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A thorough tutorial of how to use Git and DVC can be found here:

Request you own Github repository

If you require a repository in the Deltares space on Github the follow these steps:

  1. First you need to define what type of repository you require: PRODUCTION or RESEARCH / DEVELOPMENT . This wil define the organization in which your repository will be located:

  2. Secondly check if you require a PUBLIC, INTERNAL or PRIVATE repository. The table below shows what implications this choice has for your repository:

    Visibilityeveryoneorangization membersselected members

    Collaborating with

    external members

    Add as many a you like as 'Outside Collaborator'.

    These users cannot be managed in teams.

    No license consumed.

    Alternatively your repository can accept 'Pull requests'.

    Then you do not need add members.

    Requires external members to become 

    actual members by adding them to the

    Deltares identity provider (Active Directory).

    Each member consumes 1 license.

    Alternatively your repository can accept 'Pull requests'.

    Then you do not need to add members. This way no

    license is consumed.

    Same as INTERNAL
    Co-creatingMembers can have write access