementation of river basin management plans. Intl. J. River Basin Management Vol. 7, No. 4 (2009), pp. 295-311 [Download|]
Haasnoot, M, J.S. Verkade, K.M de Bruijn (2009). HABITAT as spatial analysis tool for ecological impact and damage assessment. [Download|^Haasnoot et al. Habitat a spatial analysis tool.pdf]
Baptist et al. (2006) Flood detention, nature development and water quality along the lowland river Sava, Croatia. [Download|^Sava.pdf]
Haasnoot et al. (2004) Impact of climate change and anticipating flood management strategy on floodplain ecosystems of the River Rhine, The Netherlands. Ecohydraulics conference Madrid. [Download|^haasnoot ecohydraulics.pdf]
Haasnoot, M. & D.T. van der Molen (2003). Impact of climate change on ecotopes of the rivers Rhine and Meuse. Lowland River Rehabilitation Conference, Wageningen , PAYS-BAS (29/09/2003) Archiv für Hydrobiologie. Supplementband. Large rivers (Arch. Hydrobiol.,, Large rivers) 2005, vol. 15, no 1-4 (1 p.1/4), pp. 53-61 [Download|^paper large rivers.pdf]
Duel et al. (1995) Habitat evaluation procedure as a tool for ecological rehabilitation of wetlands in the Netherlands [Download|^duel.pdf]

h5. Project descriptions

Seizoensgebonden Peilen in het IJsselmeergebied [^Projectsheet Seizoensgebonden peilen IJsselmeergebied.doc]
Ontwikkeling populatie Gewone Zeehond [^Projectsheet Gewone Zeehond.doc]

h5. Reports

Van de Lee, G., H.F.P. van den Boogaard, W.E. Penning (2001). Achtergronddocument voor aanvulling van het habitatinstrument: 1. Flexibilisering invoer; 2. Onzekerheidsanalyse; 3. Validatie. WL rapport Q3433 [Download|^rapport Q3433 totaal.pdf]
Haasnoot et al (2005) Seizoensgebonden Peilen in het IJsselmeergbied [Download|^Haasnoot et al 2005.pdf]
Van de Wolfshaar en Haasnoot (2007). Toetsing response curves HABITAT [Dowload|^Van de Wolfshaar en Haasnoot 2007.pdf]

h5. Presentations

HABITAT description [Workshop TBES Markermeer|^HABITAT TBES 081218.ppt]
HABITAT als toetsingsinstrument, Presentatie voor Regionale directies, oktober 2006 [^HABITAT 061031.ppt]
Impact of climate change and anticipating flood management strategy on floodplain ecosystems of the River Rhine, The Netherlands, Ecohydraulics conference Madrid, september 2004 [^habitat cfr ecohydraulics conference 2004.ppt]
HABITAT, presentatie bij workshop ecohydrologische modellen, juni 2005, [Download|^HABITAT-haasnoot.ppt] Meer informatie over [project|], [Download rapport workshop ecohydrologische modellen|]
Flood detention and nature development in the lowland river Sava, Lonjsko Polje, Croatia. Intecol Conference, Utrecht, 2004. [Download|^CS900752_Baptist_Intecol2.ppt]
Cursus Inleiding Habitatmodellen voor RWS, september 2004 [Download|^cursusinleidinghabitatmodellen.ppt]


h3. Support
For other questions send a message to the [helpdesk|].

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