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It is possible to define which panel or tool window(s) should be made visible after selecting a node, using the elements <mainPanel> and <toolWindow>.  
These elements support only selected displays c.q.  toolWindows which are enumerated in the Topology schemas.


Since the  2020.01 release an element <displayConfigFileName> can be used, to make visible a display associated with the configured displayConfigFile name.  This method supports any displaythat has displayConfigFile. If the display is not running yet, the display will be automatically launched.  For some displays it is also possible to configure a reference to the component that should be selected when the display becomes visible.
Presently the following component references are supported :

  • SystemMonitor : an option <tabId> to select a specific tab. If no tabId is configured, the Log Browser tab will be selected
  • SchematicStatusDisplay (SSD):  an option <panelId> to open a specific SSD panel. If no panelId is configured, or if a non-existing panelId is entered, the first SSD panel will be opened


Since the 2021.02 release it is also possible to configure <explorerTaskName>, which would refer to the name attribute of explorerTask (for example <explorerTask name="Spatial Display">) configured in Explorer.xml.


Since the 2023.01 release it is also possible to configure a gridDisplaySelection.

This will open the spatial display and select the groupId > plotId in the tree, e.g. 'Kriging' > 'Kriging Precipitation (Last Week)'

<displayGroupId> and <selectFirstPlotOnSelectionChange>

The element <displayGroupId> can be used to connect a topology node to a display group. The plot overview panel shows an overview of all the displays in the display group.
After selecting a topology node Delft-FEWS will first try to find a display which has the same location and parameter as currently displayed in the connected display group. If such a display cannot be found the first display of the topology group will be shown.
This behavior can be disabled by using the element <selectFirstPlotOnSelectionChange>. If this option is set to true the first plot will always be selected.


To navigate SSD (scada) displays using topology nodes, specific elements can be added for opening a specific SSD display and/or panel when a node is selected.
Note that since the  2020.01 release also the  elements <displayConfigFileName> and <panelId> can be used  to make the SSD visible.
For more information, see the section about configuration of Schematic Status Displays (a.k.a. Scada displays).

Config examples

An example Examples from Topology.xml c.q.  TopologyGroup.xml is are shown below:.

Config example <mainPanel>, <toolWindow> and <displayConfigFileName>

Code Block
titleConfig example <mainPanel>, <toolWindow> and <displayConfigFileName>
<node id="Coastal_Scenario" name="Create Coastal Scenario">
           <mainPanel>modifiers panel</mainPanel>
           <toolWindow>plot overview</toolWindow>
<!-- After selecting a node in the topology a plot connected to this node will be automatically displayed in the plot window. -->  

<node id="Fluvial_Scenario" name="Create Fluvial Scenario">

<node id="ImportObserved" name="Import observations”>

Config example <gridDisplaySelection>


Code Block
titleTopology: gridDisplaySelection
<node id="nodeId">

Config example <scadaDisplayPanelId>


Code Block
	<nodes id="SSD_NL" name="SSD NL">
		<node id="Overview_WMCN" name="Overview Nederland">
			<mainPanel>schematic status display</mainPanel>
		<node id="Forecast_WMCN" name="Forecast Nederland">
			<mainPanel>schematic status display</mainPanel>


To be added by Onno...timeSeriesButtonPanelId

Ohter ways of interacting with displays through the Topology configuration


To automatically select a zoom extent in the map after selecting a node, the element <mapExtentId> can be used.


To automatically select a filter after selecting a node the element <filterId> can be used. By default the parameters in the filters will not be selected automatically. If the parameters selected by the user still are present in the new filter, they will remain selected. To enable that all the parameters will also be selected automatically the option <enableAutoSelectParameters> should be set to true. To enable that no parameters will be selected, i.e., the parameter selection will be automatically cleared, the option <enableAutoClearParameters> should be set to true (available since 2018.02). The element <forecasterHelperDirectories> is a configuration option which applies to all nodes. It can be used to define in which directories the forecaster helper should look for files. See for more info: 23 Interactive Forecasting Displays#23InteractiveForecastingDisplays-Forecasterhelp(akaDocumentViewer)


The element <enableSelectNodesFromMap> is a configuration option which applies to all nodes. With this option set to true, the user can select nodes in the topology tree by selecting locations on the map. For this to work, you need to also configure at least one <locationId> and a <filterId> at each node which you would like to be able to select from a map. If the user first selects the configured filter in the Data Viewer, and then next selects (one of) the location(s) on the map, the corresponding node in the topology will be opened and the IFD will get the focus. It is possible to configure one or more locationIds for a node by using the element <locationId>.An <areaId> can be configured for a topology node. This configuration option is used in combination with the archive panel. After selecting a node with an area id configured the area selection in the archive panel will be set to the area id of the selected node.


The element <forecasterHelperDirectories> is a configuration option which applies to all nodes. It can be used to define in which directories the forecaster helper should look for files. See for more info: 23 Interactive Forecasting Displays#23InteractiveForecastingDisplays-Forecasterhelp(akaDocumentViewer)

By default, the <ForecasterNotesDisplay> shows the notes for the the node (and its parent) that is selected by the user in the Topology GUI. This list of forecast notes can be extended with the notes that are created for the node with option <alwaysVisibleInForecasterNotes> is set to true.

<areaId> and the Archive panel

An <areaId> can be configured for a topology node. This configuration option is used in combination with the archive panel. After selecting a node with an area id configured the area selection in the archive panel will be set to the area id of the selected node.


The option <url> can be used to configure an URL for each node. After selecting the node the URL will be displayed automatically in the web browser display.
