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A third sprintsession will be held on June 4th, 2008, in the meeting room Innovation of the new institute on Delta Technology Deltares .


The meeting started with the following agenda:

June 4th 2008 a next sprintsession is planned including drinks in De V at the end of the day. As is now the tradition the whole day is open to everybody, so please feel free to walk in and out when you feel like it. Everyone is obviously free to join and , contribute to each of these the topics on the agenda or to raise other items that are not on the agenda yet. It looks like it will be a very productive daypromises to be yet another productive session. McTools is now at revision 1193 (June 3rd, 2008 10am). This means that the threshold of 1000 has finally been passed. ! The free dinner goes to Pieter van Geer.


The day will start with from 9:30 - 11:00 a number of presentations and demonstrations.

  • introduction Ikzelf zal even beknopt de dag introduceren(Mark van Koningsveld) Brief introduction of the day
  • postprocessing 3D Delft3D resultaten results (thalwegThalweg, Firmijn Zijl en and Gerben de Boer) - Firmijn heeft enkele tools voor de postprocessing van 3D Delft3D resultaten toegevoegd aan McTools en zal toelichten welke functionaliteit nu beschikbaar isdeveloped a number of tools for the postprocessing of 3D Delft3D resultats and added these to McTools. He will inform you about the functionalities that have now become available to you.
  • Online model morphological storm impact toelichting (Maarten van Ormondt et al) Maarten will inform you about the current status of the online model for morphological storm impact prediction. The last sprintsession a plan was devised to set up such a model train in preparation of the EU FP7 project Micore. oelichting status versie 1.0 van het online model voor morfologische impacts van stormen (Maarten van Ormondt et al) - op de vorige sprintsessie is gebrainstormed over een pilot voor een dergelijk online model. De pilot toepassing draait en zal toegelicht worden. Er is ruimte voor discussies over de verdere ontwikkeling van dit instrument (bijv. inbedding BeachWizzard)
