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 Figure 57 Root element of the Transformation module.


Root element for the definition of a transformation (processing an input to an output). . Multiple entries may exist.


Figure 58 Elements of the definition of an input variable.


Definition of the input variables to be used in transformation. This may either be a time series set, a typical profile or a set of (harmonic) components. The InputVariable is assigned an ID. This ID is used later in the transformation functions as a reference to the data.


Enumeration of supported time zones. See appendix B for list of supported time zones.


Root element for defining a transformation as an arithmetic function (see next section for details).


Root element for defining one of the available hydro-meteorological transformations.


Root element for defining a rule based transformation (see next section for details on rules).

  • rule : definition of aggregation approach. Enumeration of;
  • selectpeakvalues
  • selectlowvalues
  • selectpeakvalueswithincertaingap
  • selectlowvalueswithincertaingap
  • equitononequidistant
  • equitononequidistantforinstantaneousseries
  • equitononequidistantforaccumulativeseries
  • datahierarchy
  • typicalprofiletotimeseries
  • zerodegreealtitudelevel
  • datatotimeseries


Root element for defining a time aggregation transformation (rules are discussed below)

  • rule : definition of aggregation approach. Enumeration of;
  • instantaneous
  • accumulative
  • mean
  • constant


Root element for defining a time dis-aggregation transformation (rules are discussed below)

  • rule: definition of disaggregation approach. Enumeration of;
  • instantaneous
  • accumulative
  • disaggregateusingweights
  • constant


    Root element for defining transformation of an non-equidistant time series to an equidistant time series. (rules are discussed below)
  • rule: definition of approach. Enumeration of;
  • zero
  • missing
  • linearinterpolated
  • equaltolast


Root element for defining one of the available hydro-meteorological transformations.


 Root element for defining statistical transformations. 

Season: the statistics transformation can also be carried out for a specific season which is defined by a start and end date.

  • startMonthDay: defines start time of season "--mm-dd"
  • endMonthDay: defines end time of season "--mm-dd"
  • timeZone 


  • functionavailable functions *
    • max
    • min
    • sum
    • count
    • mean
    • median
    • standardDeviation
    • percentileExceedence
    • percentileNonExceedence
    • quartile
    • skewness
    • kurtosis
    • variance
    • rsquared
  • isBlockFunction:* *if true, the statistical parameters are calculated for each time window defined by the time step of the output time series, e.g. time step year leads to yearly statistical parameters. If false and output time series time step is set to nonequidistant, the statistical parameters are calculated for the relative view period (one value for the whole period) or for the individual season if applied.
  • inputVariableId
  • outputVariableId
  • value: if function percentileExceedence or percentileNonExceedence is chosen, the desired percentile has to be defined, e.g. 75-th percentile => value="75"
  • ignoreMissing: if true, all missings of the input time series are not taken into account in the statistical calculation.
  • seasonal: if true (default), then one result value per season is returned when using seasons. If false, then for multiple seasons only one (combined) result value is returned. For example when seasonal is false, the month January is specified as a season, the input time series contains data for a period of ten years and the function max is specified, then the result will be the maximum of all values in January in all ten years.


  • ten years.

ArithmeticFunction & hydroMeteoFunction


Figure 60 Elements of the Arithmetic section of the transformation module configuration


Root element for defining segments. When used this must include the input variable Id used to determine segments as an attribute.


  • limitVariablId : Id of input variable used to test against segment limits.

Root element for definition of a segment. At least one segment must be included.


Lower limit of the segment. Function defined will be applied at a given time step only if value at that time step in the variable defined as limitVariable is above or equal to this value.


Upper limit of the segment. Function defined will be applied at a given time step only if value at that time step in the variable defined as limitVariable is below this value (below or equal only for the highest segment).


Element used only when defining a predefined hydroMeteoFunction. Depending on selected function, specific requirements will hold for defining input variables and parameters. If a special function is selected then the user defined function element is not defined; Enumeration of available options is (the most important are discussed below);

  • simpleratingcurve ; for applying a simple power law rating curve.
  • weigthtedaverage : special function for calculating weighted average of inputs. When a value in one of the inputs is missing, the remaining inputs will be used and the weights rescaled to unity.
  • penman: for calculating evaporation using Penman
  • penmannortheast: specific implementation of Penman formula
  • qhrelationtable : allows application of a rating curve using a table.
  • degreemanipulation

Optional specification of a user defined function to be evaluated using the function parser. Only the function need be defined, without the equality sign. The function is defined as a string and may contain Id's of inputSeries, names of variables and constants defined, and mathematical operators (+; , -; , /; , *; ^; SIN(); COS(); etc., ^, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, log, ln, exp, sqrt, abs, pow, min, max, minSkipMissings, maxSkipMissings, sumSkipMissings, average)


Allows definition of a constant to be used in the function.


Optional element to allow coefficients for use in the function to be defined. These coefficients are allocated and Id for later use in the function defined. For user defined functions specific coefficients need to be defined. Multiple entries may be defined.


  • col1: value for column 1
  • col2: value for column 2

Id of the output variable from the function. This may be saved to the database by associating the Id to an outputVariable.


Typical profile mapping poses no specific requirements to variables defined. Only the Id of the output variable is of importance.


Definition of the output variables to be written following transformation. See the inputVariable for the attributes and structure. The output variable can only be a TimeSeriesSet (typical profiles are only used as inputs). The OutputVariable is assigned an ID. This ID must be defined as the result of the transformation.