Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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The SampleRegion contains a pre-defined folder structure as well as a set of basic configuration files for the NGMS. Some files need to be updated manually (mainly so-called instanceDesciptors, this step), while other files or directories will be updated in later steps.No update needed

To be updated in step 3

  • \Config\UnitConversionsFiles contains fixed UnitConversionFiles. No update neededRegionConfigFiles
    • ModuleInstanceDescriptors.xml-file identifies ModuleInstances specified in \Config\
    MapLayerFiles is populated with the GIS-layers. Shp-files have been compressed in native ssl format. Shape files are available as seperate attachements (of step 2)


    • ModuleConfigFiles-folder
    • ModuleInstanceSets.xml-file groups ModuleInstance for use in the timeseries plot definition
    • WorkFlowDescriptors.xml-file identifies the Workflows of this application, as specified in \Config\WorkflowFiles-folder

Updated in other steps

  • \ColdStates will be populated in step 4
  • \Config\DisplayConfigFiles will be populated in step 9
  • \Config\IdMapFiles will be populated in step 5b
  • \Config\ModuleDataSetFiles will be populated in step 4b.

Update is optional (if better materials



  • \Config\IconFiles is populated with icons. Update only needed if people have nicer icons (smile)

No update needed

  • \Config\MapLayerFiles
    • Folder is populated with GIS-layers. Shp-files have been compressed in native ssl format. Shape files are available in step 2 as seperate attachements.
  • \Config\RegionConfigFiles
    • ColdModuleInstanceStateGroups.xml-file holds Ids of ColdStates as used in he NGMS-configuration conept. No update needed
    • UnitConversionsDescriptors.xml-file identifies to UnitConversionsFiles held in folder \Config\UnitConversionsFiles. No update needed
  • \Config\SystemConfigFiles
    • DisplayDescriptors.xml-file identifies software components providing display functionality
    • DisplayInstanceDescriptors.xml-file identifies DisplayInstances as used in the configuration
    • LocationIcons.xml-file links icon-files to location sets
    • ModuleDescriptors.xml-file identifies software components conducting data processing
  • \Config\UnitConversionsFiles
    •  Folder contains fixed UnitConversionFiles. No update needed 

Step 3.a. Update ModuleInstanceDescriptors.xml file

Purpose: this file informs the system software on the existence of the ModuleInstances that conduct data processing. It relates the ModuleConfigFiles (holding a specific set of the instructions) to the data processing software components as identified in the ModuleDescriptors.xml-file.

Note: The system will report an error if any configuration file refers to a ModuleInstanceId which has not been identified in this file. A mismatch between ModuleInstances identified in this descriptors-file, and the contents of the ModuleConfigFiles-folder is only detected if a workflow is dispatched which calls the moduelInstance.

Configuration instructions

1. if extending an existing configuration, copy new set of files from sample file
2. remove ModuleInstanceDescriptors (i.e. scenario types) which are not relevant to the model
3. replace XXX_ bij model abbrevation e.g XXX_ by WMW_ for West Midlands Worfe module instances
4. replace YYY bij model name e.g YYY  by WestMidlandsWorfe
5. check if proper Modflow version is mentioned in description Configuration files, mainly descriptors, that do need an update: