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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Polygons xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
pi_polygons.xsd" version="1.1">
<startDate date="1967-08-13" time="13:00:00"/>
<endDate date="1967-08-13" time="14:00:00"/>
<name>Flood Rhine</name>
<event date="1967-08-13" time="13:00:00">
<pt x="3.14159265358979" y="3.14159265358979" z="3.14159265358979" mark="1"/>
<pt x="3.14159265358979" y="3.14159265358979" z="3.14159265358979" mark="2"/>
<event date="1967-08-13" time="14:00:00">
<pt x="3.14159265358979" y="3.14159265358979" z="3.14159265358979" mark="0"/>
<pt x="3.14159265358979" y="3.14159265358979" z="3.14159265358979" mark="0"/>

The structure of the XML schema is given in the figures below. Note that attributes are not displayed in the figures. Consult the full schema (+documentation) for details.




Since 2008.03. General information about the run executed by the general adapter that is used by the pre and post adapter
This file generated on the fly during a pi run file export activity from the General Adapter. This file is read only for the pre and post adapters.
A pre or post adapter that supports pi run files only needs this pi run file at the command line argument to find all the pi files it needs to read and write.
Other options can be passed to the pre or post adapter by adding extra properties to the generated pi run file during export.


An example file is given in the figure below (under construction):

<?xml versionxml version="1.0" encoding encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fews:Run version="1.2" xsi: <Run     xsi:schemaLocation=" PI Added" xmlns:xsi
    xmlns="http://www.w3wldelft.orgnl/2001fews/XMLSchema-instancePI" xmlns xmlns:fewsxsi="http://www.wldelftw3.nlorg/fews2001/PIXMLSchema-instance">
   <fews:startDateTime date="2008-08-13" time="00:00:00"/>
   <fews:endDateTime date="2008-08-13" time="12:00:00"/>
   <fews:time0 date="2008-08-13" time="10:00:00"/>
   <fews:lastObservationDateTime date="2008-08-13" time="08:00:00"/>
      <fews:description>a variable</fews:description>
      <fews:string value="c:\java\jre" key="JAVA_HOME"/>
</fews:Run><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Run     xsi:schemaLocation=" Removed"
    xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <startDateTime date="2008-10-     <timeZone>0.0</timeZone>
    <startDateTime date="2008-10-17" time="09:00:00"/>
    <endDateTime date="2008-10-23" time="11:00:00"/>
    <time0 date="2008-10-21" time="09:00:00"/>
        <float key="testfactor" value="12.0"/>
        <string key="eermode" value="fdfdfdG"/>
