Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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see example configuration below and this figure     <exportStateActivity>

Code Block







<stateLocations type="file">






<stateSearchPeriod unit="hour" start="-240" end="-96"/>


<minimumRunLength unit="day" multiplier="4"/>





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Figure 71 Elements of the exportTimeSeries section


Optional description of the timeSeries export configuration.


Name (and location) of the PI-XML file with exported time series. If the directory location is not explicitly specified the file will be written in the exportDir defined in the general section.


When true the events in the PI time series file are written to a binary file instead of the xml file. The written xml file will only contain the time series headers and optionally a time zone. The binary file has the same name as the xml file only the extension is "bin" instead of "xml". During PI time series import the bin file is automatically read when available. The byte order in the bin file is always Intel x86.


When true the run period, written in the pi run file, will not be extended.


When true any thresholds for the exported timeseries will be written in the timeserie headers


Root element for defining timeSerieSets to be exported.

timeSerieSets: timeSerieSet

TimeSeriesSets to be exported. These may contain either a (list of) locations or a locationSet. Multiple entries may be defined.


Are missing values to be written to the export file or should they be left out.


When true, a series is not exported when the time series is empty (or when omitMissingValues = true, when the time series is empty after removing the missing values.)




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Figure 72 Elements of the ExportMapStacksActivity.


Optional description of the timeSeries export configuration.


Name (and location) of the PI-XML file describing the map stack of the exported grid time series. If the directory location is not explicitly specified the file will be written in the exportDir defined in the general section.


Root element for defining file name of grid to be exported


LocationId for grid to be exported.


Name of the files for the grid to be exported. For grid files where each time slice is stored in a different file, this name is the prefix for the full file name. The final file name is created using an index of files exported (e.g the file name for the 4^th^ time step is grid00000.004).


Format of the exported grid. Enumeration of options include;

  • asc : for exporting to ARC-INFO ASCII grid format
  • pcrgrid : for exporting to PCRaster native grid file format
  • usgsdem : for exporting to USGS DEM format (BIL)

TimeSeriesSets to be exported. These should contain only one locationId. For exporting multiple grids, multiple exportMapStack activities should be defined.




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Figure 73 Elements of the exportDataSets section


Optional description of the module dataset export configuration.




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Figure 74 Elements of the exportParameter section


Optional description of the module parameter configuration.


Optional reference to the moduleInstanceId of the moduleParameter to be exported. If not defined the moduleInstanceId of the current module instance is taken as a default (see section on Module Datasets and Parameters)




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Figure 1 Elements of the ExportTableActivity configuration


Optional description of the ExportTableActivity configuration.


File to which the table will be exported. This file is always placed in exportDir.


Type of table to be exported. Currently enumeration must be "ratingCurve"


ID of the table to be exported.


Parameters for the convertEquation operation. Must include minimumLevel, maximumLevel and stepSize




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Figure 2 Elements of the ExportNetcdfActivity configuration


Optional description of the ExportNetcdfActivity configuration.


File to which the data will be exported. This file is always placed in exportDir.


TimeSeriesSet that defines what data is to be exported.


Are missing values to be written to the export file or should they be left out.




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Figure 3 Elements of the ExportRunFileActivity configuration


Optional description of the ExportRunFileActivity configuration.


File to which the data will be exported. This file is always placed in exportDir.


Kind of environment variables for the pre and post adapters. These properties are copied to the run file. This is also a convenient way to pass global properties to a pre or post adapter. An adapter is not allowed to access the FEWS directly. Global properties (between $) are replace by there literal values before copied to the run file. These extra options makes an additional pre or post adapter configuration file unnecessary.


  • string
  • int
  • float
  • bool

example of exported run file

Code Block

h4. ExportTimeSeriesActivity

Figure 71 Elements of the exportTimeSeries section

h5. description

Optional description of the timeSeries export configuration.

h5. exportFile

Name (and location) of the PI-XML file with exported time series. If the directory location is not explicitly specified the file will be written in the exportDir defined in the general section.

h5. exportBinFile

When true the events in the PI time series file are written to a binary file instead of the xml file. The written xml file will only contain the time series headers and optionally a time zone. The binary file has the same name as the xml file only the extension is "bin" instead of "xml". During PI time series import the bin file is automatically read when available. The byte order in the bin file is always Intel x86.

h5. ignoreRunPeriod

When true the run period, written in the pi run file, will not be extended.

h5. includeThresholds

When true any thresholds for the exported timeseries will be written in the timeserie headers

h5. timeSerieSets

Root element for defining timeSerieSets to be exported.

h5. timeSerieSets: timeSerieSet

TimeSeriesSets to be exported. These may contain either a (list of) locations or a locationSet. Multiple entries may be defined.

h5. omitMissingValues

Are missing values to be written to the export file or should they be left out.

h5. omitEmptyTimeSeries

When true, a series is not exported when the time series is empty (or when omitMissingValues = true, when the time series is empty after removing the missing values.)

