Versions Compared


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  • Startup Activities. These activities are run prior to a module run and any export import of data. The activities defined are generally used to remove files from previous runs that may implicate the current run.
  • Export Activities. These activities defined define all items to be exported through the published interface XML formats to the external module, prior to the module or the module adapters being initialised.
  • Execute Activities. The execute activities define the external executables or Java classes to be run. Tracking of diagnostics from these external activities is included in this section.
  • Import Activities: These activities define all items to be imported following successful completion of the module run.
  • Shutdown Activities. These activities are run following completion of all other activities. The activities defined are generally used to remove files no longer required.


Directory to export module datasets from DELFT-FEWS to the external module. A module dataset is a ZIP file, which will be unzipped using this directory as the root directory. If the zip file contains full path information, this will be included as s a tree of subdirectories under this directory.


ID of the IdMap used to convert external parameterId's and locationId's to interna l internal parameter and location Id's. This may be defined to be the same as the import directory, but may also contain different mappings. See section on configuration for Mapping Id's units and flags.


The offset of the time zone with reference to UTC (equivalent to GMT). Entries should define the number of hours (or fraction of hours) offset. (e.g. +01:00). This time zone is used when importing pi files and the time zone in not available in the pi file.  


Enumeration of supported time zones. See appendix B for list of supported time zones. This time zone is used when importing pi files and the time zone in is not available in the pi file.  


The date time format of the %TIME0% variable
yyyy Year
M Month in year
d Day in month
H Hour in day (0-23)
m Minute in hour
s Second in minute


  • exportStateActivity to export module states
  • exportTimeSeriesActivity to export time series for scalar or polygon time series
  • exportMapStacksActivity to export time series for grid time series
  • exportProfilesActivity to export time series for longitudinal profile time series
  • exportDataSetActivity to export module datasets
  • exportParameterActivity to export module parameters
  • exportTableActivity to export table (e.g. rating table)
  • exportNetcdfActivity to export grid time series in Netcdf format
  • exportRunFileActivity to export a run file (The run file contains general information that is used by the pre and post adapter)
  • exportAreaSelectionActivity exports bitmasks for the model adapter with a polygon embedded in the TaskProperties as input (is currently only used within NGMS)
  • exportLocationAreaActivity exports bitmasks for the model adapter with location ids from the TaskProperties as input (is currently only used within NGMS)

Note that for For most types of exportActivity, multiple entries may exist.

NB. See also the exportPlaceholderFile option in the several importActivities, which is another form of preparing input for the module adapter.


Figure 70 Elements of the ExportStatesActivity section.


When specified, an extra state is written at the end of the state search period. Note that the run is than then split in two. E.g my state search period is -10 to -4 days, then  then there are two update runs, one from the time where a state was found to -4 and one from -4 to T0. A state is written at the end of both runs (T0 and T0 - 4days). You can additionally define a minimum run length. This is necessary for some runs that need a minimum run length for e.g. PT updating. The run is then only split in two if both runs can be run over the minimum run length. If not, there is only one run and the state is written to the end of this run (T0), no intermediate state is written.
