Versions Compared


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  • moduleInstanceId - Name of this configuration instance, reflects the XML file name
  • valueType - scalar, this is scalar data
  • parameterId - H.obs - This is the parameterId in Delft-Fews. The parameter Id in the XML file is WaterLevel. The Id mapping (shown below) will map Waterlevel to H.obs
  • locationSetId - In order to simplify configuration we have defined a list of locations (a locatiosetlocationset) in the file LocationSets.xml (in the RegionConfigFiles directory). This set holds the following four locations: one, two, three, fours. As these are differenmt different from the locations in the XML file we are importing the id mapping will need to map them.
  • timeStep - the timestep defined here should map the timestep in the XML files to be imported.


 The format of the IdMap files is described in the DELFT-FEWS configuration guid and also in the .xsd scheme. All idMaps are stores in the IdMapFiles directory.  The IDmap need Idmap needed for this example (IdImport 1.00Default.xml) should match the parameter WaterLevel to H.obs and should also map the four locations. The files is shown belowLbelow:

No Format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<idMap xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.1">
	<parameter internal="H.obs" external="WaterLevel"/>
	<location internal="one" external="LocA"/>
	<location internal="two" external="LocB"/>
	<location internal="three" external="LocC"/>
	<location internal="four" external="LocD"/>

Step 5: register the idmap file