h5. forecastSelectionPeriod

Can be used to select all approved forecasts with a forecast start time lying within this period

h4. ExportMapStacksActivity


Figure 72 Elements of the ExportMapStacksActivity.

h5. description

Optional description of the timeSeries export configuration.

h5. exportFile

Name (and location) of the PI-XML file describing the map stack of the exported grid time series. If the directory location is not explicitly specified the file will be written in the exportDir defined in the general section.

h5. gridFile

Root element for defining file name of grid to be exported

h5. locationId

LocationId for grid to be exported.

h5. gridName

Name of the files for the grid to be exported. For grid files where each time slice is stored in a different file, this name is the prefix for the full file name. The final file name is created using an index of files exported (e.g the file name for the 4^th\^ time step is grid00000.004).

h5. gridFormat

Format of the exported grid. Enumeration of options include;
* _asc_ : for exporting to ARC-INFO ASCII grid format
* _pcrgrid_ : for exporting to PCRaster native grid file format
* _usgsdem_ : for exporting to USGS DEM format (BIL)
h5. timeSerieSet

TimeSeriesSets to be exported. These should contain only one locationId. For exporting multiple grids, multiple exportMapStack activities should be defined.


h4. exportProfilesActivity

Configuration of the exportProfiles activity is identical to the exportTimeSeries Activity.

h4. ExportDataSetActvity

Figure 73 Elements of the exportDataSets section

h5. description

Optional description of the module dataset export configuration.

h5. moduleInstanceId

Optional reference to the moduleInstanceId of the moduleDataSet to be exported. If not defined the moduleInstanceId of the current module instance is taken as a default (see section on Module Datasets and Parameters).

h4. ExportParameterActivity

Figure 74 Elements of the exportParameter section

h5. description

Optional description of the module parameter configuration.

h5. moduleInstanceId

Optional reference to the moduleInstanceId of the moduleParameter to be exported. If not defined the moduleInstanceId of the current module instance is taken as a default (see section on Module Datasets and Parameters)

h5. fileName

Name (and location) of the PI-XML file with exported parameters. If the directory location is not explicitly specified the file will be written in the exportDir defined in the general section.

h4. ExportTableActivity

Figure 1 Elements of the ExportTableActivity configuration

h5. description

Optional description of the ExportTableActivity configuration.

h5. exportFile

File to which the table will be exported. This file is always placed in exportDir.

h5. tableType

Type of table to be exported. Currently enumeration must be "ratingCurve"

h5. operation

ID of the table to be exported.

h5. parameters

Parameters for the convertEquation operation. Must include minimumLevel, maximumLevel and stepSize

h5. locationId/locationSetId

location id to select the rating curve

h4. exportNetcdfActivity

Figure 2 Elements of the ExportNetcdfActivity configuration

h5. description

Optional description of the ExportNetcdfActivity configuration.

h5. exportFile

File to which the data will be exported. This file is always placed in exportDir.

h5. timeSeriesSets

TimeSeriesSet that defines what data is to be exported.

h5. omitMissingValues

Are missing values to be written to the export file or should they be left out.

h5. omitEmptyTimeSeries

The time series is not exported when the time series is empty or when; omitMissingValues = true and the time series is empty after removing the missing values.

h4. ExportRunFileActivity

Figure 3 Elements of the ExportRunFileActivity configuration

h5. description

Optional description of the ExportRunFileActivity configuration.

h5. exportFile

File to which the data will be exported. This file is always placed in exportDir.

h5. properties

Kind of environment variables for the pre and post adapters. These properties are copied to the run file. This is also a convenient way to pass global properties to a pre or post adapter. An adapter is not allowed to access the FEWS directly. Global properties (between $) are replace by there literal values before copied to the run file. These extra options makes an additional pre or post adapter configuration file unnecessary.


* string
* int
* float
* bool


example of exported run file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Run xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.5">
    <startDateTime date="1900-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>
    <endDateTime date="2100-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>
    <time0 date="2000-01-01" time="00:00:00"/>


Exports an area selection mask as a PiMapStack. This activity requires an embedded polygon to be specified within the areaSelectionShapeFileBase64 field of the TaskProperties. This file is then available to be used by the pre and post adapter.


Optional description for the activity. Used for reference purposes only.


File name of the file to be exported. Always placed into the export dir.


Locations that contains the reference grid information.


Format of the PiMapStack file. Can be


Exports an area selection mask in the form of a PiMapStack. This activity requires selectedLocationIds to be specified within the TaskProperties. This selection is then available to be used by the pre and post adapter.


Optional description for the activity. Used for reference purposes only.


File name of the file to be exported. Always placed into the export dir.


Locations that contains the reference grid information.


Format of the PiMapStack file. Can be


Root element for the definition of an execute activity. For each external executable or Java class to run, an executeActivity must be defined. Multiple entries may exist.


Optional description for the activity. Used for reference purposes only.


Figure 76 Elements of the ImportActivities configuration


Optional description of import activity. Used for reference purposes only
