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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Convert datum to local datum during import. The conversion will be done for all parameters which use datum (as configured in Parameters.xml) The local datum is defined in the z element in the locations.xml file.


Optional metadata that is written in the exported file. The options netcdfMapDPhase and alertMapDPhase are deprecated (do not use these). For the other options it is possible to use the following tags: %TIME_ZERO% the T0 of this time series export run. %CURRENT_TIME% the current time. %MODULE_INSTANCE_ID% the id of this module instance. %MODULE_INSTANCE_NAME% the name of this module instance. %MODULE_INSTANCE_DESCRIPTION% the configured description of this module instance. %WORKFLOW_ID% the id of the workflow in which this export runs. %WORKFLOW_NAME% the name of the workflow in which this export runs. %WORKFLOW_DESCRIPTION% the configured description of the workflow in which this export runs. %USER_ID% the id of the user by which this export run is executed.


A short description of the dataset. Its value will be used by THREDDS opendap servers as the name of the dataset. It therefore should be human readable and reasonable to display in a list of such names.


Specifies where the original data was produced.


The method of production of the original data. If it was model-generated, source should name the model and its version, as specifically as could be useful. If it is observational, source should characterize it (e.g. "surface observation" or "radiosonde").


Provides an audit trail for modifications to the original data. It should contain a separate line for each modification with each line including a timestamp, user name, modification name, and modification arguments. Its value will be used by THREDDS opendap servers as a history-type documentation. It is recommended that each line begins with a timestamp indicating the date and time of day at which the modification was performed.


Published or web-based references that describe the data or methods used to produce it.


Miscellaneous information about the data or methods used to produce it.


The "summary" attribute gives a longer description of the dataset. In many discovery systems, the title and the summary will be displayed in the results list from a search. It should therefore capture the essence of the dataset it describes. For instance, include information on the type of data contained in the dataset, how the data was created (e.g. instrument X or model X, run Y), the creator of the dataset, the project for which the data was created, the geospatial coverage of the data, and the temporal coverage of the data.


Optional one or more key words or phrases that are relevant to the dataset. The values in this list may be taken from a controlled list of keywords (e.g. the AGU Index list or the GCMD Science Keywords).


If you want to add an attribute that is not predefined in the schema, then you can add it as a custom attribute here.TO BE COMPLETED


Define the timeseriesset to be exported. Please note that not all exports support all timeseriestypes (e.g. csv only supports scalar type).