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The *Top Menu* of Delft Dashboard contains the general functions, which allows the user to perform the most generic operation and switch between the specific toolboxes (Figure 3.2):

Figure 3.2	Start page of Delft Dashboard
|| Button || Description ||
| _File_ | To start a _New_ project, to _Open _MDF file__ (steering file of a Delft3D simulation) of a _present domain_ or a _new domain_, to _Open a DD file_ (.ddb file used to carry out domain decomposition).  Save _MDF file_, Save _MDF file_ as can be used to save the _MDF file_. Save all, and _Save All As_ can be used to save the all project. _Select Working directory_ is used to select the directory where to work. _Exit_ allows the user to exit Delft Dashboard. |
| _Toolbox_ | This is one of the most important features of Delft Dashboard. With this Tab it is possible to switch between different available _Toolboxes_. The different available functionalities are described in the Chapter Toolboxes. The available toolboxes are: _Model maker_, _Bathymetry_, _Domain Decomposition_, _Geo Image_, _Navigation Charts_, _Nesting_, _Nourishments_, _Observation stations_, _Shoreline, Tide Database, Tide Stations, Tiling, Tropical Cyclone,_ and _Tsunami._ |
| _Model_ | To switch between different numerical models. In the current version, only the Delft3D-FLOW model is implemented. |
| _Domain_ | To switch between different domains, i.e. in case domain decomposition is used. The different domains are identified by their run-id under this Tab. The grid corresponding to a given domain will appear in the Map View with a darker colour. Add domain is used to add a new model domain and Delete Domain to remove it. To switch between different domains, i.e. in case domain decomposition is used. The different domains are identified by their run-id under this Tab. The grid corresponding to a given domain will appear in the *Map View* with a darker colour. _Add domain_ is used to add a new model domain and _Delete Domain_ to remove it. |
| _Bathemetry_ | To select the bathymetry to be viewed in the *Map View* window and work with during the setting-up of the model.  Each bathymetry is associated to  a specific reference system. It is therefore essential that before the setting-up of any model a specific reference system is selected with the Tab _Coordinate System_ in the *Top Menu*. All bathymetries are at least available in the WGS84 coordinate system, which is the default coordinate system in Delft Dashboard. |
| _Shoreline_ | To view shoreline data. Shoreline data are viewed with a black line in the Map view. In the current version, only the _World Vector Shoreline_ is available (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency - NGA). The resolution of this data-set is about 500 m. |
| _View_ | To change the view on the *Map View* window. The following views are available: _Bathymetry, Aerial, Hybrid, Map_, as shown in Figure 3.3. To these available views, Shoreline and Cities can be added. _Settings_ can be used to change colour map and colour limits. \\  \\
Figure 3.3	Views available in Delft Dashboard. Bathymetry (top-left), Aerial (top-right), Hybrid (bottom-left), Map (bottom-right). |
| _Coordinate_ \\
_System_ | To switch between different coordinate systems. As default, Delft Dashboard uses geographical coordinates (lat, lon -- WGS 84). However, _Other Geographic_ or _Other Cartesian_ coordinate systems can be selected. _Amersfoort/RD_ _New_ is the national coordinate system used in The Netherlands. UTM coordinates can be used as well after _Select_ _UTM Zone_ is selected. In case of UTM coordinates, a pop-up window will appear and a UTM zone can be selected with the mouse. The zone selected will appear in red colour (Figure 3.4). \\  \\
Figure 3.4	Select UTM zone pop-up window. \\  \\
N.B. It is crucial that the coordinate system is selected before start setting-up a simulation because this will destroy any previous model setting. Therefore, a warning message will pop-up before choosing a new coordinate system: "All model and Toolbox window  will be discarded\! Continue?". Choosing "Yes", a new model can be set-up from scratch based on the new coordinate system. |
| _Options_ | _Coordinate Conversion_ converts Delft3D grids (.grd), _TEKAL landboundary files (.ldb, \*.pol)_, _Samples Files (.xyz)_ from one coordinate system to a different one.  This tool is based on the Open Earth Tool "SuperTrans" (Figure 3.5). To convert a dataset from one coordinate system to a different one: Coordinate Conversion converts Delft3D grids (.grd), TEKAL landboundary files (.ldb, \*.pol), Samples Files (.xyz) from one coordinate system to a different one.  This tool is based on the Open Earth Tool "SuperTrans" (Figure 3.5). To convert a dataset from one coordinate system to a different one: \\
1. Select under "Coordinate System A" the type of coordinate system (Easting/Northing) or (Latitude/Longitude), as well as the coordinate system in which the starting dataset is defined. Each dataset is described by the EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group) code number, besides the coordinate system. \\
2. Select under "Coordinate System B", the type of coordinate system (Easting/Northing) or (Latitude/Longitude), as well as the coordinate system in which the final dataset will be stored. \\
3. In the Top Menu of "SuperTrans" select whether the transformation will go from Coordinate System A to B or vice versa (Convert A->B; Conver B->A).  \\
4. Select the name of the file to be opened (Landboundary File, Sample File or Delft3D Grid File) and the name of the output file. \\  \\
Figure 3.5 "Super Trans" window to convert coordinates. It is also possible to convert directly coordinates of points within the "SuperTrans" window (bottom line) typing "X" and "Y" coordinates or "lon","lat" coordinates and then press "Convert" or "Convert".   \\
It is also possible to convert directly coordinates of points within the "SuperTrans" window (bottom line) typing "X" and "Y" coordinates or "lon", "lat" coordinates and then press "<-Convert" or "Convert \->".&nbsp; \\ |
| _Help_ | _Deltares Online_ opens the Deltares website. _Delft Dashboard online_ opens the Delft Dashboard Wiki page. |
| _Debug_ | Only used for code development. |