Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Benchmark 4-1a uses the same input as benchmark 1-1a, refer to paragraph 1.1 above.
  • Benchmark 4-1b uses the same input as benchmark 4-1a except that the Y coordinates of the geometry are shifted by -20 m so that all points have a negative Y coordinate.

4.2 Test on the units


In the Units tab of D-FLOW SLIDE, it is possible to specify the unit of different parameters:

  • Fraction: -, %, {^}o/oo or ppm
  • Length: m, mm, cm, inch, ft or km
  • Tiny length: xxxm
  • Angle: deg, rad, grad, tan or cot
  • Weigth: kN/m3, N/m3, lb/in3, MN/m3, lb/ft3
  • Pressure: kN/m2, N/m2, Pa, kPa, MPa, kN/cm{^}2, psi
  • Permeability: m/s, m/min, m/hr, m/day

To test the correctness of the convertion , 7 benchmarks are created using the following set of units:

Benchmark name

Fraction unit

Length unit

Tiny length unit

Angle unit

Weigth unit

Pressure unit

Permeability unit








Group 5: Benchmarks compared with other programs

5.1 Comparison with SLIQ2D (DOS and Windows) - One fully saturated layer with variable slope angle


The benchmarks in this paragraph are intended to verify the advanced method by comparing D-FLOW SLIDE results with those from the older program SLIQ2D, using both DOS and Windows versions of this program.
Because of the limitations in the DOS version of SLIQ2D, only one fully saturated layer is inputted. The geometry and the material properties for each cases are given in the table below.
The original slope angle is 1:1.25 and is set to "variable" so that the program will search (for each point) for the most unfavorable slope.


5.2 Comparison with SLIQ2D-Windows - 2 layers partially saturated with fixed slope angle


This benchmark is intended to verify the advanced method by comparing D-FLOW SLIDE results with those from the older program SLIQ2D-Windows, for a 21 m height channel composed of 2 layers where the top layer is partially saturated. The slope of the channel is fixed to 1:3.333 (i.e. Tan Alpha = 0.3).
