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To create the Filters, GridDisplay and DisplayGroups configuration files it is best to merge the two display spreadsheets used to create these files for the separate models ([see Step 9|NGMS:Step 9. Displays] ). The advantage is that future changes in the Displays can still be generated automatically in one go for the whole region without merging the two separate configuration files together again and again.

That means you have two display spreadsheets two start from, one for _Model1_ and one for _Model2_. The naming convention of the spreadsheets used in [step 9|NGMS:Step 9. Displays] to create the displays is free at the moment, that is why we can't refer to a specific name. The spreadsheets should have names which are self explaining (e.g. _Model1_\_Displays.xls and _Model2_\_Displays.xls). To start make a copy of one of the spreadsheets (e.g. _Model1_\_Displays.xls) and rename it to _Region_\_Displays.xls (where _Region_ is to be replaced by the region name, e.g Southern). This will be your final merged spreadsheet with wich you can create the merged configuration files in the end.

Each display spreadsheet contains four sheets. The merge action has to be carried out for all of these sheets.
* Filters
* GridDisplay
* DisplayGroups_plotdef
* DisplayGroups_folders
{create-child:Merge Filters}

[Step 1:  Merge Filters sheet|NGMS:Merge Filters]

To get a merged filters.xml file one has to merge the sheet 'Filters' .
* Open the _Region_\_Displays.xls spreadheet (see above) and open the 'Filters' sheet which contains the filters structure for _Model1._
* copy the parent and child filters (type = parent or child) from the spreadsheet of Model2 (_Model2_\_Displays.xls, sheet 'Filters') under the parent and child filters of Model1 in the _Region_\_Displays.xls spreadheet (sheet 'Filters'), see example below


* all the model specific filters should be placed below parents and child filters, therefore copy all these model specific filters (type = tms) for _Model2_ from the spreadsheet of Model2 (_Model2_\_Displays.xls, sheet 'Filters')  under the 'tms' filters of _Model1_ in the _Region_\_Displays.xls  spreadheet (sheet 'Filters'), see example below (the order of the  series does not make a difference).


In case of merging the two spreadsheets with for the GridDisplay it is necessary to do the following:
* all elements of the original model sheets should be copied in the overall sheet. The order of the elements within the section for each model should stay as they are.

Merging the DisplayGroups configuration files requires some more changes in the spreadsheets. The necessary changes are explained below:
* the DisplayGroups_plotdef sheet should contain all the scenarios and parameters used in either of the models
* the original sheets with DisplayGroups folders can be put in one sheet below each other. The order of the elements in the list should not be changed. The column SHEET refers to a different sheet with the locations to be displayed. The best procedure is to create a sheet for each model for each type of locations. The reference to these sheets should be put in the column SHEET correctly.
* the sheets with locations (e.g. Displays_obhs_YNN) should be populated with all locations for that specific location type for that model
* modelcheck sheets (1 and 2) should be created for both models as well

For re-running the spreadsheets when the two  spreadsheets have been merged to one you will need the spreadsheet  generator. Please see [step 9|NGMS:Step 9. Displays] on how to run the spreadsheet and create the configuration files.